start tok64 d64-FU1rc5 10 REM"{141}{ct n}{up}{cm a}{sh asterisk*37}{cm s} 11 REM"{141}{up}{sh -}{space*5}{cm @*27}{space*5}{sh -} 12 REM"{141}{up}{sh -}{space*5}{reverse on}MINI SEQUENTIAL FILE READER{reverse off}{space*5}{sh -} 13 REM"{141}{up}{sh -}{space*37}{sh -} 14 REM"{141}{up}{sh -} (c)1992 Peter Karlsson alias Mr.P.{space*2}{sh -} 15 REM"{141}{up}{sh -} for Softwolves Software and Sys PD{space*2}{sh -} 16 REM"{141}{up}{cm q}{sh asterisk*37}{cm w} 17 REM"{141}{up}{sh -} OK to copy, translate and modify,{space*3}{sh -} 18 REM"{141}{up}{sh -} but not to sell or to erase my name {sh -} 19 REM"{141}{up}{cm z}{sh asterisk*37}{cm x} 20 REM"{delete*7}save"mini seq reader",8 21 REM"{delete*7}{141*3}run 22 POKE53280,14:POKE53281,14 23 PRINT"{white}{ct h}{142}{clear}{down}{cm a}{cm r}{cm s}{cm r}{cm a}{sh asterisk}{cm s}{cm r} {cm a}{sh asterisk}{cm s}{cm a}{sh asterisk}{cm s}{cm a}{sh asterisk}{cm s} {cm a}{sh asterisk}{cm s}{cm a}{sh asterisk}{cm s}{cm a}{sh asterisk}{cm s}{cm a}{sh asterisk}I{cm a}{sh asterisk}{cm s}{cm a}{sh asterisk}{cm s} 24 PRINT"{sh -*5} {sh -*2} {sh -}{space*2}{sh -}{space*2}{sh -} {sh -} {sh -} {sh -*2}{space*2}{sh -} {sh -*2} {sh -*2}{space*2}{sh -} {sh -}ver"; 25 PRINT"{sh -*5} {sh -*2} {cm z}{sh asterisk}{cm s}{cm q}{sh asterisk}{cm w}{sh -} {sh -} {cm q}{cm r}{cm x}{cm q}{sh asterisk}{cm w}{cm q}{sh asterisk}{cm w}{sh -} {sh -}{cm q}{sh asterisk}{cm w}{cm q}{cm r}{cm x}1.1"; 26 PRINT"{sh -} {sh -*3} {sh -*2}{space*3}{sh -*2}{space*2}{sh -}M{sh -} {sh -}{cm z}{cm s}{sh -}{space*2}{sh -} {sh -*2} {sh -*2}{space*2}{sh -}{cm z}{cm s} 27 PRINT"{cm x} {cm z}{cm e}{cm x} {cm z}{cm e} {cm z}{sh asterisk}{cm x}{cm z}{sh asterisk}{cm x}{cm z}{sh asterisk}M {cm e} {cm e}{cm z}{sh asterisk}{cm x}{cm e} {cm e}{cm z}{sh asterisk}K{cm z}{sh asterisk}{cm x}{cm e} {cm e} 28 PRINT"{blue}{sh asterisk*8} improved on 1992-01-10 {sh asterisk*8} 29 PRINT"{white}which seq-file do you want to read? 30 POKE198,.:a$="":INPUT"$=dir @=dos {arrow left}=quit? ${left*3}";a$ 31 IFa$="{arrow left}"THENPRINT"{clear}{light blue}";:POKE53281,6:END 32 IFa$="@"THENGOSUB58:GOTO23 33 IFa$="$"THENGOSUB50:GOTO30 34 OPEN15,8,15 35 PRINT"{clear}{ct n}"; 36 OPEN8,8,8,"0:"+a$+",s,r" 37 GOSUB48:PRINT:PRINT"{reverse on}SHIFT{reverse off} pauses and {reverse on}Q{reverse off} quits 38 GET#8,b$:IFstTHEN45 39 PRINTb$;:IFPEEK(653)AND3=.THENGOSUB48:GOTO38 40 IFPEEK(653)AND1=1THEN40 41 IFPEEK(197)=62THEN43 42 GOTO38 43 PRINT:PRINT"{reverse on}Reading aborted by user.":CLOSE8:CLOSE15 44 PRINT:PRINT"Press {reverse on}CONTROL{reverse off} to restart":WAIT653,4:RUN23 45 PRINT:PRINT"{reverse on}End of file":CLOSE8:CLOSE15:GOTO44 46 PRINT"{reverse on}Reading aborted due to disk error: 47 PRINT"{reverse on}"CHR$(ASC(em$)+32)MID$(em$,2)".":CLOSE8:CLOSE15:GOTO44 48 INPUT#15,en,em$,et,es:IFen<20THENRETURN 49 GOTO46 50 PRINT"{142}{down}{clear}pause the directory with {reverse on}shift{reverse off}. 51 a$="$0:*=s":IFz=1THENa$="$0":z=. 52 OPEN1,8,0,a$:POKE781,1:SYS65478:GETa$,a$:e$=CHR$(.) 53 GETa$,a$,h$,l$:IFstTHENSYS65484:CLOSE1:RETURN 54 IFPEEK(653)AND1=1THEN54 55 b=ASC(h$+e$)+256*ASC(l$+e$):PRINTTAB(5+(b>9)+(b>99))bTAB(8-(b>9)-(b>99)) 56 GETa$,b$:IFa$THENPRINTa$b$;:GOTO56 57 PRINTa$:GOTO53 58 PRINT"{clear}{ct n}{down}Enter DOS command: $ for dir. 59 PRINT"RETURN to quit. 60 a$="":POKE631,34:POKE198,1:INPUTa$ 61 IFa$="$"THENz=1:GOSUB50:PRINT"press {reverse on}any key":POKE198,.:WAIT198,1:GOTO58 62 IFa$=""THENRETURN 63 IFLEFT$(a$,1)="n"THEN69 64 IFLEFT$(a$,1)="v"THEN70 65 IFLEFT$(a$,1)="s"THEN71 66 PRINT"Sending:":PRINTa$:OPEN15,8,15,a$ 67 INPUT#15,en,em$,et$,es$:PRINTCHR$(34)em$CHR$(34)"{space*2}"et$" "es$ 68 CLOSE15:GOTO60 69 g$="format":GOTO72 70 g$="validate":GOTO72 71 g$="scratch 72 PRINT"WARNING: By using the "g$" command 73 PRINT"{space*9}you can lose important datas. 74 PRINT"{space*9}To "g$": press {reverse on} y {reverse off}. 75 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN75 76 IFa$<>"y"THEN60 77 GOTO66 stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)