start tok64 d64-rAAGep 0 REMclose1:open1,8,15,"s:printer":save"printer",8 1 GOTO50 3 programmed by harald fragner 87-03-24 4 revised 87-11-28 50 pl=72:REM paperlenght 60 GOSUB1000 100 PRINT"{down*2}Name of catalog : catalog.dat{left*11}";:INPUT#1,fi$:PRINT 110 IFfi$="quit"THENCLOSE3:CLOSE1:END 120 fi$="{light gray}"+LEFT$(fi$,14)+"{light blue},s,r" 130 PRINT#3,"i":OPEN2,8,2,fi$:INPUT#3,x 140 IFx=62THENPRINT"{down*2}File does not exist on disk":CLOSE2:GOTO100 150 IFx<>0THENINPUT#3,x$:PRINT"Disk error";x;x$:GOTO890 160 OPEN4,4,7:PRINT#4 200 INPUT#2,da$,a 210 PRINT"{down}Catalog from :"da$ 215 a$=STR$(a) 220 PRINT"There are";a$;" records to be printed" 225 GOSUB5000 240 IFn$<>"quit"THENPRINT#4,"Catalog for ";n$;"." 243 pq1=LEN(n$):pq2=pq1+13 244 FOR p=1 TO pq2:PRINT#4,"{cm u}";:NEXT 245 PRINT#4 250 PRINT#4,"Name of Record{space*15}"; 260 PRINT#4,"Performer{space*20}"; 270 PRINT#4,"{space*2}Year{space*2}Type":PRINT#4 299 lc=6 300 PRINT"{down*3}":FOR x=1 TO a 310 INPUT#2,x$:INPUT#2,x2$ 320 INPUT#2,x1%:INPUT#2,x2% 323 GOSUB3000:REM check for new letter 335 x$=x$+LEFT$("{space*30}",29-LEN(x$)) 340 x$=x$+x2$ 345 x$=x$+LEFT$("{space*31}",59-LEN(x$)) 350 ye$=x$+STR$(x1%):REM str$(x1%+1900) 355 IF ye$="0" THEN ye$=" --" 360 x$=ye$+"{space*2}"+type$(x2%) 370 t(x2%)=t(x2%)+1 380 lc=lc+1:IFlc=pl-3THENFORi=1TO6:PRINT#4:NEXT:lc=3 390 PRINT#4,x$ 400 PRINT"{up}Printed"x"{left} out of"a:NEXT 410 PRINT#4:PRINT#4 415 GOSUB7000:PRINT#4:PRINT#4 500 PRINT"{down*2} *** READY ***" 800 GOTO900 890 CLOSE2:CLOSE4:POKE198,0:WAIT198,1 897 : 900 PRINT"{down*2}Again?{space*2}(y/N)" 920 CLOSE2:CLOSE4 930 POKE198,0:WAIT198,1:GETa$ 935 IFa$="y"THEN100 940 IFa$="n"ORa$="N"ORa$=CHR$(13)THEN950 945 GOTO930 950 CLOSE1:CLOSE3 960 PRINT"{down*2}Thanks for using The Record Box!!":POKE53280,6:POKE53281,6 970 PRINT"{light blue}":END 1000 OPEN1,0:OPEN3,8,15 1010 POKE53280,0:POKE53281,0:PRINT"{gray}" 1020 POKE53272,22:PRINTCHR$(8) 1030 FORx=1TO7:READtype$(x):NEXT 1200 PRINT"{clear}This will send a formatted list of all" 1210 PRINT"records stored in a file by" 1220 PRINT"'The Record Box'. It will work with any" 1230 PRINT"CBM-type printer (device #4)." 1240 PRINT"{down}Make sure your printer is properly" 1250 PRINT"connected, then hit to continue" 1260 PRINT"or any other key to quit." 1270 POKE198,0:WAIT198,1:GETa$ 1280 IFa$=" "THEN1470 1290 END 1470 PRINT"{down*2}Position paper in the printer so that" 1480 PRINT"the top of the paper is the first line" 1490 PRINT"to be printed on." 1699 RETURN 1999 : 2000 DATA "Single","Maxi","LP","CD" 2010 DATA "Double Single","Double LP","Special type" 3000 w$=LEFT$(x2$,1):IFw$=cc$THENRETURN 3010 IF ASC(w$)<193 THEN RETURN 3020 cc$=w$:IF lc<65THEN3060 3030 rl=pl-lc 3040 FOR i=1 TO rl+3:PRINT#4:NEXT:lc=3 3060 PRINT#4:PRINT#4,cc$:lc=lc+2 3090 RETURN 4999 : 5000 PRINT"{down*2}Please enter the name you want to get" 5010 PRINT"printed along with the catalog." 5020 PRINT"Generally, you will enter the name" 5030 PRINT"of the owner of the records." 5040 PRINT"Enter a line of maximum 30 chars." 5050 PRINT"Enter 'quit' if you don't want to print" 5060 PRINT"a name." 5070 PRINT"{down*2}>"; 5080 INPUT#1,n$:PRINT:n$=LEFT$(n$,30) 5090 RETURN 6999 : 7000 GOSUB 7900 7005 IFt(1)=0THEN7200 7010 PRINT#4,"SINGLEs{space*10}:";t(1) 7200 IFt(2)=0THEN7300 7210 PRINT#4,"MAXIs{space*12}:";t(2) 7300 IFt(3)=0THEN7400 7310 PRINT#4,"LPs{space*14}:";t(3) 7400 IFt(4)=0THEN7500 7410 PRINT#4,"CDs{space*14}:";t(4) 7500 IFt(5)=0THEN7600 7510 PRINT#4,"DOUBLE SINGLEs{space*3}:";t(5) 7600 IFt(6)=0THEN7700 7610 PRINT#4,"DOUBLE LPs{space*7}:";t(6) 7700 IFt(7)=0THEN7715 7710 PRINT#4,"SPECIALs{space*9}:";t(7) 7715 PRINT#4,"TOTAL{space*12}:";a 7717 PRINT#4,"LAST UPDATE{space*5}: ";da$ 7800 RETURN 7900 IF lc