Re: Spam i massor

Författare: Janne (
Datum: 2003-08-22 02:27:47

On Fri, 2003-08-22 at 02:16, Göran Uddeborg wrote:
> M. Drew Streib writes:
> > I've given Janne the list password, and he can add administrators now
> > as well. So that we don't have multiple people adding administrators,
> > I'll leave that up to Janne now if that is ok.
> Sounds like a good idea.  Janne, do you add me and Christian too?

Christian är redan ditlagd; jag lägger till dig också.

> Sorry I didn't answer quicker.  My mailbox exploaded (you know what I
> mean I guess) and I was also busy with other things for a few
> evenings.

Och enligt diverse rapporter på nätet väntas det bli ännu mer framåt
måndag. Underhållningen som aldrig tar slut...

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