start tok128 d64-cf1zTn 10 PRINTCHR$(142) 20 REM"{cm a}{sh asterisk*31}{cm s}" 30 REM"{sh -}{space*5}* hash base 128 v2.0 *{space*4}{sh -}" 40 REM"{sh -}{space*31}{sh -}" 50 REM"{sh -}{space*2}* written & programmed by *{space*2}{sh -}" 60 REM"{sh -}{space*31}{sh -}" 70 REM"{sh -}{space*4}* steven paul burgess *{space*4}{sh -}" 80 REM"{sh -}{sh space}{space*30}{sh -}" 90 REM"{sh -}{space*7}* copyright 1989 *{space*6}{sh -}" 100 REM"{cm z}{sh asterisk*31}{cm x}" 110 PRINTCHR$(142) 120 SCNCLR 130 GOSUB5490 140 COLOR0,8:COLOR4,9:COLOR5,1 150 PRINT 160 READa:FORl=1 TO a:READa$:PRINTTAB(20-LEN(a$)/2)a$:NEXT 170 DATA19 180 DATA"O{cm y*18}P " 190 DATA"{cm h}hash base 128 v2.0{cm n}{orange}{cm +}" 200 DATA"{black} L{cm p*18}{sh @}{orange}{cm +}" 210 DATA" {orange}{cm +*20}" 220 DATA"{black}" 230 DATA"O{cm y*25}P " 240 DATA" {cm h}written by steven burgess{cm n}{orange}{cm +}" 250 DATA"{black}{space*2}L{cm p*25}{sh @}{orange}{cm +}" 260 DATA"{space*2}{orange}{cm +*27}" 270 DATA"{black}" 280 DATA 290 DATA 300 DATA"{cm a}{sh asterisk*14}{cm s}" 310 DATA"{sh -}copyright 1989{sh -} 320 DATA"{cm z}{sh asterisk*14}{cm x}" 330 DATA 340 DATA"{cm a}{sh asterisk*22}{cm s}" 350 DATA"{sh -}press any key to begin{sh -}" 360 DATA"{cm z}{sh asterisk*22}{cm x}" 370 x=20:y=23 380 GOSUB410'GETKEY 390 GOSUB500'menu 400 GOTO 390 410 REM**************** 420 REM*getkey routine* 430 REM**************** 440 : 450 ti$="{0*6}" 460 IF ti/5=INT(ti/5)THENCHAR1,x,y," ",1 470 IF ti/60=INT(ti/60) THEN CHAR1,x,y," ",0 480 GETke$:IFke$=""THEN 460 490 RETURN 500 REM****** 510 REM*menu* 520 REM****** 530 : 540 di$="" 550 x=19:y=24 560 SCNCLR 570 COLOR0,8:COLOR5,1 580 RESTORE:READa:FORl=1 TO 4:READa$:PRINTTAB(20-LEN(a$)/2)a$:NEXT 590 COLOR5,1 600 RESTORE 620 610 FORl=1 TO 10:READa$:PRINTTAB(20-LEN(a$)/2)a$:PRINT:NEXT 620 DATA1...create file,2...add records,3...amend record,4...delete record,5...view records,,7...print menu,8...load/save menu,9...disk utility 630 DATA0...delete entire file 640 GOSUB410 650 IF ke$<"0"ORke$>"9"THEN 640 660 k=VAL(ke$): 670 IF fi=0 AND (k<>1 AND k<>8 AND k<>9) THEN w=2:GOSUB750:GOTO500 680 IF fi=1 AND (k=1) THEN w=1:GOSUB750:GOTO500 690 IF k=6 THEN pr=0 700 IF k=7 THEN pr=1 710 ON k GOSUB1070,2240,2420,2930,3240,3660,4170,5520,6650 720 IF k=0 THEN GOSUB 6460 730 GOTO 500 740 END 750 REM********* 760 REM*warning* 770 REM********* 780 SCNCLR:RESTORE840 790 DO 800 READn$:IF w=VAL(n$)THEN 830 810 LOOP UNTIL VAL(n$)=-1 820 IF VAL(n$)=-1 THEN RETURN 830 FORl=1 TO 5:READa$:PRINTa$:NEXT:GOSUB410:RETURN 840 DATA1 850 DATA"{cm a}{sh asterisk*38}{cm s}" 860 DATA"{sh -}sorry, but there is already a file{space*2}{sh space*2}{sh -}" 870 DATA"{sh -}loaded into the computer. you must{space*4}{sh -} 880 DATA"{sh -}first delete this one to continue.{space*4}{sh -}" 890 DATA"{cm z}{sh asterisk*38}{cm x}" 900 DATA2 910 DATA"{cm a}{sh asterisk*38}{cm s}" 920 DATA"{sh -}sorry, but there is no file in memory{sh space}{sh -}" 930 DATA"{sh -}therefore you cannot manipulate, save {sh -} 940 DATA"{sh -}or print it. it does not exist{space*8}{sh -}" 950 DATA"{cm z}{sh asterisk*38}{cm x}" 960 DATA3 970 DATA"{cm a}{sh asterisk*38}{cm s}" 980 DATA"{sh -}sorry, but the record which you are {sh space*2}{sh -}" 990 DATA"{sh -}wishing to access does not exist. you {sh -}" 1000 DATA"{sh -}cannot therefore access it{space*12}{sh -}" 1010 DATA"{cm z}{sh asterisk*38}{cm x}" 1020 DATA4,"{cm a}{sh asterisk*38}{cm s}" 1030 DATA"{sh -}sorry, but as you have not entered a{space*2}{sh -}" 1040 DATA"{sh -}filename, it is impossible for you to {sh -}" 1050 DATA"{sh -}load or save a file. select option 4{space*2}{sh -}" 1060 DATA"{cm z}{sh asterisk*38}{cm x}",-1 1070 REM************* 1080 REM*create file* 1090 REM************* 1100 : 1110 SCNCLR 1120 COLOR0,1:COLOR4,1:COLOR5,2 1130 PRINT"{sh asterisk*14}" 1140 PRINT"create file" 1150 PRINT"{sh asterisk*14}" 1160 PRINT"please enter number of fieldsfields" 1170 PRINT:PRINT"01{space*2}02{space*2}03{space*2}04{space*2}05{space*2}06{space*2}07{space*2}08{space*2}09{space*2}10" 1180 ::::::PRINT"{dark gray}^{space*3}^{space*3}^{space*3}^{space*3}^{space*3}^{space*3}^{space*3}^{space*3}^{space*3}^" 1190 PRINT"{white}{down*4}move cursor using < and > keys" 1200 PRINT"{down*2}press return to make choice" 1210 PRINT"{home}{down*6}";:PRINTTAB(0+d)"{white}^" 1220 GOSUB410 1230 IF ke$=CHR$(13) THEN 1310 1240 IF ke$<>"."AND ke$<>","THEN 1210 1250 PRINT"{home}{down*6}";:PRINTTAB(0+d)"{dark gray}^" 1260 IF ke$="."THEN d=d+4 1270 IF ke$=","THEN d=d-4 1280 IF d<0 THEN d=0 1290 IF d>36 THEN d=36 1300 GOTO 1210 1310 SCNCLR 1320 PRINT"{sh asterisk*13}" 1330 PRINT"create file" 1340 PRINT"{sh asterisk*13}" 1350 PRINT:PRINT"number of fields=";(d+4)/4 1360 nf=(d+4)/4 :PRINT 1370 PRINT"{up}maximum possible number of records:"; 1380 IF nf=10THEN nr=500 1390 IF nf=9 THEN nr=650 1400 IF nf=8 THEN nr=750 1410 IF nf=7 THEN nr=800 1420 IF nf=6 THEN nr=900 1430 IF nf=5 THEN nr=1000 1440 IF nf=4 THEN nr=1250 1450 IF nf=3 THEN nr=1500 1460 IF nf=2 THEN nr=1750 1470 IF nf=1 THEN nr=2000 1480 PRINTnr 1490 ht=nr*10/100 1500 ot=nr-ht 1510 PRINT"hash table structure:" 1520 PRINT"{-*21}" 1530 PRINT"{down}hash table:"ht" records" 1540 PRINT"{down}overflow table:"ot" records" 1550 DIMa$(nr,nf):DIMt$(nf):DIMpo(nr) 1560 GOSUB410 1570 SCNCLR 1580 CHAR1,5,5,"please wait:formatting table":FORs=1 TO 300:NEXT:FAST 1590 FORl=1 TO nr:a$(l,nf)="0":COLOR4,1:COLOR4,8:NEXT:fr=ht+1:SLOW:COLOR4,1 1600 SCNCLR 1610 FAST 1620 PRINT"{sh asterisk*30}" 1630 PRINT"create file:field name entry" 1640 PRINT"{sh asterisk*30}" 1650 FORf=0 TO (nf-1) 1660 PRINT"{home}{down*4}enter fieldname"f+1":{space*19}{left*19}";:x=20:y=4:l=15 1670 GOSUB1930'GETstring 1680 a$(0,f)=s$ 1690 NEXT 1700 SCNCLR:fi=1 1710 PRINT"field names are as follows:" 1720 PRINT"{-*27}" 1730 FORf=0 TO nf-1 1740 PRINTf+1TAB(5)a$(0,f) 1750 NEXT 1760 x=20:y=24:PRINT"{down}are there any errors (y/n)?" 1770 GOSUB410 1780 IF ke$<>"y"ANDke$<>"n"THEN 1770 1790 IF ke$="n"THEN RETURN 1800 SCNCLR 1810 FORf=0 TO nf-1 1820 PRINTf+1TAB(5)a$(0,f) 1830 NEXT 1840 PRINT"{down}which field has an error (1-"nf")?" 1850 x=35:y=1+nf:l=2:GOSUB1930 1860 IF VAL(s$)<1 OR VAL(s$)>nf THEN 1800 1870 fc=VAL(s$):SCNCLR 1880 PRINT"the field chosen is:"a$(0,fc-1) 1890 PRINT"{down}input new value:":l=15:x=20:y=2:GOSUB1930 1900 a$(0,fc-1)=s$ 1910 GOTO 1700 1920 END 1930 REM************ 1940 REM*get string* 1950 REM************ 1960 s$="":x1=x:y1=y 1970 ch$="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890.+-{pound}=?!#$%&'()@*^/[]{pi}"+di$ 1980 SLOW 1990 GOSUB410 2000 IF ke$=CHR$(20) ANDLEN(s$)>0 THEN s$=LEFT$(s$,LEN(s$)-1):CHAR1,x,y," ":x=x-1:GOTO 1990 2010 IF ke$=CHR$(13) AND LEN(s$)>0 THEN RETURN 2020 IF INSTR(ch$,ke$)=0 THEN 1990 2030 IF LEN(s$)>=l THEN 1990 2040 s$=s$+ke$ 2050 CHAR1,x1,y1,s$:x=x+1:GOTO1990 2060 REM*************** 2070 REM*hash equation* 2080 REM*************** 2090 : 2100 h=0 2110 FORl=1 TO LEN(t$(0)):h=h+ASC(MID$(t$(0),l,1)):NEXT 2120 h=h/LEN(t$(0)) 2130 h=h/255*(ht) 2140 h=INT(h) 2150 RETURN 2160 REM************* rem*insert data* 2170 REM************* 2180 i=0 2190 IF a$(h,0)=""THENFORl=0 TO nf-1:a$(h,l)=t$(l):NEXT:i=1:RETURN 2200 IF a$(h,nf)="0"THEN a$(h,nf)=STR$(fr):FORl=0 TO nf-1:a$(fr,l)=t$(l):NEXT:fr=fr+1:i=1 2210 IF i<>1 THEN h=VAL(a$(h,nf)):GOTO 2190 2220 RETURN 2230 DIMpo(100) 2240 SCNCLR 2250 COLOR0,1:COLOR4,1:COLOR5,2 2260 PRINT"{sh asterisk*16}" 2270 PRINT"add records" 2280 PRINT"{sh asterisk*16}" 2290 PRINT 2300 FORf=0 TO nf-1 2310 PRINT:PRINTa$(0,f)":":x=16:y=f+5:l=23 2320 GOSUB1930 2330 t$(f)=s$ 2340 NEXT 2350 GOSUB2060'hash equatiON 2360 GOSUB2160'insert DATA into table 2370 PRINT:PRINT"{down*2}another record (y/n)" 2380 x=20:y=24:GOSUB410 2390 IF ke$<>"y"AND ke$<>"n"THEN 2380 2400 IF ke$="n"THEN fi=1:RETURN 2410 GOTO 2240 2420 REM*************** 2430 REM*amend records* 2440 REM*************** 2450 : 2460 SCNCLR 2470 PRINT"{sh asterisk*18}" 2480 PRINT"amend records" 2490 PRINT"{sh asterisk*18}" 2500 fo=0 2510 PRINT:PRINT"enter "a$(0,0)" of record you wish to{space*21}amend" 2520 x=0:y=8:l=24:GOSUB1930:t$(0)=s$ 2530 GOSUB2060 2540 IF a$(h,0)=s$ THEN fo=1 2550 IF fo=0 THEN h=VAL(a$(h,nf)) 2560 IF h<>0 AND fo<>1 THEN 2540 2570 IF h=0 AND fo=0 THEN w=3:GOSUB750:RETURN 2580 PRINT"{clear}"; 2590 PRINT"record found:" 2600 PRINT"{-*13}" 2610 FORl=0 TO nf-1 2620 PRINTa$(0,l)":"TAB(16)a$(h,l) 2630 NEXT 2640 PRINT"{sh asterisk*40}"; 2650 PRINT"is this the record you wish to amend y/n" 2660 PRINT"{sh asterisk*40}"; 2670 x=20:y=24:GOSUB410 2680 IF ke$<>"y"ANDke$<>"n"THEN 2670 2690 IF ke$="n"THENh=VAL(a$(h,nf)):fo=0:GOTO 2540 2700 IF nf>1 THEN PRINT:PRINT"{clear}{down*12}do you wish to amend the ";a$(0,0);" field?":b=2 2710 IF nf=1 THEN s$="1"GOTO 2820 2720 x=20:y=24:GOSUB410 2730 IF ke$<>"y"ANDke$<>"n"THEN2720 2740 IF ke$="y"THEN FORl=0 TO nf-1:t$(l)=a$(h,l):a$(h,l)="":NEXT:b=1:s$="1":GOTO 2820 2750 SCNCLR 2760 FORl=0 TO nf-1:PRINTl+1":"a$(0,l)":"TAB(17)a$(h,l):NEXT 2770 PRINT"{down*2}enter field to amend ("b"-"nf")" 2780 PRINT"{down*2}enter 0 to end" 2790 l=2:x=19:y=24:GOSUB1930 2800 IF s$="0"THEN RETURN 2810 IF VAL(s$)nf THEN 2790 2820 SCNCLR 2830 IF s$="1" THEN GOTO 2880 2840 r=VAL(s$):PRINT"current value:"a$(h,r-1) 2850 PRINT"{down*2}enter new value" 2860 x=5:y=10:l=24:GOSUB1930 2870 a$(h,r-1)=s$:GOTO 2750 2880 r=VAL(s$):PRINT"current value:"t$(r-1) 2890 PRINT"{down*2}enter new value" 2900 x=5:y=10:l=24:GOSUB1930 2910 t$(0)=s$:GOSUB 2060:GOSUB2160 2920 GOTO 2750 2930 SCNCLR 2940 PRINT"{sh asterisk*15}" 2950 PRINT"delete record" 2960 PRINT"{sh asterisk*15}" 2970 fo=0 2980 PRINT:PRINT"enter "a$(0,0)" of record you wish to{space*14}delete:" 2990 x=5:y=10:l=24:GOSUB1930 3000 t$(0)=s$:GOSUB2060 3010 IF a$(h,0)=s$ THEN fo=1 3020 IF fo=0 THEN h=VAL(a$(h,nf)) 3030 IF h<>0 AND fo<>1 THEN 3010 3040 IF h=0 AND fo=0 THEN w=3:GOSUB750:RETURN 3050 SCNCLR 3060 FORl=0 TO nf-1 3070 PRINTa$(0,l)":"TAB(16)a$(h,l):NEXT 3080 PRINT"{sh asterisk*40}" 3090 PRINT"is this the record you wish to delete?{space*2}" 3100 PRINT"{sh asterisk*40}" 3110 x=20:y=24:GOSUB410 3120 IF ke$<>"y"AND ke$<>"n"THEN 3110 3130 IF ke$="y"THEN 3150 3140 h=VAL(a$(h,nf)):fo=0:GOTO 3010 3150 PRINT: PRINT"are you sure (y/n)?" 3160 x=20:y=24:GOSUB410 3170 IF ke$<>"y"AND ke$<>"n"THEN 3110 3180 IF ke$="n"THEN RETURN 3190 PRINT:PRINT"{down}deleting record" 3200 FORl=0 TO nf-1:a$(h,l)="":NEXT 3210 PRINT: PRINT"{down}deletion complete" 3220 PRINT:PRINT"{down}press any key" 3230 GOSUB410:RETURN 3240 SCNCLR 3250 PRINT"{sh asterisk*15}" 3260 PRINT"view records" 3270 PRINT"{sh asterisk*15}" 3280 PRINT 3290 PRINT"please note that this routine does not" 3300 PRINT"allow you to access specific records" 3310 PRINT"selectively. it simply scans through " 3320 PRINT"the entire table printing out all the" 3330 PRINT"records which contain any data. as the" 3340 PRINT"tables are usually quite large, this" 3350 PRINT"can take a considerable amount of time." 3360 PRINT"the process can only be stopped if and" 3370 PRINT"when a record is found. if no records" 3380 PRINT"have been entered and you inadvertantly" 3390 PRINT"select this option, even after reading" 3400 PRINT"this, then you could have a pretty long" 3410 PRINT"wait. for selective viewing, choose the" 3420 PRINT"search option on the menu." 3430 PRINT 3440 PRINT"are you sure you wish to proceed?" 3450 x=20:y=24:GOSUB410 3460 IF ke$<>"y"ANDke$<>"n"THEN 3450 3470 IF ke$="n"THEN RETURN 3480 SCNCLR 3490 FAST 3500 FORl=1 TO nr 3510 FAST 3520 fl=0:IF a$(l,0)<>""THEN GOSUB3570 3530 IF fl=1 THEN 3550 3540 NEXT 3550 SLOW 3560 RETURN 3570 SLOW:SCNCLR 3580 FORe=0 TO nf-1:PRINTa$(0,e)":"TAB(16)a$(l,e) 3590 NEXT 3600 PRINT 3610 PRINT"press space to abort" 3620 PRINT"press any other key to continue" 3630 x=20:y=24:GOSUB410 3640 IF ke$<>" "THEN RETURN 3650 fl=1:RETURN 3660 REM******** 3670 REM*search* 3680 REM******** 3690 ta=0:p=0:r=0 3700 :SCNCLR:PRINT"{sh asterisk*12}":PRINT"search":PRINT"{sh asterisk*12}":PRINT 3710 PRINT:PRINT"enter as much information as you know " 3720 PRINT"about the record. if you only know part":PRINT"of a field or aren't sure then miss it":PRINT"out. if you include the full":PRINTa$(0,0); 3730 PRINT" of the record then the" 3740 PRINT"time taken for the search to complete" 3750 PRINT"will be very very short. if, however," 3760 PRINT"you do not know this data, the time{space*5}taken will be very long." 3770 PRINT"{down*2}press any key to begin" 3780 x=20:y=24:GOSUB410: 3790 SCNCLR 3800 FORl=0 TO nf-1:PRINTa$(0,l)":":NEXT 3810 PRINT"{down*2}if you do not wish to enter the field{space*3}type 0 and press return, otherwise enterthe information you know and try to{space*5}enter the "a$(0,0)"." 3820 x=16:y=0:l=22 3830 FORq=0 TO nf-1:y=q:GOSUB1930:t$(q)=s$:IF s$="0" THEN t$(q)="" 3840 x=16:NEXT:FAST 3850 FORl=0 TO nf-1:IF t$(l)<>""THEN ta=ta+1 3860 NEXT 3870 IFt$(0)=""THEN SLOW:PRINT"{clear}as you have not entered the":PRINTa$(0,0)" of the record it will":PRINT"take quite a while to search so you had better go and" 3880 IF t$(0)=""THEN PRINT"have a few cups of tea, i should have{space*3}finished by then, i think":FORl=1 TO 1000:NEXT:GOSUB3970::RETURN 3890 GOSUB2060:r=0:p=0:FAST 3900 FORl=0 TO nf-1 3910 IF a$(h,0)=""THEN p=-1:GOTO 3940 3920 IF a$(h,l)=t$(l) THEN p=p+1 3930 NEXT 3940 IF ta=p THEN po(r)=h:r=r+1: 3950 IF a$(h,nf)="0"THEN GOSUB4080:RETURN 3960 h=VAL(a$(h,nf)):p=0: GOTO 3900 3970 r=0:p=0:FAST 3980 FORs=1 TO nr 3990 FORl=0 TO nf-1 4000 IF a$(s,0)=""THEN p=-1:GOTO 4020 4010 IF a$(s,l)=t$(l) THEN p=p+1 4020 COLOR4,2:COLOR4,1 4030 NEXT 4040 IF ta=p THENpo(r)=s:r=r+1 4050 p=0:NEXT 4060 GOSUB4080 4070 RETURN 4080 IF pr=1 THEN RETURN 4090 IF r=0 THEN PRINT"{clear}there{cm r}"0"{cm m} {141}4080:{142} 63999 REM "Invalid BASIC input d64-cf1zTn stop tok128 (bastext 1.0)