start tok64 d64-tBF5O0 10 REM atomic handball 15 REM 20 REM frank lindsey 25 REM bowling green 30 REM kentucky, usa 35 REM (502)781-3117 40 REM 45 REM let's hear it for free software! 50 REM 55 REM let's also hear it for making a 60 REM buck. watch for my other commer- 65 REM cially available programs. 70 REM 75 PRINT"{clear}{white}{142}{ct h}":POKE53280,6:POKE53281,6 80 PRINT"{home}{down}":GOSUB200 85 PRINT"{down*2}{space*19}by" 90 PRINT"{down}{space*13}frank lindsey" 95 PRINT"{down*3}{space*10}instructions?{sh space}(y/n) 100 POKE646,k:k=k+1:IFk=16THENk=0 105 GOSUB200:GETa$:IFa$=""THEN100 110 IFa$="n"THEN195 115 PRINT"{clear}{down}{white}{ct n}{space*3}In the year 2040 all major sports 120 PRINT"{down}{space*3}have been replaced by the exciting 125 PRINT"{down}{space*11}Atomic Handball! 130 PRINT"{down}{space*2}In this year handball has evolved to 135 PRINT"{down}{space*2}the point that, instead of a rubber 140 PRINT"{down}{space*2}ball, the game is played with a muon 145 PRINT"{down}{space*2}ball that can only be deflected with 150 PRINT"{down}an electron paddle.{space*2}Subatomic particles 155 PRINT"must be destroyed for points by control 160 PRINT"{down}of the joystick in port #2.{space*2}Press the 165 PRINT"{down} fire button to serve, and GOOD LUCK! 170 PRINT"{down}{space*7}(PRESS{sh space}ANY{sh space}KEY{sh space}TO{sh space}BEGIN) 175 k=0 180 POKE646,k:k=k+1:IFk=2THENk=0 185 FORl=0TO30:NEXT:PRINT"{home}{down*5}{right*11}Atomic Handball" 190 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN180 195 PRINT"{142}":SYS3580 200 PRINT"{home}{down}" 205 PRINT"{space*9}{M*3} 210 PRINT"{space*8}N {M*3} 215 PRINT"{space*7}N{space*3}{M*3} {sh asterisk*2}I{sh asterisk*2}U{sh asterisk}IUIUI {cm r} U{sh asterisk}I 220 PRINT"{space*6}N{sh asterisk*5}{M*3}{space*2}{sh -}{space*2}{sh -} {sh -*2}JK{sh -} {sh -} {sh -} 225 PRINT"{space*5}N{space*7}{M*3} {cm e}{space*2}J{sh asterisk}K{cm e}{space*2}{cm e} {cm e} J{sh asterisk}K 230 PRINT 235 PRINT"{space*4}{sh -}{space*3}{sh -*3} 240 PRINT"{space*4}{sh -}{space*3}{sh -*3} 245 PRINT"{space*4}{cm q}{sh asterisk*3}{cm w}{sh -*2} U{sh asterisk}I UI{cm r} {cm r}I {cm r}I U{sh asterisk}I {cm r}{space*2}{cm r} 250 PRINT"{space*4}{sh -}{space*3}{sh -*3} {cm q}{sh asterisk}{cm w} {sh -*3} {sh -*2} {sh -}I {cm q}{sh asterisk}{cm w} {sh -}{space*2}{sh -} 255 PRINT"{space*4}{sh -}{space*3}{sh -*3} {cm e} {cm e} {cm e}JK {cm e}K {cm e}K {cm e} {cm e} {cm e}{sh asterisk}{cm x}{cm e}{sh asterisk}{cm x} 260 RETURN stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)