start tok64 d64-dudasS 0 OPEN15,8,15:REM always first. 1 vw=1:GOSUB9000 8990 CLOSE15:END:REM always last. 9000 REM dos error analyzer 9001 REM this routine views disk status if vw=1 is inputted, otherwise 9002 REM it will just read and control it. if error has occured, the 9003 REM error#, text, track & sector will be shown and er=error# 9004 REM will be returned. the routine will not stop if for error #1 9005 REM = files scratched, and will only show the # of files if 9006 REM vw=1. if error#=65 tr=track# & sc=sector# will be returned. 9007 REM this routine is (c)opyright 1992:peter karlsson 9008 REM this routine is public domain 9009 REM peter karlsson , vaernsta ullersaeter , s71040 froevi , sweden 9010 INPUT#15,en$,em$,et$,es$ 9011 IFVAL(en$)>2THEN9020 9012 IFvw=.THENRETURN 9013 IFen$="00"THENPRINT"00-ok":RETURN 9014 IFen$="01"THENPRINTet$" "em$:RETURN 9020 IFen$="65"THEN9030 9021 PRINT"an error har occured: 9022 PRINTen$" {reverse on}"em$"{reverse off} "et$","es$ 9023 er=VAL(en$):RETURN 9030 IFvw=.THEN9032 9031 PRINT"i have error 65-"em$ 9032 IFet$="00"THEN9035 9033 IFvwTHENPRINT"next block at "et$","es$ 9034 tr=VAL(tr$):sc=VAL(sc$):er=65:RETURN 9035 PRINT"all remaining sectors are full!":tr=.:sc=.:er=65:RETURN stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)