American Wrestling Trivia

World Championship Wrestling 1991


Clash of the Champions XIV

1991-01-30, Gainesville, Georgia, USA

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  1. World championship: Ric Flair vs. Scott Steiner (US ch.) (draw)
  2. Barry Windham & Arn Anderson def. The Renegade Warriors
  3. Terrance Taylor (part of the York Foundation) def. future ally Ricky Morton
  4. Sid viciously def. Joey Maggs
  5. Tagteam championship: Sting & Lex Luger (US ch) fought Doom (ch) to a no-decision when Luger's future challenger Dangerous Dan "Lives Are Gonna Change In My Hands" Spivey attacked Lex
  6. Ranger Ross def. El Cubano
  7. TV championship: Tom Zenk (ch) def. future champ Bobby Eaton
  8. The Freebirds def. Tommy Rich & Allen Iron Eagle
  9. Flyin Brian def. Buddy Lee Parker

Wrestle War 1991

1991-02-24, Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Phoenix, Arizona, USA

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  1. WCW Six man tagteam championship: The Junkyard Dog, Ricky Morton & Tommy Rich (ch) def. State Patrol & The Big Cat
  2. Bobby Eaton def. Brad Armstrong
  3. Itsumi Yamasaki & Mami Kitamura def. Miss A & Miki Handa
  4. Dustin Rhodes def. Buddy Landell
  5. The Young Pistols def. The Royal Family
  6. No disqualification match: Stan Hansen vs. Big Van Vader (2xDQ)
  7. US championship: Lex Luger (ch) def. Dangerous Dan Spivey
  8. Tagteam championship: The Fabulous Freebirds def. Doom (ch)
  9. War Games Double Cage Match: Ric Flair, Sid Vicious, Barry Windham, and Larry Zbyszko def. Sting, Brian Pillman, and The Steiners
    Double steel cage ring. One from each team begins, next contender let in after five minutes, then each two minutes. First to give up loses.
    Period one Barry WindhamBrian Pillman
    Period two Ric Flair
    Period three Sting
    Period four Larry Zbyszko
    Period five Rick Steiner
    Period six Sid Vicious
    Period seven Scott Steiner

WCW/New Japan Supershow I

1991-03-21, Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan

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  1. Shiro Koshinaka, Kuniaki Kobayashi & Takayuki Iizuka def. Tim Horner, Brian Pillman & Tom Zenk
  2. IWGP Junior heavyweight championship: Jushin Liger (ch) def. Akira Nogami
  3. Arn Anderson & Barry Windham def. Masa Saito & Masahiro Chono
  4. IWGP tagteam championship: Steiner Brothers def. Hiroshi Hase & Kensuke Sasaki (ch)
  5. El Gigante def. Big Cat Hughes
  6. Great Muta def. Sting
  7. NWA World heavyweight championsip & IWGP heavyweight championship: Tatsumi Fujinami (IWGP ch) def. Ric Flair (NWA ch)
    The WCW world heavyweight championship was not on the line, as it was considered separate from the NWA title in Japan. In the American broadcast, it was claimed that Flair did not lose the title because he was thrown over the top rope, which would cause a disqualification by WCW rules.

Source: Wikipedia

Superbrawl I - Return of the rising sun

1991-05-19, Bayfront Center, S:t Petersburg, Florida, USA

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  1. Dangerous Dan Spivey def. Ricky Morton
  2. Nikita Koloff def. Tommy Rich
  3. Dustin Rhodes def. Terrence Taylor
  4. Big Josh def. Black Bart
  5. Oz def. Tim Parker
  6. US tagteam championship (was vacant): Fabulous Freebirds def. Young Pistols
  7. Taped fist match: Barry Windham def. Flying Brian
  8. Stretcher match: El Gigante def. Sid Vicious
  9. Steel Cage Match: Ron Simmons def. Butch Reed
  10. Tagteam championship: Steiner Brothers (ch) def. Lex Luger & Sting
  11. TV championship: Bobby Eaton def. Arn Anderson (ch)
  12. World championship: Ric Flair (WCW champion) def. Tatsumi Fujinami (NWA champion)

Clash of the Champions XV

1991-06-12, Knoxville, Tennesse, USA

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  1. Young Pistols (Tracy Smothers & Steve Armstrong) & Tom Zenk def. Three Freebirds (Michael Hayes, Jimmy Jam Garvin, and Brad Armstrong-in-a-mask-calling-himself-"Badstreet"-or- "Fantasia")
  2. Oz (Diesel) pinned Johnny Rich
  3. Danny Spivey def. Big Josh (Matt Borne, Doink #1)
  4. Dustin Rhodes def. Terrance Taylor (DQ) (Taylor's manager, Alexandra York is [was?] Dustin's real-life wife)
  5. "Loser Leaves Town" Match: Barry Windham & Arn Anderson def. El Gigante and Brian Pillman
    Barry pinned Brian, forcing him to be the masked "Yellow Dog" for a few months
  6. IWGP tagteam champs Steiner Brothers def. Hiroshi Hase & Masahiro Chono
    After the match, they were attacked by "Hardliners" Dick Slater & Dick Murdoch, giving an imaginary cause for Scott's torn bicep injury.
  7. Diamond Studd (Razor, Scott Hall) def. Tommy Rich
  8. Lex Luger (US ch.) def. The Great Muta to become #1 Contender to Flair's belt
  9. Steve Austin def. Joey Maggs
  10. World championship: Ric Flair (ch) def. Bobby Eaton (TV ch.) in a 3-falls match: Eaton won #1 by pin, Flair by countout in #2, Flair by submission (Fig4) in #3

The Great American Bash 1991

1991-07-14, Baltimore Arena, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

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  1. Scaffold match: Bobby Eaton & P.N. News def. Terrence Taylor & "Stunning" Steve Austin
  2. The Diamond Studd def. Tom Zenk
  3. Ron Simmons def. Oz
  4. Ricky Morton def. Robert Gibson
  5. Six man tagteam elimination match: Young Pistols & Dustin Rhodes def. Fabulous Freebirds & Bad Street
  6. Lumberjack match: Big John def. Black Blood
  7. Yellow Dog (Brian Pillman) def. Johnny B. Badd
  8. El Gigante def. One Man Gang
  9. Russian chain match: Nikita Koloff def. Sting
  10. WCW championship, steel cage match: Lex Luger def. Barry Windham for the vacant WCW Heawyveight Belt
  11. Steel cage match: Missy Hyatt & Rick Steiner def. Paul E. Dangerously & Arn Anderson

Clash of the Champions XVI - Fall Brawl

1991-08-05, Augusta-Richmond County Civic Center, Augusta, Georgia, USA

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  1. Thomas Rich (now one of the York Foundation) def. Joey Maggs (3 straight Clash losses for Maggs!)
  2. El Gigante won a Battle Royal
  3. Sting def. Johnny B Badd
  4. The Enforcers (Larry Zbyzsko & Arn Anderson) won the vacant World Tag Titles by beating Rick Steiner & Bill "I'm the world's strongest man. Really, I am."
    Kazmeyer in the finals of a "round robin" tournament (The tournament was never fully explained; we are just expected to believe that those two teams had the highest win-loss record since the vacancy caused by Scott Steiner's bicep injury)
  5. Van Hammer def. Terrance Taylor
  6. Ron Simmons def. Diamond Studd
  7. US tagteam championship: The Freebirds (ch) def. their future defeators The Patriots (Firebreaker Chip & Todd Champion)
  8. Two semi-final matches to determine a Light Heavyweight champion
    Richard Morton (York Found.) def. Mike Graham
  9. Brian Pillman def. Badstreet
  10. World championship: Lex Luger (ch) def. Barry Windham

Halloween Havoc 1991 - Chamber of horrors

1991-10-27, UTC Arena, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA

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  1. Chamber of horrors match: El Gigante, Sting & The Steiners def. Big Van Vader, The Diamond Studd, Cactus Jack & Abdullah the Butcher
  2. Big Josh & P.N. News def. The Creatures
  3. Bobby Eaton def. Terrence Taylor
  4. Johnny B. Badd def. Jimmy Garvin
  5. TV championship: "Stunning" Steve Austin (ch) vs. Dustin Rhodes (draw)
  6. Bill Kazmaier def. Oz (subm)
  7. "Heavy Metal" Van Hammer def. Doug Somers
  8. Light heavyweight tournament finals: Brian Pillman def. Richard Morton to win the title
  9. The WCW Halloween Phantom (later revealed to be Ravishing Rick Rude) def. Tom Zenk
  10. Tagteam championship: The Enforcers (ch) def. The Patriots
  11. WCW championship, steel cage match, 2 out of 3 falls: Lex Luger [w/ Harley Race/Mr. Hughes] def. Ron Simmons [w/ Dusty Rhodes]
    Lex used a pile driver for the win. He called it the 'attitude adjuster'. Simmons won the first fall by pin, Luger won the last two. Luger/Race got Simmons DQed for throwing Lex over the top rope which didn't really happen, and then Luger pinned Simmons with the piledriver.

Clash of the Champions XVII

1991-11-17, Savannah Civic Center, Savannah, Georgia, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. Big Josh def. Thomas Rich
  2. Bobby Eaton def. Firebreaker Chip
  3. Tom Zenk def. Diamond Studd
  4. TV Champion Steve Austin def. big fat P.N. News
  5. Cactus Jack def. Van Hammer
  6. Tagteam championship: Dustin Rhodes and mystery partner Ricky Steamboat (subbing for Barry Windham) def. The Enforcers
  7. Light Heavyweight championship: Brian Pillman (ch) def. Johnny B Badd
  8. US championship: Rick Rude def. Sting
    Sting was attacked by Luger earlier that night, injuring his knee. He was rushed out in an ambulance. They were ABOUT to award the title to Rude by default, but Sting rushed back to the arena, only to be pinned because of his bad wheel.
  9. WCW championship: Lex Luger (ch) def. Rick Steiner after clobbering him with the belt

Starrcade 1991: Battlebowl - The Lethal Lottery

1991-12-29, The Scope, Norfolk, Virginia, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. Marcus Bagwell & Jimmy Garvin def. Michael Hayes & Tracey Smothers
  2. Ravishing Rick Rude & "Stunning" Steve Austin def. "Heavy Metal" Van Hammer & Big Josh
  3. Richard Morton & Dustin Rhodes def. El Gigante & Larry Zbyszko
  4. Bill Kazmaier & Jushin "Thunder" Liger def. Diamond Dallas Page & Mike Graham
  5. Lex Luger & Arn Anderson def. Terrence Taylor & Tom Zenk
  6. Todd Champion & Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat def. Cactus Jack & Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker
  7. Sting & Abdullah the Butcher def. Brian Pillman & Bobby Eaton
  8. Big Van Vader & Mr. Hughes def. Rick Steiner & The Nightstalker
  9. Scott Steiner & Firebreaker Chip def. Johnny B. Badd & Arachnaman
  10. Thomas Rich & Ron Simmons def. Steve Armstrong & P.N. News
  11. Winners advanced to Battlebowl. In Battlebowl, participants were dumped out of ring number one into ring number two. The winner of ring number one would stay in ring one, and wait for the winner of ring number two (whose object was to dump everybody over the top rope and to the floor).
    1. Elimination order in ring 1:
      Elim. Name By
      1Thomas RichTodd Champion
      2Marcus BagwellRichard Morton
      3Firebreaker ChipMr. Hughes
      4Jushin LigerRichard Morton
      5Richard Mortonhimself, followed Liger
      6Arn AndersonLeft to ring 2 battling Steamboat
      7Ricky SteamboatLeft to ring 2 battling Arn Anderson
      8Mr. HughesRon Simmons
      9Jimmy GarvinTodd Champion
      10Todd ChampionLeft ring 1 to ring 2
      11Abdullah The ButcherDustin Rhodes
      12Scott SteinerRick Rude
      13Steve AustinSting
      14Bill KazmaierAbdullah from ring 2
      15Ron SimmonsRick Rude
      16Dustin Rhodeshimself, missed clothesline attempt on Luger
      17StingRick Rude
      18Rick RudeSting
      19Big Van VaderLex Luger
      Lex Luger

      Winner: Lex Luger

    2. Elimination order in ring 2:
      Elim. Name By
      1Richard MortonJushin Liger
      2Jushin Ligerhimself, went over with Morton
      3Thomas RichMarcus Bagwell
      4Jimmy GarvinFirebreaker Chip
      5Firebreaker ChipArn Anderson
      6Abdullah The ButcherRicky Steamboat
      7Bill KazmaierSteve Austin
      8Todd ChampionMarcus Bagwell & Mr. Hughes
      9Arn AndersonDustin Rhodes
      10Dustin RhodesSteve Austin
      11Ron SimmonsMr. Hughes
      12Mr. HughesRon Simmons
      13Marcus BagwellSteve Austin
      14Big Van VaderSting & Steamboat
      15Scott SteinerRick Rude
      16Steve AustinRick Rude
      17Rick RudeRicky Steamboat
      18Ricky SteamboatPulled out by Rude

      Winner: Sting

    3. Sting threw out Lex Luger to win the first Battlebowl ring
Peter Krefting / $Date: 2025-03-20 17:33:12 $ /