GRAPHICS 52 (INRODUCTION) öm2,2 öc┌━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┐ öcÅ Å öcÅ Graphics 52 Å öcÅ Å öcÅ Version 3.5 Å öcÅ Å öcÅ Created by: Å öcÅ Å öcÅ Å öcÅ Rocky Moore Å öcÅ Å öcÅ Å öcÅ (C) 1987 SOFTWARE UNLIMITED Å öcÅ Å öcÅ Å öc└━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┘ öp This program is not public domain and is fully copyrighted. Do to the giant costs of production and advertising, we have decided to use the SHAREWARE style of marketing. For those of you who do not know what SHAREWARE is, here is a short description: Shareware is an inexpensive way to market software which allows computer users to try software out and see if they like it. If they do and will be using it, they are asked to send in a fee for the use of the program. With most shareware software you are asked to pay fee's around $25 or more. We are not GREEDY. We just want to make a living. So, if you like and will use the program(s), we would like you to send us $5.00 to keep your name on our file so you can be informed when new titles or updates become available. Be sure to tell us which machine (Commodore or IBM) and what disk drive you will be using. If you would like to know what we have available for your machine, you can call (M-F 9-5 am.) or you can send a SASE for more information. Please address all responses to: öcSOFTWARE UNLIMITED öcP.O. Box 429 öcKlamath Falls, Oregon, 97601 öcPhone: (503) 882-7110 Note: Please feel free to give all your friends a copy of this software and please include the documents. öp öm2,2 öcINTRODUCTION The only purpose of this manual, is to explain what GRAPHICS 52's new commands are, and how to use these new commands. There are quite a few books on the market which will explain more about what graphics are, and how graphics work. Also this manual assumes you have previous BASIC and graphics programming experience. GRAPHICS 52 was mainly designed for the BASIC programmer who wants the speed of machine language with the ease of BASIC. This manual does not deal with any machine language programming, and you do not have to have any previous experience in machine language to use any of GRAPHICS 52's 52 extra commands. This manual does not go into to great of detail about GRAPHICS 52's commands. If you do not understand a command, just sit down and try it a few times. This should take care of the problem. If it does not, then write to: GRAPHICS QUESTIONS c/o:SOFTWARE UNLIMITED P.O. BOX 429 KLAMATH FALLS, OR., 97601-0344 Please include a self addressed, stamped reply envelope. Note: From here after, high resolution bit mapped graphics will be referred to as 'hi-res', and low resolution (or multi color) bit mapped graphics will be referred to as 'low-res'. Also note that all numeric parameters used with GRAPHICS 52's new commands will have the fractional part removed as with the BASIC PEEK and POKE. öp öcLOADING AND USING GRAPHICS 52 To load and initalize GRAPHICS 52, type: LOAD "GRAPHICS 3.5",8,1 äRETURN KEYå When GRAPHICS 52 has finished loading, the screen will clear and a (c) copyright notice will be displayed. At this point a 'READY' will be printed on the screen and command released back to you. At this point, the start of BASIC will be moved to 1025 ($0401 hex.), the start of screen memory will be relocated to 33729 ($8400 hex.), and when you press the äRUN/STOPå and äRESTOREå keys at the same time, the screen, border, and cursor colors will change to the same colors they where when GRAPHICS 52 was initalized. Also the BASIC PEEK and PRINT statements have been revised. Other than that, everything will be just like normal BASIC plus 52 new commands. NOTE: The colors the screen defaults to can be selected by a few POKE statements. (see MEMORY MAP) öp öcRevised PEEK function When GRAPHICS 52 is enabled, the normal BASIC PEEK() function does not perform as before. Now if you PEEK a location where the BASIC or OPERATING SYSTEMS ROM is, the PEEK function will no longer return the ROM image, instead it will return the value of the RAM memory location under the ROM. This makes it possible to use the 16K of RAM memory, under the ROM memory, for POKEing or PEEKing. This can be used to store sprite images, character images, or maybe game screens, until they are to be used. Note: The RAM under the ROM is also used for hi-res and low-res screens. So make sure you COPY this memory to another location before you use any of the commands that will affect this RAM memory. öcRevised PRINT Statement Also the PRINT statement will act strange if you have enabled a graphic screen. With a graphic screen enabled and in program mode, all information to be printed, will print out on the graphic screen and leave the normal screen untouched. In this way it is possible to blend text and high (or low) resolution graphics easily and without the need to convert the characters to screen code or the need for split screens (which GRAPHICS 52 does not support). However, the TAB(), SPC(), POS(), and "," will not work with a graphics screen enabled (and will result in a SYNTAX ERROR), but the ASCII coded commands will work to home or move the cursor, and a CHR$(147) will clear the graphic screen enabled and the ASCII reverse command will also work on a graphics screen. You may miss the TAB(), SPC(), and "," to place information on a graphics screen, but GRAPHICS 52 has a command to help, which will allow you to set the exact position on the screen (sort of a 'PRINT AT' function) and will also allow you to use up to four character sets at the same time. öp öcUSING G.52'S COMMANDS W/O G.52 Yes, it is possible to RUN a program which uses any of GRAPHICS 52's commands without having GRAPHICS 52. To do this you must add two program lines to your program. The two lines are: 0 IF PEEK(37191)<> 183 THEN IN=1:LOAD"LINK",8,1 1 IF IN =1 THEN SYS 49152 These two lines must be at the start of your program, and the "LINK" program must be on the same disk as your program is on. To copy the "LINK" program to another disk, just use the "LINK COPIER" program. And when the program asks you "SPLIT (Y/N) ?", press the "N" key. You may also split the "LINK" program into two sections to make it take up less memory on your disk and make the "LINK" program load quicker. First you will need to add three program lines to your program instead of two, which are: 0 IF PEEK(37191)<>183 THEN NE=1:LOAD "LINK1",8,1 1 IF NE=1 THEN NE=2:LOAD "LINK2",8,1 2 IF NE=2 THEN SYS49152 Now when you use the "LINK COPIER" program and it asks you "SPLIT (Y/N) ?", you just press the "Y" key. Note: You can not edit or LIST a program (using some of GRAPHICS 52's commands) without GRAPHICS 52 in place. You can only RUN the program.