start tok64 d64-cNzZ4E 10 REM *** seq writter *** 20 REM *** by ron martin *** 30 REM *** 7/7/84 *** 40 POKE53280,0:POKE53281,6:PRINT"{clear}{light green}" 50 PRINTCHR$(14):GOTO660 60 PRINT"{clear}{white}Write{.*4}":CLR 70 l=1:DIMa$(500),b$(81) 80 a=1:PRINT"{white}Line #"l:PRINT 90 GETy$:IFy$=""THEN90 100 x=ASC(y$) 110 IFx=145ORx=17ORx=157ORx=29THEN90 120 IFx=147ORx=19THEN90 130 IFx=20ANDa>1THENa=a-1:PRINTy$;:GOTO90 140 IFx=20THEN90 150 IFx=13THENPRINT:GOTO190 160 PRINTy$;:b$(a)=y$ 170 a=a+1:IFa>80THENPRINTCHR$(20);:a=a-1:GOTO90 180 GOTO90 190 IFb$(1)=""THEN240 200 FORt=1TOa:a$(l)=a$(l)+b$(t):b$(t)="":NEXT 210 l=l+1:GOTO80 220 GETy$:IFy$=""THEN220 230 PRINTASC(y$):GOTO220 240 REM what do you want to do with it 250 PRINT"{clear}{light green}":INPUT"(V)iew, (S)ave or (E)xit";q$ 260 q$=LEFT$(q$,1):IFq$<>"v"ANDq$<>"s"ANDq$<>"e"THEN250 270 IFq$="s"THEN550 280 IFq$="e"THENRUN 290 PRINT"{clear}{cyan}View (Press Space Bar to Pause)" 300 FORt=1TOl 310 PRINTa$(t):NEXT 320 GOSUB340 330 GOTO250 340 POKE198,0 350 PRINT:INPUT"{white}Press Return to Continue";q$ 360 RETURN 370 REM read file 380 PRINT"{clear}{white}Read File{.*4}" 390 PRINT"Want a Hard Copy (Y) or (N)" 400 POKE198,0:hc=0 410 GETy$:IFy$=""THEN410 420 IFy$="y"ORy$="Y"THENhc=1:OPEN4,4,7:PRINT#4," "; 430 INPUT"Filename";f$:PRINT 440 OPEN15,8,15 450 OPEN2,8,2,"0:"+f$+",s,r" 460 INPUT#15,er,er$ 470 IFerTHENGOSUB640:GOTO430 480 GET#2,a$ 490 IFst<>0THEN530 500 GETy$:IFy$=" "THENGOSUB350 510 PRINTa$;:IFhc=1THENPRINT#4,a$; 520 GOTO480 530 CLOSE2:CLOSE15:CLOSE4:GOSUB350 540 GOTO660 550 REM out to disk 560 INPUT"Filename > ";f$ 570 OPEN15,8,15 580 OPEN2,8,2,"0:"+f$+",s,w" 590 INPUT#15,er,er$ 600 IFerTHENGOSUB640:GOTO550 610 FORt=1TOl:PRINT#2,a$(t):NEXT 620 CLOSE2:CLOSE15 630 PRINT"Done":GOTO660 640 PRINT"{clear}{white}{reverse on} Disk Error {reverse off}";er;er$ 650 CLOSE15:CLOSE2:RETURN 660 PRINT"{clear}{light green}{space*2}**** Menu *****":CLR 670 PRINT:PRINT"(1) Write Seq. File.":PRINT"(2) Read Seq. File." 680 PRINT"(3) Quit" 690 POKE198,0:PRINT:PRINT"Choice >" 700 GETy$:IFy$=""THEN700 710 x=VAL(y$):IFx<1ORx>3THEN660 720 ONxGOTO60,370,730 730 END stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)