Mayhem 1999
1999-11-21, Air Canada Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

(1st Mayhem card replacing World War 3)
- World Title Tournament Semi-Final: Chris Benoit def. Jeff Jarrett
Chris Benoit pinned Jarrett after nailing him with his own guitar
after Dustin Runnels distracted Jarrett and now moves
into the final for the World Title Tournament
- Cruiserweight Title Match: Evan Karagias [w/Medusa] def. Disco
Inferno [w/Tony Marinara]
Evan pinned Disco after a cross body to become the new
WCW Cruiserweight Champion
- Hardcore Title Match: Norman Smiley def. Brian Knobbs
Norman pinned Knobbs after Jimmy Hart accidentally hits
- Elimination Match: Dean Malenko, Saturn and Asya def. Billy Kidman,
Eddie Guerrero and Torrie Wilson
Saturn pinned Torrie to get the victory for his team after hitting
Torrie and knocking her down
Order of elimination:
- Billy Kidman by Dean Malenko
- Dean Malenko by Eddie Guerrero
- Asya by Eddie Guerrero (Frogsplash)
- Eddie Guerrero by Saturn (Eddie Tapped out after Saturn reversed his
cross body into a Rings of Saturn)
- Torrie Wilson by Saturn (Pinfall)
- Retirement Match: Buff Bagwell def. Curt Hennig
Bagwell pinned Hennig after hitting a Blockbuster
- World Title Tournament Semi-Final: Bret Hart def. Sting
Bret Hart defeated Sting with his Sharpshooter after reversing
Stings Scorpion Deathlock
- Chain Match: Vampiro [w/Jerry Only] def. Berlyn [w/The Wall (his
Note: This was billed to be a Chain Match, but Berlyn refused to
connect himself to Vampiro.
Vampiro defeated Berlyn by Submission after applying the camel clutch
on Berlyn using the chain
- Meng def. The Total Package [w/Elizabeth]
Meng pinned The Total Package after applying the Tongan Deathgrip
to his injured neck
- Double Title Match: Scott Hall (defending the U.S. and Television Title)
def. Booker T
Hall pinned Booker T using a Outsiders Edge with distraction
from Jeff Jarrett
- David Flair vs. Kimberly (no contest)
- Submission/"I Quit" Match: Bill Goldberg def. Sid Vicious
Goldberg def. Sid after applying the Cobra Clutch until Sid passes
- World Title Finals: Bret Hart def. Chris Benoit
to become New WCW World Heavyweight Champion.
Hart forces Chris Benoit to Tap Out to the Sharpshooter.
Note: This is Bret Hart first WCW World Title Reign