American Wrestling Trivia

World Championship Wrestling 1995


Clash of the Champions XXX

1995-01-25, Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. TV championship: Arn Anderson [w/ Col. Parker & Meng] (ch) def. Johnny B. Badd
  2. Alex Wright def. Beautiful Bobby
  3. Tagteam ch match: Harlem Heat [w/ Sister Sherri] (ch) def. Stars & Stripes
  4. Sting def. Avalanche
    Guest referee: Guardian Angel
  5. Hulk Hogan [w/ Jimmy Hart] & Macho Man Randy Savage def. Kevin Sullivan & Butcher

SuperBrawl V

1995-02-19, Baltimore Arena, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. "Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright def. "Pretty" Paul Roma
  2. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan def. Bunkhouse Buck [w/ Col. Parker & Meng]
  3. Grudge match: Kevin Sullivan [w/ Butcher] def. Dave Sullivan
  4. Tagteam championship: Harlem Heat [w/ Sister Sherri] (ch) def. Nasty Boys (dq)
  5. Blacktop Bully [w/ Col. Parker] def. "Natural" Dustin Rhodes
  6. Sting & "Macho Man" Randy Savage def. Avalanche & Big Bubba
  7. Championship match: Hulk Hogan (ch) [w/ Jimmy Hart] def. Vader

Uncensored 1995

1995-03-19, The Coliseum, Tupelo, Mississippi, USA

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  1. Martial Arts Match: Meng [w/ Col. Rob Parker] def. Hacksaw Jim Duggan
  2. King Of the Road match (On a truck(!), during the night (actually, it was taped the day before)):
    Blacktop Bully def. Dustin Rhodes
  3. Boxer vs. Wrestler: Johnny B. Badd def. "Enforcer" Arn Anderson (tv champ) [w/ Col. Rob Parker]
  4. "Macho Man" Randy Savage def. Avalanche (DQ)
  5. Big Bubba Rogers def. Sting
  6. Texas Tornado match: Nasty Boys def. Harlem Heat [w/ Sister Sherri]
  7. Leather strap match: Hulk Hogan [w/ Renegade] def. Vader [w/ Ric Flair] (us champ)

Collision in Korea

1995-04-28 and -29, May Day Stadium, Pyonyang, North Korea

Aired 1995-08-04.

  1. Wild Pegasus def. 2 Cold Scorpio
  2. Yugi Nagata def. Tokimitsu Ishizawa (subm)
  3. Masahiro Chono & Hiro Saito def. El Samurai & Tadao Yasuda
    Chono pinned Samurai.
  4. Bull Nakano & Akira Hokuto def. Manami Toyota & Mariko Yoshida
    Nakano pinned Yoshida.
  5. Shinya Hashimoto (IWGP champion) vs. Scott Norton (TLD)
  6. Hawk def. Tadao Yasuda
  7. Steiner Brothers def. Hiroshi Hase & Kensuke Sasaki
    Scott Steiner pinned Hase.
  8. Antonio Inoki def. Ric Flair

Source: Wikipedia

Slamboree 1995 - A legends reunion

1995-05-21, Bayfront Center, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. Tagteam championship: Nasty Boys def. Harlem Heat [w/ Sister Sherri] (ch)
  2. Grudge match: Kevin Sullivan def. The Man With No Name [Butcher]
  3. Legends match: Chief Wahoo McDaniel def. Dirty Dick Murdoch
  4. IWJP championship match: The Great Muta (ch) def. Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff
  5. TV championship: Enforcer Arn Anderson (ch) def. Das Wunderkind Alex Wright
  6. Meng [w/ Col. Parker] vs. Hawk (2xCO)
  7. Lights out match: Sting def. Big Bubba Rogers (subm)
  8. Macho Man Randy Savage & Hulk Hogan [w/ Jimmy Hart & Renegade] def. Ric Flair & Vader [w/ Enforcer Arn Anderson]

Great American Bash

1995-06-18, The Hara Arena, Dayton, Ohio, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. Alex Wright def. "Flyin'" Brian Pillman
  2. Arm wrestling match: Dave Sullivan def. Diamond Dallas Page [w/ Diamond Doll & Max Muscle]
  3. Hacksaw Jim Duggan def. Sgt. Craig Pittman. [dq]
  4. Harlem Heat def. Bunkhouse Buch & Dirty Dick Slater
  5. TV championship: Renegade def. "Enforcer" Arn Anderson (ch)
  6. Tagteam championship: Nasty Boys (ch) def. Blue Bloods
  7. Ric Flair def. Macho Man Randy Savage [w/ Angelo Poffo (Macho's father)]
  8. US championship tournament final: Sting def. Meng [w/ Col. Parker]

Bash at the Beach

1995-07-16, on the Huntington Beach, California, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. TV championship: Renegade (ch) def. "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff
  2. Bunkhouse Buck & Dick Slater def. Marcus Bagwell & Alex Wright
  3. Kamala [w/ Taskmaster] def. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan
  4. Diamond Dallas Page [w/ Diamond Doll & Max Muscle] def. Dave "Evad" Sullivan
  5. US championship: Sting (ch) def. Meng
  6. Tagteam championship, triangle match: Harlem Heat (ch) def. Nasty Boys & Blue Bloods
  7. Lifeguard match: "Macho Man" Randy Savage def. Ric Flair
  8. Cage match, championship match: Hulk Hogan (ch) [w/ Jimmy Hart] def. Vader

Clash of the Champions XXXI

1995-08-04, Ocean Center, Daytona Beach, Florida, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. Sting & Road Warrior Hawk def. Meng & Kurasawa [w/ Col. Parker]
  2. Hulk Hogan [w/ Jimmy Hart] def. Kamala [w/ Taskmaster] [dq]
  3. Diamond Dallas Page [w/ Diamond Doll] def. "Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright
  4. TV championship: Renegade [w/ Jimmy Hart] (ch) def. "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff
  5. Harlem Heat & Sister Sherri def. Bunkhouse Buck, Dirty Dick Slater & Col. Parker
  6. Handicap match: Big van Vader def. Ric Flair & "Enforcer" Arn Anderson

Fall Brawl - War Games

1995-09-17, Civic Center, Asheville, North Carolina, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. US championship contender match: Johnny B. Badd def. Flyin' Bryan [in "overtime"]
  2. Sgt. Craig Pittman def. Cobra (subm)
  3. TV championship: Diamond Dallas Page [w/ Diamond Doll & Max Muscle] def. Renegade (ch) [w/ Jimmy Hart]
  4. Tagteam championship: Harlem Heat [w/ Sister Sherri] def. Stud Stable (ch) [w/ Col. Robert Parker]
  5. Enforcer Arn Anderson def. Nature Boy Ric Flair
  6. War Games: Hulkamaniacs def. Dungeon of Doom
    Double steel cage ring. One from each team begins, next contender let in after five minutes, then each two minutes. First to give up loses.
    Period one Sting Shark Attack
    Period two Zodiac
    Period threeMacho Man
    Period four Kamala
    Period five Lex Luger
    Period six Meng
    Period sevenHulk Hogan
    Zodiac gave up in a chin lock from Hulk Hogan. Due to a special stipulation, The leader of DoD, The Taskmaster, had to meet Hulk Hogan one to one, but this match didn't go so well since DoD's "The Giant" interfered.

Halloween Havoc

1995-10-29, Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, Michigan, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. TV championship: Johnny B. Badd def. Diamond Dallas Page (ch) [w/ Diamond Doll Kimberly, Max Muscle]
    Badd pins Page to win the title after Max Muscle by mistakes clotheslines Page.
  2. "Macho Man" Randy Savage def. Zodiac
    Stipulation: If Macho Man and Lex Luger win their respective matches, they get a one-on-one match. Savage pins Zodiac after the flying elbow.
  3. Kurasawa [w/ Col. Parker] def. Road Warrior Hawk
    Kurasawa quickly pins Hawk while his feet were on the ring ropes.
  4. Sabu [w/ The Sheik] def. Mr. J.L.
    After Sabu pins J.L, The Sheik attacks J.L with a ball of fire.
  5. "Total Package" Lex Luger def. Meng [w/"Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan] (DQ)
    Stipulation: If Macho Man and Lex Luger win their respective matches, they get a one-on-one match. Meng had Luger down for a pinfall when Sullivan, disqualifying him.
  6. "Nature Boy" Ric Flair & Sting (US ch) vs. "Enforcer" Arn Anderson & Flyin' Brian (DQ)
    Flair arrived late, after supposedly having been attacked earlier in the night. It was fake and Flair turns on Sting, causing Anderson and Brian a loss by disqualification.
  7. Machine vs. machine (Sumo Monster truck): Hulk Hogan def. The Giant
    To win, you need to push the opponent's monster truck out of the ring. Hogan pushes Giant's truck out to win the match. They continue to feud outside the cars, where the Giant falls from the roof on which that match was held.
  8. "Macho Man" Randy Savage def. "Total Package" Lex Luger
    Pinfall after an Elbow drop.
  9. WCW championship: The Giant [w/ "Taskmaster" Kevin Sullivan] def. Hulk Hogan [w/ Jimmy Hart] (DQ)
    Hogan is disqualified when Hart attacks the referee. He then attacks Hogan with the belt, and enlisting the help of Lex Luger. Giant wins the title due to a contract clause, but is later stripped of it.

World War Three 1995

1995-11-29, The Scope, Norfolk, Virginia, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. TV championship: Johnny B. Badd (ch) def. Diamond Dallas Page [w/ Diamond Doll Kimberly]
  2. Taped Fist Challenge: Big Bubba Rogers def. Hacksaw Jim Duggan (ko)
  3. Bull Nakano & Akira Hokuto def. Cutie Suzuki & Mayumi Ozaki
  4. US championship: Kensuki Sasaki (ch) [w/ Sunny Onoo] def. Chris Benoit
  5. Lex Luger [w/ Jimmy Hart] def. Macho Man Randy Savage (subm)
  6. Grudge match: Sting def. Nature Boy Ric Flair (subm)
  7. 60 Man Battle Royal: Winner: Macho Man Randy Savage, becomes new champion
    Order of elimination:
    Elim. Name By
    1YettiDDP, Canyon, Norton & Pillman
    2Mike WinnerSteven Regal
    3Steve ArmstrongFidel Sierra
    4Dave SullivanSteven Regal
    5Mark StarrBrian Knobbs
    6James Earl WrightCobra
    7CobraJames Earl Wright (from outside)
    8Buddy Lee ParkerCobra
    9Bunkhouse BuckRandy Savage
    10Marcus BagwellScott Norton
    11Chris CanyonDDP
    12Big Train BartSteven Regal
    13Super Assassin #1Hulk Hogan
    14Maxx MuscleShark
    15Fidel SierraBooker T. & Flair
    16Scott ArmstrongPaul Orndorff
    17Bobby WalkerSgt. Craig Pittman
    18Ricky SantanaEddie Guerrero
    19Mr. JLSuper Assassin #2
    20Stevie RayBrian Knobbs
    21Brian KnobbsGiant
    22Alex WrightArn Anderson & Paul Orndorff
    23Pez WhatleyArn Anderson
    24Scotty RiggsBooker T.
    25Super Assassin #2One Man Gang
    26Earl Robert EatonRandy Savage
    27Dirty Dick SlatorHulk Hogan
    28V. K. WallstreetRandy Savage
    29Scott NortonHugh Morrus (From here, the last 31 participants went into one ring)
    30SharkHawk, Duggan, & Saggs
    31Joey MaggsSgt. Craig Pittman
    32Big Bubba RogersHacksaw Jim Duggan
    33Hacksaw Jim DugganBig Bubba Rogers (from outside)
    34Disco InfernoHawk (Randy Savage & Lex luger left the ring and went to another to fight one-on-one)
    35Dave TaylorSgt. Craig Pittman
    36Jerry SaggsHulk Hogan
    37Booker T.Hulk Hogan
    38Taskmaster Kevin SullivanHulk Hogan
    39Steven RegalArn Anderson
    40Diamond Dallas PageJohnny B. Badd
    41Johnny B. BaddDDP (from outside)
    42Sgt. Craig PittmanHugh Morrus
    43Chris BenoitKurasawa
    45MengOne Man Gang
    46ZodiacHugh Morrus
    47Hugh MorrusKensuki Sasaki
    48Flyin' Brian PillmanHawk
    49Kensuki SasakiHulk Hogan
    50RoadWarrior HawkHulk Hogan
    51Mr. Wonderful Paul OrndorffHulk Hogan
    52Eddie GuerreroArn Anderson
    53Ric FlairArn Anderson (Sting threw Anderson into Flair)
    54Arn AndersonSting & Hulk Hogan
    56Lex LugerGiant
    57GiantSting, Lex Luger & Hulk Hogan
    58Hulk HoganGiant pulls him under rope. Hogan is not eliminated
    59One Man GangRandy Savage
    Hogan was not really eliminated, since he was pulled under the bottom rope, but the referees didn't see that, and decided that Randy Savage, now alone in the middle of the ring, was the winner.

Starrcade 1995 - World Cup of Wrestling

1995-12-27, Municipal Auditorium, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. World Cup of Wrestling (matches 1-7):
    Jushin Thunder Liger [w/ Sonny Onoo] (NJPW) def. Chris Benoit (WCW)
  2. Koji Kanemoto [w/ Onoo] (IWGP Junior Heavyweight ch) (NJPW) def. "Das Wunderkind" Alex Wright (WCW)
  3. Lex Luger [w/ Jimmy Hart] (WCW) def. Masahiro Chono [w/ Onoo] (NJPW) (subm)
  4. Johnny B Badd [w/ Kimberly] (TV ch) (WCW) def. Masa Saito [w/ Onoo] (dq) (NJPW)
  5. Shinjiro Ootani [w/ Onoo] (NJPW) def. Eddie Guerrero (WCW)
  6. Macho Man Randy Savage (WCW ch) (WCW) def. Tensan [w/ Onoo] (NJPW)
  7. Sting (WCW) def. Kensuki Sasaki (US ch.) (NJPW) [w/ Onoo] (subm)
  8. #1 Contender, Triangle Match: Ric Flair def. Lex Luger, Sting (2xCO)
  9. WCW championship: Ric Flair def. Macho Man Randy Savage (ch)
Peter Krefting / $Date: 2025-03-20 17:33:12 $ /