start bastext 1025 start tok64 d64-tqupqg 1 mem=45056:REM * starting address of the character set in ram memory * 5 VOLUME#:VOLUME15:ADSR1,0,0,15,0 10 SWITCH12,0:PUTc:REM copy char. set 20 PRINT"{clear}{down}{space*5}press [f1] for next character." 30 PRINT"{down}{space*5}press [f7] for last character." 40 PRINT"{down}{space*5}press [f8] to end the program." 50 PRINT"{down*2}{space*10}this is the letter -" 60 COPY29,8,ch,1:WAVE1,1,0,500 70 FORy=12TO19:p=PEEK(mem+ch*8+y-12):by=8 80 FORx=16TO23:by=by-1:IF(pANDLOC(by))=0THEN:COPYx,y,46,1 :GOTO100 90 COPYx,y,42,1 100 PITCH1,x*256:NEXTx,y:WAVE#1,1 110 POKE198,0:WAIT198,1:GETa$:WAVE1,2,0,500:FORi=0TO50:NEXTi:WAVE#1,2 120 IFa$="{f1}"THENch=ch+1:GOTO150 130 IFa$="{f7}"THENch=ch-1:GOTO160 140 IFa$<>"{f8}"GOTO110 145 PRINT"{clear}":END 150 IFch>255THENch=0 160 IFch<0THENch=255 170 GOTO60 stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)