
Författare: Christian Rose (menthos_at_menthos.com)
Datum: 2003-01-11 09:31:28

Jag får be att tacka för all hjälp med vädertermer. Jag har försökt att
uppdatera de som finns i gnome-applets och bifogar dem nedan. Verifiera
gärna att de stämmer. När de väl är verifierade kommer jag att ge mig på
och uppdatera de som finns i Evolution också (de är i stort sett

#: gweather/weather.c:133
msgid "North"
msgstr "Nord"

#: gweather/weather.c:133
msgid "North - NorthEast"
msgstr "Nordnordost"

#: gweather/weather.c:133
msgid "Northeast"
msgstr "Nordost"

#: gweather/weather.c:133
msgid "East - NorthEast"
msgstr "Ostnordost"

#: gweather/weather.c:134
msgid "East"
msgstr "Ost"

#: gweather/weather.c:134
msgid "East - Southeast"
msgstr "Ostsydost"

#: gweather/weather.c:134
msgid "Southeast"
msgstr "Sydost"

#: gweather/weather.c:134
msgid "South - Southeast"
msgstr "Sydsydost"

#: gweather/weather.c:135
msgid "South"
msgstr "Syd"

#: gweather/weather.c:135
msgid "South - Southwest"
msgstr "Sydsydväst"

#: gweather/weather.c:135
msgid "Southwest"
msgstr "Sydväst"

#: gweather/weather.c:135
msgid "West - Southwest"
msgstr "Västsydväst"

#: gweather/weather.c:136
msgid "West"
msgstr "Väst"

#: gweather/weather.c:136
msgid "West - Northwest"
msgstr "Västnordväst"

#: gweather/weather.c:136
msgid "Northwest"
msgstr "Nordväst"

#: gweather/weather.c:136
msgid "North - Northwest"
msgstr "Nordnordväst"

#: gweather/weather.c:143 gweather/weather.c:160 gweather/weather.c:224
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr "Ogiltig"

#: gweather/weather.c:149
msgid "Clear Sky"
msgstr "Klar himmel"

#: gweather/weather.c:150
msgid "Broken clouds"
msgstr "Brutet molntäcke"

#: gweather/weather.c:151
msgid "Scattered clouds"
msgstr "Spridda moln"

#: gweather/weather.c:152
msgid "Few clouds"
msgstr "Få moln"

#: gweather/weather.c:153
msgid "Overcast"
msgstr "Heltäckande moln"

#. NONE                         VICINITY                             LIGHT                      MODERATE                      HEAVY                      SHALLOW                      PATCHES                         PARTIAL                      THUNDERSTORM                    BLOWING                      SHOWERS                         DRIFTING                      FREEZING
#. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
#: gweather/weather.c:186
msgid "Drizzle"
msgstr "Duggregn"

#: gweather/weather.c:186
msgid "Drizzle in the vicinity"
msgstr "Duggregn i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:186
msgid "Light drizzle"
msgstr "Lätt duggregn"

#: gweather/weather.c:186
msgid "Moderate drizzle"
msgstr "Måttligt duggregn"

#: gweather/weather.c:186
msgid "Heavy drizzle"
msgstr "Kraftigt duggregn"

#: gweather/weather.c:186
msgid "Shallow drizzle"
msgstr "Låga bankar med duggregn"

#: gweather/weather.c:186
msgid "Patches of drizzle"
msgstr "Höga bankar med duggregn"

#: gweather/weather.c:186
msgid "Partial drizzle"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med duggregn"

#: gweather/weather.c:186 gweather/weather.c:187
msgid "Thunderstorm"
msgstr "Åska"

#: gweather/weather.c:186
msgid "Windy drizzle"
msgstr "Blåsigt duggregn"

#: gweather/weather.c:186
msgid "Showers"
msgstr "Skurar"

#: gweather/weather.c:186
msgid "Drifting drizzle"
msgstr "Drivande duggregn"

#: gweather/weather.c:186
msgid "Freezing drizzle"
msgstr "Underkylt duggregn"

#: gweather/weather.c:187
msgid "Rain"
msgstr "Regn"

#: gweather/weather.c:187
msgid "Rain in the vicinity"
msgstr "Regn i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:187
msgid "Light rain"
msgstr "Lätt regn"

#: gweather/weather.c:187
msgid "Moderate rain"
msgstr "Måttligt regn"

#: gweather/weather.c:187
msgid "Heavy rain"
msgstr "Kraftigt regn"

#: gweather/weather.c:187
msgid "Shallow rain"
msgstr "Låga bankar med regn"

#: gweather/weather.c:187
msgid "Patches of rain"
msgstr "Höga bankar med regn"

#: gweather/weather.c:187
msgid "Partial rainfall"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med regn"

#: gweather/weather.c:187
msgid "Blowing rainfall"
msgstr "Högt regndrev"

#: gweather/weather.c:187
msgid "Rain showers"
msgstr "Regnskurar"

#: gweather/weather.c:187
msgid "Drifting rain"
msgstr "Lågt regndrev"

#: gweather/weather.c:187
msgid "Freezing rain"
msgstr "Underkylt regn"

#: gweather/weather.c:188
msgid "Snow"
msgstr "Snö"

#: gweather/weather.c:188
msgid "Snow in the vicinity"
msgstr "Snö i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:188
msgid "Light snow"
msgstr "Lätt snöfall"

#: gweather/weather.c:188
msgid "Moderate snow"
msgstr "Måttligt snöfall"

#: gweather/weather.c:188
msgid "Heavy snow"
msgstr "Kraftigt snöfall"

#: gweather/weather.c:188
msgid "Shallow snow"
msgstr "Låga bankar med snö"

#: gweather/weather.c:188
msgid "Patches of snow"
msgstr "Höga bankar med snö"

#: gweather/weather.c:188
msgid "Partial snowfall"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med snö"

#: gweather/weather.c:188 gweather/weather.c:189
msgid "Snowstorm"
msgstr "Snöstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:188
msgid "Blowing snowfall"
msgstr "Högt snödrev"

#: gweather/weather.c:188
msgid "Snow showers"
msgstr "Snöskurar"

#: gweather/weather.c:188
msgid "Drifting snow"
msgstr "Drivande snö"

#: gweather/weather.c:188
msgid "Freezing snow"
msgstr "Underkyld snö"

#: gweather/weather.c:189
msgid "Snow grains"
msgstr "Kornsnö"

#: gweather/weather.c:189
msgid "Snow grains in the vicinity"
msgstr "Kornsnö i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:189
msgid "Light snow grains"
msgstr "Lätt kornsnö"

#: gweather/weather.c:189
msgid "Moderate snow grains"
msgstr "Måttlig kornsnö"

#: gweather/weather.c:189
msgid "Heavy snow grains"
msgstr "Kraftig kornsnö"

#: gweather/weather.c:189
msgid "Shallow snow grains"
msgstr "Låga bankar med kornsnö"

#: gweather/weather.c:189
msgid "Patches of snow grains"
msgstr "Höga bankar med kornsnö"

#: gweather/weather.c:189
msgid "Partial snow grains"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med kornsnö"

#: gweather/weather.c:189
msgid "Blowing snow grains"
msgstr "Blåsande kornsnö"

#: gweather/weather.c:189
msgid "Snow grain showers"
msgstr "Kornsnöskurar"

#: gweather/weather.c:189
msgid "Drifting snow grains"
msgstr "Drivande kornsnö"

#: gweather/weather.c:189
msgid "Freezing snow grains"
msgstr "Underkyld kornsnö"

#: gweather/weather.c:190
msgid "Ice crystals"
msgstr "Isnålar"

#: gweather/weather.c:190
msgid "Ice crystals in the vicinity"
msgstr "Isnålar i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:190
msgid "Few ice crystals"
msgstr "Få isnålar"

#: gweather/weather.c:190
msgid "Moderate ice crystals"
msgstr "Måttliga isnålar"

#: gweather/weather.c:190
msgid "Heavy ice crystals"
msgstr "Kraftiga isnålar"

#: gweather/weather.c:190
msgid "Patches of ice crystals"
msgstr "Höga bankar med isnålar"

#: gweather/weather.c:190
msgid "Partial ice crystals"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med isnålar"

#: gweather/weather.c:190
msgid "Ice crystal storm"
msgstr "Iskristallby"

#: gweather/weather.c:190
msgid "Blowing ice crystals"
msgstr "Blåsande isnålar"

#: gweather/weather.c:190
msgid "Showers of ice crystals"
msgstr "Skurar med isnålar"

#: gweather/weather.c:190
msgid "Drifting ice crystals"
msgstr "Drivande isnålar"

#: gweather/weather.c:190
msgid "Freezing ice crystals"
msgstr "Underkylda isnålar"

#: gweather/weather.c:191
msgid "Ice pellets"
msgstr "Iskorn"

#: gweather/weather.c:191
msgid "Ice pellets in the vicinity"
msgstr "Iskorn i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:191
msgid "Few ice pellets"
msgstr "Få iskorn"

#: gweather/weather.c:191
msgid "Moderate ice pellets"
msgstr "Måttliga iskorn"

#: gweather/weather.c:191
msgid "Heavy ice pellets"
msgstr "Krafiga iskorn"

#: gweather/weather.c:191
msgid "Shallow ice pellets"
msgstr "Låga bankar med iskorn"

#: gweather/weather.c:191
msgid "Patches of ice pellets"
msgstr "Höga bankar med iskorn"

#: gweather/weather.c:191
msgid "Partial ice pellets"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med iskorn"

#: gweather/weather.c:191
msgid "Ice pellet storm"
msgstr "Iskornby"

#: gweather/weather.c:191
msgid "Blowing ice pellets"
msgstr "Blåsande iskorn"

#: gweather/weather.c:191
msgid "Showers of ice pellets"
msgstr "Skurar med iskorn"

#: gweather/weather.c:191
msgid "Drifting ice pellets"
msgstr "Drivande iskorn"

#: gweather/weather.c:191
msgid "Freezing ice pellets"
msgstr "Underkylda iskorn"

#: gweather/weather.c:192
msgid "Hail"
msgstr "Hagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:192
msgid "Hail in the vicinity"
msgstr "Hagel i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:192 gweather/weather.c:193
msgid "Light hail"
msgstr "Lätt hagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:192
msgid "Moderate hail"
msgstr "Måttligt hagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:192
msgid "Heavy hail"
msgstr "Tungt hagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:192
msgid "Shallow hail"
msgstr "Låga bankar med hagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:192
msgid "Patches of hail"
msgstr "Höga bankar med hagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:192
msgid "Partial hail"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med hagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:192
msgid "Hailstorm"
msgstr "Hagelby"

#: gweather/weather.c:192
msgid "Blowing hail"
msgstr "Blåsande hagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:192
msgid "Hail showers"
msgstr "Hagelskurar"

#: gweather/weather.c:192
msgid "Drifting hail"
msgstr "Drivande hagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:192
msgid "Freezing hail"
msgstr "Underkylt hagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:193
msgid "Small hail"
msgstr "Småhagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:193
msgid "Small hail in the vicinity"
msgstr "Småhagel i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:193
msgid "Moderate small hail"
msgstr "Måttligt småhagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:193
msgid "Heavy small hail"
msgstr "Kraftigt småhagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:193
msgid "Shallow small hail"
msgstr "Låga bankar med småhagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:193
msgid "Patches of small hail"
msgstr "Höga bankar med småhagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:193
msgid "Partial small hail"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med småhagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:193
msgid "Small hailstorm"
msgstr "Lätt småhagelby"

#: gweather/weather.c:193
msgid "Blowing small hail"
msgstr "Blåsande småhagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:193
msgid "Showers of small hail"
msgstr "Skurar med småhagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:193
msgid "Drifting small hail"
msgstr "Drivande småhagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:193
msgid "Freezing small hail"
msgstr "Underkylt småhagel"

#: gweather/weather.c:194
msgid "Unknown precipitation"
msgstr "Okänd nederbörd"

#: gweather/weather.c:194
msgid "Precipitation in the vicinity"
msgstr "Nederbörd i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:194
msgid "Light precipitation"
msgstr "Lätt nederbörd"

#: gweather/weather.c:194
msgid "Moderate precipitation"
msgstr "Måttlig nederbörd"

#: gweather/weather.c:194
msgid "Heavy precipitation"
msgstr "Kraftig nederbörd"

#: gweather/weather.c:194
msgid "Shallow precipitation"
msgstr "Låga bankar med nederbörd"

#: gweather/weather.c:194
msgid "Patches of precipitation"
msgstr "Höga bankar med nederbörd"

#: gweather/weather.c:194
msgid "Partial precipitation"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med nederbörd"

#: gweather/weather.c:194
msgid "Unknown thunderstorm"
msgstr "Okänd åskstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:194
msgid "Blowing precipitation"
msgstr "Blåsande nederbörd"

#: gweather/weather.c:194
msgid "Showers, type unknown"
msgstr "Skurar, okänd typ"

#: gweather/weather.c:194
msgid "Drifting precipitation"
msgstr "Drivande nederbörd"

#: gweather/weather.c:194
msgid "Freezing precipitation"
msgstr "Underkyld nederbörd"

#: gweather/weather.c:195
msgid "Mist"
msgstr "Fuktdis"

#: gweather/weather.c:195
msgid "Mist in the vicinity"
msgstr "Fuktdis i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:195
msgid "Light mist"
msgstr "Lätt fuktdis"

#: gweather/weather.c:195
msgid "Moderate mist"
msgstr "Måttligt fuktdis"

#: gweather/weather.c:195
msgid "Thick mist"
msgstr "Tjockt fuktdis"

#: gweather/weather.c:195
msgid "Shallow mist"
msgstr "Låga bankar med fuktdis"

#: gweather/weather.c:195
msgid "Patches of mist"
msgstr "Höga bankar med fuktdis"

#: gweather/weather.c:195
msgid "Partial mist"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med fuktdis"

#: gweather/weather.c:195
msgid "Mist with wind"
msgstr "Fuktdis med vind"

#: gweather/weather.c:195
msgid "Drifting mist"
msgstr "Drivande fuktdis"

#: gweather/weather.c:195
msgid "Freezing mist"
msgstr "Underkylt fuktdis"

#. FOG
#: gweather/weather.c:196
msgid "Fog"
msgstr "Dimma"

#: gweather/weather.c:196
msgid "Fog in the vicinity"
msgstr "Dimma i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:196
msgid "Light fog"
msgstr "Lätt dimma"

#: gweather/weather.c:196
msgid "Moderate fog"
msgstr "Måttlig dimma"

#: gweather/weather.c:196
msgid "Thick fog"
msgstr "Tjock dimma"

#: gweather/weather.c:196
msgid "Shallow fog"
msgstr "Låga bankar med dimma"

#: gweather/weather.c:196
msgid "Patches of fog"
msgstr "Höga bankar med dimma"

#: gweather/weather.c:196
msgid "Partial fog"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med dimma"

#: gweather/weather.c:196
msgid "Fog with wind"
msgstr "Dimma med vind"

#: gweather/weather.c:196
msgid "Drifting fog"
msgstr "Drivande dimma"

#: gweather/weather.c:196
msgid "Freezing fog"
msgstr "Underkyld dimma"

#: gweather/weather.c:197
msgid "Smoke"
msgstr "Rök"

#: gweather/weather.c:197
msgid "Smoke in the vicinity"
msgstr "Rök i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:197
msgid "Thin smoke"
msgstr "Tunn rök"

#: gweather/weather.c:197
msgid "Moderate smoke"
msgstr "Måttlig rök"

#: gweather/weather.c:197
msgid "Thick smoke"
msgstr "Tjock rök"

#: gweather/weather.c:197
msgid "Shallow smoke"
msgstr "Låga bankar med rök"

#: gweather/weather.c:197
msgid "Patches of smoke"
msgstr "Höga bankar med rök"

#: gweather/weather.c:197
msgid "Partial smoke"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med rök"

#: gweather/weather.c:197
msgid "Smoke w/ thunders"
msgstr "Rök med storm"

#: gweather/weather.c:197
msgid "Smoke with wind"
msgstr "Rök med vind"

#: gweather/weather.c:197
msgid "Drifting smoke"
msgstr "Drivande rök"

#: gweather/weather.c:198
msgid "Volcanic ash"
msgstr "Vulkanisk aska"

#: gweather/weather.c:198
msgid "Volcanic ash in the vicinity"
msgstr "Vulkanisk aska i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:198
msgid "Moderate volcanic ash"
msgstr "Måttlig vulkanisk aska"

#: gweather/weather.c:198
msgid "Thick volcanic ash"
msgstr "Tjock vulkanisk aska"

#: gweather/weather.c:198
msgid "Shallow volcanic ash"
msgstr "Låga bankar med vulkanisk aska"

#: gweather/weather.c:198
msgid "Patches of volcanic ash"
msgstr "Höga bankar med vulkanisk aska"

#: gweather/weather.c:198
msgid "Partial volcanic ash"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med vulkanisk aska"

#: gweather/weather.c:198
msgid "Volcanic ash w/ thunders"
msgstr "Vulkanisk aska med storm"

#: gweather/weather.c:198
msgid "Blowing volcanic ash"
msgstr "Blåsande vulkanisk aska"

#: gweather/weather.c:198
msgid "Showers of volcanic ash "
msgstr "Skurar med vulkanisk aska"

#: gweather/weather.c:198
msgid "Drifting volcanic ash"
msgstr "Drivande vulkanisk aska"

#: gweather/weather.c:198
msgid "Freezing volcanic ash"
msgstr "Underkyld vulkanisk aska"

#: gweather/weather.c:199
msgid "Sand"
msgstr "Sand"

#: gweather/weather.c:199
msgid "Sand in the vicinity"
msgstr "Sand i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:199
msgid "Light sand"
msgstr "Lätt sand"

#: gweather/weather.c:199
msgid "Moderate sand"
msgstr "Måttlig sand"

#: gweather/weather.c:199
msgid "Heavy sand"
msgstr "Kraftig sand"

#: gweather/weather.c:199
msgid "Patches of sand"
msgstr "Höga bankar med sand"

#: gweather/weather.c:199
msgid "Partial sand"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med sand"

#: gweather/weather.c:199
msgid "Blowing sand"
msgstr "Blåsande sand"

#: gweather/weather.c:199
msgid "Drifting sand"
msgstr "Drivande sand"

#: gweather/weather.c:200
msgid "Haze"
msgstr "Torrdis"

#: gweather/weather.c:200
msgid "Haze in the vicinity"
msgstr "Torrdis i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:200
msgid "Light haze"
msgstr "Lätt torrdis"

#: gweather/weather.c:200
msgid "Moderate haze"
msgstr "Måttligt torrdis"

#: gweather/weather.c:200
msgid "Thick haze"
msgstr "Tjockt torrdis"

#: gweather/weather.c:200
msgid "Shallow haze"
msgstr "Låga bankar med torrdis"

#: gweather/weather.c:200
msgid "Patches of haze"
msgstr "Höga bankar med torrdis"

#: gweather/weather.c:200
msgid "Partial haze"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med torrdis"

#: gweather/weather.c:200
msgid "Haze with wind"
msgstr "Torrdis med vind"

#: gweather/weather.c:200
msgid "Drifting haze"
msgstr "Drivande torrrdis"

#: gweather/weather.c:200
msgid "Freezing haze"
msgstr "Underkylt torrdis"

#: gweather/weather.c:201
msgid "Sprays"
msgstr "Små vattendroppar i luften"

#: gweather/weather.c:201
msgid "Sprays in the vicinity"
msgstr "Små vattendroppar i luften i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:201
msgid "Light sprays"
msgstr "Lätta vattendroppar i luften"

#: gweather/weather.c:201
msgid "Moderate sprays"
msgstr "Måttliga vattendroppar i luften"

#: gweather/weather.c:201
msgid "Heavy sprays"
msgstr "Kraftiga vattendroppar i luften"

#: gweather/weather.c:201
msgid "Shallow sprays"
msgstr "Låga bankar med vattendroppar i luften"

#: gweather/weather.c:201
msgid "Patches of sprays"
msgstr "Höga bankar med vattendroppar i luften"

#: gweather/weather.c:201
msgid "Partial sprays"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med vattendroppar i luften"

#: gweather/weather.c:201
msgid "Blowing sprays"
msgstr "Blåsande vattendroppar i luften"

#: gweather/weather.c:201
msgid "Drifting sprays"
msgstr "Drivande vattendroppar i luften"

#: gweather/weather.c:201
msgid "Freezing sprays"
msgstr "Underkylda vattendroppar i luften"

#: gweather/weather.c:202
msgid "Dust"
msgstr "Stoft"

#: gweather/weather.c:202
msgid "Dust in the vicinity"
msgstr "Stoft i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:202
msgid "Light dust"
msgstr "Lätt stoft"

#: gweather/weather.c:202
msgid "Moderate dust"
msgstr "Måttligt stoft"

#: gweather/weather.c:202
msgid "Heavy dust"
msgstr "Kraftigt stoft"

#: gweather/weather.c:202
msgid "Patches of dust"
msgstr "Höga bankar med stoft"

#: gweather/weather.c:202
msgid "Partial dust"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med stoft"

#: gweather/weather.c:202
msgid "Blowing dust"
msgstr "Blåsande stoft"

#: gweather/weather.c:202
msgid "Drifting dust"
msgstr "Drivande stoft"

#: gweather/weather.c:203
msgid "Squall"
msgstr "Linjeby"

#: gweather/weather.c:203
msgid "Squall in the vicinity"
msgstr "Linjeby i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:203
msgid "Light squall"
msgstr "Lätt linjeby"

#: gweather/weather.c:203
msgid "Moderate squall"
msgstr "Måttlig linjeby"

#: gweather/weather.c:203
msgid "Heavy squall"
msgstr "Kraftig linjeby"

#: gweather/weather.c:203
msgid "Partial squall"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med linjebyar"

#: gweather/weather.c:203
msgid "Thunderous squall"
msgstr "Åskande linjeby"

#: gweather/weather.c:203
msgid "Blowing squall"
msgstr "Blåsande linjeby"

#: gweather/weather.c:203
msgid "Drifting squall"
msgstr "Drivande linjeby"

#: gweather/weather.c:203
msgid "Freezing squall"
msgstr "Underkyld linjeby"

#: gweather/weather.c:204
msgid "Sandstorm"
msgstr "Sandstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:204
msgid "Sandstorm in the vicinity"
msgstr "Sandstorm i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:204
msgid "Light standstorm"
msgstr "Lätt sandstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:204
msgid "Moderate sandstorm"
msgstr "Måttlig sandstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:204
msgid "Heavy sandstorm"
msgstr "Kraftig sandstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:204
msgid "Shallow sandstorm"
msgstr "Låga bankar med sandstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:204
msgid "Partial sandstorm"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med sandstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:204
msgid "Thunderous sandstorm"
msgstr "Åska och sandstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:204
msgid "Blowing sandstorm"
msgstr "Blåsande sandstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:204
msgid "Drifting sandstorm"
msgstr "Drivande sandstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:204
msgid "Freezing sandstorm"
msgstr "Underkyld sandstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:205
msgid "Duststorm"
msgstr "Dammstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:205
msgid "Duststorm in the vicinity"
msgstr "Dammstorm i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:205
msgid "Light duststorm"
msgstr "Lätt dammstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:205
msgid "Moderate duststorm"
msgstr "Måttlig dammstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:205
msgid "Heavy duststorm"
msgstr "Kraftig dammstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:205
msgid "Shallow duststorm"
msgstr "Låga bankar med dammstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:205
msgid "Partial duststorm"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med dammstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:205
msgid "Thunderous duststorm"
msgstr "Åska och dammstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:205
msgid "Blowing duststorm"
msgstr "Blåsande dammstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:205
msgid "Drifting duststorm"
msgstr "Drivande dammstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:205
msgid "Freezing duststorm"
msgstr "Underkyld dammstorm"

#: gweather/weather.c:206
msgid "Funnel cloud"
msgstr "Skydrag"

#: gweather/weather.c:206
msgid "Funnel cloud in the vicinity"
msgstr "Skydrag i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:206
msgid "Light funnel cloud"
msgstr "Lätta skydrag"

#: gweather/weather.c:206
msgid "Moderate funnel cloud"
msgstr "Måttliga skydrag"

#: gweather/weather.c:206
msgid "Thick funnel cloud"
msgstr "Tjocka skydrag"

#: gweather/weather.c:206
msgid "Shallow funnel cloud"
msgstr "Låga bankar med skydrag"

#: gweather/weather.c:206
msgid "Patches of funnel clouds"
msgstr "Höga bankar med skydrag"

#: gweather/weather.c:206
msgid "Partial funnel clouds"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med skydrag"

#: gweather/weather.c:206
msgid "Funnel cloud w/ wind"
msgstr "Skydrag med vind"

#: gweather/weather.c:206
msgid "Drifting funnel cloud"
msgstr "Drivande skydrag"

#: gweather/weather.c:207
msgid "Tornado"
msgstr "Tornado"

#: gweather/weather.c:207
msgid "Tornado in the vicinity"
msgstr "Tornado i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:207
msgid "Moderate tornado"
msgstr "Måttlig tornado"

#: gweather/weather.c:207
msgid "Raging tornado"
msgstr "Våldsam tornado"

#: gweather/weather.c:207
msgid "Partial tornado"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med tornado"

#: gweather/weather.c:207
msgid "Thunderous tornado"
msgstr "Åska och tornado"

#: gweather/weather.c:207
msgid "Drifting tornado"
msgstr "Drivande tornado"

#: gweather/weather.c:207
msgid "Freezing tornado"
msgstr "Underkyld tornado"

#: gweather/weather.c:208
msgid "Dust whirls"
msgstr "Dammvirvlar"

#: gweather/weather.c:208
msgid "Dust whirls in the vicinity"
msgstr "Dammvirvlar i närheten"

#: gweather/weather.c:208
msgid "Light dust whirls"
msgstr "Lätta dammvirvlar"

#: gweather/weather.c:208
msgid "Moderate dust whirls"
msgstr "Måttliga dammvirvlar"

#: gweather/weather.c:208
msgid "Heavy dust whirls"
msgstr "Kraftiga dammvirvlar"

#: gweather/weather.c:208
msgid "Shallow dust whirls"
msgstr "Låga bankar med dammvirvlar"

#: gweather/weather.c:208
msgid "Patches of dust whirls"
msgstr "Höga bankar med dammvirvlar"

#: gweather/weather.c:208
msgid "Partial dust whirls"
msgstr "Partiella bankar med dammvirvlar"

#: gweather/weather.c:208
msgid "Blowing dust whirls"
msgstr "Blåsande dammvirvlar"

#: gweather/weather.c:208
msgid "Drifting dust whirls"
msgstr "Drivande dammvirvlar"


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