American Wrestling Trivia

World Wrestling Federation 1990


Saturday Night's Main Event, January 1990

1990-01-03, McKenzie Arena, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. "Macho King" Randy Savage def. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan
  2. Hulk Hogan & Ultimate Warrior def. Mr. Perfect & Lanny Poffo
    Hogan pinned Poffo
  3. Jake "The Snake" Roberts def. Greg Valentine (DQ)
  4. Dusty Rhodes Vs. Rick Rude (2xCO)
  5. Dino Bravo def. Ronnie Garvin

Royal Rumble 1990

1990-01-21, Orlando Arena, Orlando, Florida, USA

Watch on Netflix.

  1. The Bushwackers def. Rougeau Bros.
  2. Brutus Beefcake vs The Genius (2xDQ)
  3. Submission Match:
    Ronnie Garvin def. Greg Valentine
  4. Jim Duggan def. Big Boss Man (DQ)
  5. The Royal Rumble:
    Elim. Ent. Name By
    1 2Koko B. WareTed DiBiase (1)
    2 3Marty JannettyTed DiBiase (1)
    3 4Jake RobertsRandy Savage (5)
    4 5"Macho King" Randy SavageDusty Rhodes (10)
    5 7The WarlordAndré the Giant (10)
    6 9Bad News BrownRowdy Roddy Piper (6)
    7 6Rowdy Roddy PiperBad News Brown (9) (already eliminated)
    812Red RoosterAndré the Giant (10)
    9 8Bret "Hit Man" HartDusty Rhodes (10)
    1011André the GiantDemolition (Ax (13) & Smash (15))
    1116"African Dream" AkeemJimmy Snuka (17)
    1210Dusty RhodesEarthquake (19)
    1313AxEarthquake (19)
    1419EarthquakeTed DiBiase (1), Smash (15), Haku (20), Snuka (17), Bravo (18) & Neidhart (17)
    1518Dino BravoUltimate Warrior (21)
    1615SmashHaku (14)
    1720Jim "The Anvil" NeidhartUltimate Warrior (21) & Rick Martel (22)
    18 1Ted DiBiaseUltimate Warrior (21)
    1917"Superfly" Jimmy SnukaHulk Hogan (25)
    2014HakuHulk Hogan (25)
    2123Tito SantanaUltimate Warrior (21) & Rick Martel (22)
    2224The Honky Tonk ManHulk Hogan (25)
    2326Shawn MichaelsUltimate Warrior (21)
    2422Rick "The Model" MartelUltimate Warrior (21)
    2521The Ultimate WarriorHulk Hogan (25), Rick Rude (28) & Barbarian (27)
    2627BarbarianHercules (29)
    2729HerculesRick Rude (28)
    2828Rick RudeMr. Perfect (30)
    2930Mr. PerfectHulk Hogan (25)
    25Hulk Hogan

    Winner: Hulk Hogan (25).

Saturday Night's Main Event, February 1990

1990-02-23, Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, Michigan, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. WWF championship:
    Hulk Hogan (ch) def. "Macho King" Randy Savage
    Boxing champion Buster Douglas was guest referee
  2. Intercontinental championship: Ultimate Warrior def. Dino Bravo

WrestleMania VI

1990-04-01, Skydome, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Watch on Netflix.

  1. "The Model" Rick Martel def. "Birdman" Koko B. Ware (subm.)
    Koko submits to Martel's Boston crab.
  2. Tagteam championship match:
    Demolition (Ax & Smash) def. Colossal Connection (Haku & André the Giant) (ch) [w/Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
    Ax pins Haku to win the titles. Heenan blames the loss on André, and is thrown out of the ring by him.
  3. Earthquake [w/Jimmy Hart] def. Hercules
    Earthquake pins Hercules to remain undefeated.
  4. Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake def. Mr. Perfect [w/The Genius]
    Beefcake pins Perfect to officially end his perfect winning streak.
  5. Bad News Brown vs. "Hot Rod" Rowdy Roddy Piper (2xCO)
    Both men are counted out of the ring when the brawl moved outside the ring.
  6. Hart Foundation (Bret "Hit Man" Hart & Jim "The Anvil" Neidhard) def. The Bolsheviks (Nikolai Volkoff & Boris Zhukov)
    Hit Man pins Zhukov in nineteen seconds after cutting Volkoff's singing of the Soviet national anthem short.
  7. The Barbarian [w/Bobby "The Brain" Heenan] def. Tito Santana
    Barbarian pins Santana after a clothesline.
  8. Mixed tagteam match:
    "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes & Sapphire def. "Macho King" Randy Savage & Sensational "Queen" Sherri [w/Elizabeth]
    Sapphire pins Sherri to win the match.
  9. Orient Express (Sato & Tanaka) [w/Mr. Fuji] def. The Rockers (Shawn Michaels & Marty Jannetty) (CO)
    Jannetty is counted out after Sato throws salt in his face.
  10. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan def. Dino Bravo [w/Jimmy Hart & Earthquake]
    Bravo pins Duggan for the victory. Earthquake attacks Duggan after the match.
  11. Million Dollar championship match:
    "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase [w/Virgil] (ch) def. Jake "The Snake" Roberts (CO)
    Roberts is counted out when Virgil throws DiBiase back inside.
  12. Big Boss Man def. "African Dream" Akeem [w/Slick]
    Boss Man pins Akeem for the victory.
  13. Ravishing Rick Rude [w/Bobby "The Brain" Heenan] def. "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka
    Pinfall after the Rude Awakening.
  14. Title for title:
    The Ultimate Warrior (Intercontinental champion) def. Hulk Hogan (heavyweight champion)
    Both titles were up, with Warrior winning both when he pins Hogan after a big splash.

Intercontinental championship tournament 1990

1990-04-04 to 1996-04-24

Intercontinental champion Ultimate Warrior had to vacate his title when he captured the WWF championship at WrestleMania VI.

  1. First round matches:
    Superstars 1990-04-28 (taped 1990-04-04): Tito Santana def. "African Dream" Akeem [w/Slick] (count-out)
  2. Superstars 1990-05-05 (taped 1990-04-04): Mr. Perfect def. "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka
  3. Superstars 1990-05-12 (taped 1990-04-23): Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake vs. Dino Bravo [w/Jimmy Hart] (2xCO)
  4. Wrestling Challenge 1990-05-13 (taped 1990-04-24): "Hot Rod" Rowdy Roddy Piper vs. "The Model" Rick Martel (2xDQ)
    This match was taped after the final...
  5. Final:
    Superstars 1990-05-19 (taped 1990-04-23): Mr. Perfect def. Tito Santana
    Bobby "The Brain" Heenan comes to the ring, helping Mr. Perfect, and is announced as Perfect's new manager.
Tito Santana Tito SantanaTito SantanaMr. Perfect
Brutus Beefcake(2xCO)
Dino Bravo
Mr. Perfect Mr. Perfect Mr. Perfect
Jimmy Snuka
Roddy Piper (2xDQ)
Rick Martel

Source: Sebbes Wrestlingrecensioner

Saturday Night's Main Event, April 1990

1990-04-23, Frank Erwin Center, Austin, Texas, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. Hulk Hogan def. Mr. Perfect
  2. Earthquake def. Hillbilly Jim
  3. The Hart Foundation Vs. The Rockers (2xDQ)
  4. WWF championship:
    Ultimate Warrior def. Haku
  5. Big Bossman def. Akeem (DQ)

Saturday Night's Main Event, July 1990

1990-07-16, Omaha Civic Auditorium, Omaha, Nebraska, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. WWF championship:
    Ultimate Warrior (ch) def. Rick Rude (DQ)
  2. Tagteam championship:
    Demolition (Smash & Crush) (ch) def. Rockers
    Ax pinned Michaels. (Tricks were played)
  3. Intercontinental championship:
    Mr. Perfect (ch) def. Tito Santana
  4. Texas Tornado def. Buddy Rose

Summerslam 1990

1990-08-27, The Spectrum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Watch on Netflix.

  1. Power and Glory def. The Rockers
  2. Intercontinental Championship Match:
    "Texas Tornado" Kerry von Erich def. Mr. Perfect (ch)
  3. Sensational Sherri vs. Sapphire
    (Sapphire never showed up-so the match never took place)
  4. The Warlord def. Tito Santana
  5. Tag Team Championship Match, 2 out of 3 falls:
    Hart Foundation def. Demolition (ch)
    1. Crush pinned Hart
    2. Crush (DQ)
    3. Hart pinned Crush
  6. Special Guest Referee: Big Boss Man
    Jake "The Snake" Roberts def. Bad News Brown (DQ)
  7. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan & Nikolai Volkoff def. Orient Express
  8. "Macho King" Randy Savage def. "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes
  9. Hulk Hogan def. Earthquake (c-o)
  10. WWF Championship match, steel cage match:
    Ultimate Warrior (ch) def. Ravishing Rick Rude

Saturday Night's Main Event, September 1990

1990-09-18, Toledo Sports Arena, Toledo, Ohio, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. Legion Of Doom & Ultimate Warrior def. Demolition (Ax, Smash, Crush)
    Warrior pinned Smash
  2. Randy Savage def. Dusty Rhodes (c-o)
  3. Hulk Hogan & Tugboat def. Rhythm'n Blues (DQ)
    Earthquake & Dino Bravo interfered
  4. Sgt. Slaughter def. Koko B Ware (subm)
  5. Intercontinental championship:
    Texas Tornado (ch) def. Haku

Saturday Night's Main Event, October 1990

1990-10-30, Allen County War Memorial Coliseum, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA

Watch on WWE Network.

  1. WWF championship:
    Ultimate Warrior (ch) def. "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase (DQ)
    Savage and Sherri interfered
  2. Nikolai Volkoff def. Sgt. Slaughter (DQ)
  3. Mr. Perfect def. Big Bossman (c-o)
  4. Rick Martel def. Tito Santana (subm)

Survivor Series 1990

1990-11-22, Hartford Civic Center, Hartford, Connecticut, USA

Watch on Netflix.

  1. "Warriors" (Ultimate Warrior, "Texas Tornado" Kerry von Erich, Legion Of Doom [Hawk, Animal]) def. "The Perfect Team" (Mr. Perfect, Demolition [Ax, Smash, Crush])
    Warrior pinned Ax after the gorilla press followed by the big splash. Legion of Doom and Demolition (Crush, Smash) were both disqualified for brawling in the ring and for shoving the ref. Mr.Perfect pinned the Texas Tornado after the perfect plex. Warrior pinned Perfect after the gorilla press followed by the big splash.
    Survivors: Ultimate Warrior
  2. "Million Dollar Team" ("Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase, The Undertaker, Rhythm'n Blues [Honky Tonk Man, Greg "The Hammer" Valentine]) def. "Dream Team" ("American Dream" Dusty Rhodes, "Birdman" Koko B. Ware, Hart Foundation [Bret "Hit Man" Hart, Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart"])
    1st Ted DiBiase introduces his mystery partner which turns out to be the Undertaker. Undertaker pins Koko B. Ware after the tombstone. Jim Neidhart pinned the Honky Tonk man after a suplex. Ted DiBiase pins Neidhart when Virgil interferes. Undertaker pins Dusty Rhodes after a chokeslam. He then tags in The hammer but since he kept going after Rhodes and never came back he was considered eliminated. Bret Hart pinned Greg Valentine after a small package. Ted DiBiase pinned Bret Hart after revising a flying cross body press.
    Survivor: "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase
  3. "Visionaries" ("The Model" Rick Martel, Warlord, Power & Glory [Hercules, Paul Roma]) def. "Vipers" (Jake "The Snake" Roberts, "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka, The Rockers [Shawn Michaels, Marty Jannetty])
    Warlord pinned Marty Jannetty after a running powerslam. Martel pinned Jimmy Snuka after a reverse flying body press. Paul Roma pinned Michaels after a flying bodypress. Jake Roberts chased Martel back to the locker room and Warlord was hurt in the ring.
    Survivors: The entire team of the "Visionaries"
  4. "Hulkamaniacs" (Hulk Hogan, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan, Tugboat, Big Boss Man) def. "Natural Disasters" (Earthquake, Dino Bravo, Haku, Barbarian) Big Bossman pinned Haku after a side slam. Jim Duggan was disqualified for pelting Earthquake with his 2x4. Hulk Hogan pinned Dino Bravo after a small package. Earthquake pinned Big Bossman after an elbow smash. Earthquake & Tugboat were both counted out. Hulk Hogan pinned the Barbarian after a small package.
    Survivor: Hulk Hogan. Haku replaced Ravishing Rick Rude that had been excluded from WWF
  5. "Alliance" (Nikolai Volkoff, Tito Santana, The Bushwackers [Luke, Butch]) def. "Mercenaries" (Sgt. Slaughter, Boris Zhukov, Orient Express [Sato, Tenaka])
    Tito Santana pinned Boris Zhukov after his flying forearm. Luke pinned Sato after a backbreaker. Santana pinned Tanaka following his flying forearm. Sgt. Slaughter pinned Nikolai Volkoff after an elbow smash. Slaughter pinned Luke after a stomach breaker. Slaughter pinned Butch after a flying clothesline. Slaughter was disqualified when the ref was hurt, Slaughter and Adnan repeatedly hit Santana with a flag pole.
    Survivor: Tito Santana
  6. The Grand Finale:
    Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Tito Santana def. "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase, "The Model" Rick Martel, Warlord, Hercules, Paul Roma
    Santana pinned Warlord after a flying forearm. DiBiase pinned Santana after a forearm off the top rope. Hogan pinned Roma after a clothesline. Martel backed out and was mad at the team and left. Hogan pinned DiBiase after the boot to the face followed by the legdrop. Warrior pinned Hercules after a flying tackle and splash.
    Survivors: Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior
Peter Krefting / $Date: 2025-01-30 23:31:02 $ /