start tok64 d64-LLr8Rn 10 REM *** super caller 64 *** 20 REM *** ett telefon *** 30 REM *** register med *** 40 REM *** helautomatisk *** 50 REM *** uppringare f{pound}r *** 60 REM *** axe systemet *** 70 REM *** --------------- *** 80 REM *** programmerat av *** 90 REM *** mikael pawlo *** 100 REM *** f{pound}r shn 1990! *** 110 REM *** --------------- *** 120 REM *** be cool... *** 130 REM *** be bymp!!! *** 140 REM *** --------------- *** 150 GOSUB 2330:SYS49152 160 OPEN 3,8,15,"i0" 170 DIM namn$(500),nr$(500) 180 POKE 53272,20 190 POKE53280,0:POKE53281,0 200 PRINT"{clear}{orange}"; 210 CLOSE 4 220 PRINTTAB(6)"U{sh asterisk*2}{C*9}{sh asterisk*15}I" 230 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*26}B" 240 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*8}supercaller{space*7}B" 250 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*11}meny{space*11}B" 260 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*26}B" 270 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*2}{reverse on}f1{reverse off} : sl] nummer{space*9}B" 280 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*26}B" 290 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*2}{reverse on}f2{reverse off} : h[mta nummer & sl] B" 300 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*26}B" 310 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*2}{reverse on}f3{reverse off} : ladda fil{space*10}B" 320 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*26}B" 330 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*2}{reverse on}f4{reverse off} : spara fil{space*10}B" 340 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*26}B" 350 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*2}{reverse on}f5{reverse off} : ny post{space*12}B" 360 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*26}B" 370 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*2}{reverse on}f6{reverse off} : radera post{space*8}B" 380 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*26}B" 390 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*2}{reverse on}f7{reverse off} : se post{space*12}B" 400 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*26}B" 410 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*2}{reverse on}f8{reverse off} : skriv ut senaste{space*3}B" 420 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*26}B" 430 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*3}{reverse on}q{reverse off} : avsluta{space*12}B" 440 PRINTTAB(6)"B{space*26}B" 450 PRINTTAB(6)"J{C*26}K" 460 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN GOTO 460 470 IF a$=CHR$(138)THEN GOTO 790 480 IF a$=CHR$(134)THEN GOTO 570 490 IF a$="q"THEN SYS 64738 500 IF a$=CHR$(139)THEN GOTO 1040 510 IF a$=CHR$(135)THEN GOTO 1440 520 IF a$=CHR$(136)THEN GOTO 1780 530 IF a$=CHR$(140)THEN GOTO 2160 540 IF a$=CHR$(133)THEN GOTO 1240 550 IFa$=CHR$(137)THEN GOTO 2220 560 GOTO 460 570 REM *** f3 : ladda *** 580 POKE53280,2:POKE53281,2 590 PRINT"{clear}{black}" 600 INPUT"filnamn";f$ 610 PRINT"{reverse on}d{reverse off}iskett eller {reverse on}k{reverse off}assett" 620 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN GOTO 620 630 IFa$="k"THEN GOTO 660 640 IFa$<>"d"THEN GOTO 620 650 GOTO 720 660 REM *** ladda fr]n kassett *** 670 OPEN 2,1,0,f$ 680 INPUT#2,ant 690 FORt=1TOant 700 INPUT#2,namn$(t),nr$(t) 710 NEXTt:CLOSE2:GOTO190 720 REM *** ladda fr]n diskett *** 730 OPEN 2,8,2,f$+",s,r" 740 GOSUB 1300 750 INPUT#2,ant 760 FORt=1TOant 770 INPUT#2,namn$(t),nr$(t) 780 NEXTt:CLOSE2:GOTO190 790 REM *** f4 : spara *** 800 POKE53280,1:POKE53281,1 810 PRINT"{clear}{black}"; 820 INPUT"filnamn";f$ 830 PRINT"{reverse on}d{reverse off}iskett eller {reverse on}k{reverse off}assett" 840 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN GOTO 840 850 IFa$="k"THEN GOTO 880 860 IFa$<>"d"THEN GOTO 840 870 GOTO 950 880 REM *** spara till kassett *** 890 OPEN 2,1,1,f$ 900 PRINT#2,ant 910 FORt=1TOant 920 PRINT#2,namn$(t):PRINT#2,nr$(t) 930 NEXTt:CLOSE2:CLOSE4 940 GOTO 190 950 REM *** spara till diskett *** 960 OPEN 2,8,2,f$+" ,s,w" 970 GOSUB 1300:IFa$="file exists" THEN GOSUB 1350 980 PRINT#2,ant 990 FORt=1TOant 1000 PRINT#2,namn$(t):PRINT#2,nr$(t) 1010 GOSUB1300 1020 NEXTt:CLOSE2:CLOSE4 1030 GOTO190 1040 REM *** f6 : ers[tta post *** 1050 POKE53280,4:POKE53281,4 1060 PRINT"{clear}{white}" 1070 INPUT"namn";namn$ 1080 FORt=1TOant 1090 IFnamn$(t)=namn$ THEN 1120 1100 NEXTt 1110 PRINT namn$;" finns ej med.":FORt=1TO1500:NEXTt:GOTO190 1120 q=ant:ant=t:nm$="ers[tta" 1130 GOSUB 1300:ant=q:GOTO190 1140 REM *** kortets utseende *** 1150 PRINT"{home}"; 1160 PRINT"{cm a}{C*29}{cm s}" 1170 PRINT"B{space*29}B" 1180 PRINT"B namn :{space*22}B" 1190 PRINT"{cm q}{C*29}{cm w}" 1200 PRINT"B telefon :{space*19}B" 1210 PRINT"B{space*29}B" 1220 PRINT"{cm z}{C*29}{cm x}" 1230 RETURN 1240 REM *** f1 : sl] nummer *** 1250 POKE53280,7:POKE53281,7 1260 PRINT"{clear}{light blue}"; 1270 INPUT"vilket nummer";a$ 1280 @a$ 1290 GOTO 190 1300 REM *** kontrollera diskett *** 1310 INPUT#3,a,a$,b,c 1320 PRINT"{home}"a;a$;b;c 1330 IFa<>0ANDa$<>"file exists"THEN CLOSE 2:FORt=1TO750:NEXTt:GOTO 190 1340 RETURN 1350 REM *** ers[tta fil *** 1360 PRINT"{down*2}filen finns redan. vill du ers[tta" 1370 PRINT"den med den nya?" 1380 PRINT"{reverse on}j{reverse off}a" 1390 PRINT"{reverse on}n{reverse off}ej" 1400 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN 1400 1410 IFa$="j"THEN CLOSE2:OPEN2,8,2,"@:"+f$+",s,w":RETURN 1420 IFa$="n"THEN CLOSE2:GOTO190 1430 GOTO 1400 1440 REM *** f5 : l[gg till post *** 1450 GOSUB 1460:GOTO190 1460 GOSUB 1140 1470 PRINT"{home}{down*2}{right*10}";:ant=ant+1:v$="namn$":k=19:ol=0:GOSUB 1570 1480 PRINT"{home}{down*4}{right*13}";:v$="nr$":k=15:ol=0:GOSUB1570 1490 IF nm$="ers[tta" THEN nm$="":RETURN 1500 PRINT"ytterligare en?" 1510 PRINT"{reverse on}j{reverse off}a" 1520 PRINT"{reverse on}n{reverse off}ej" 1530 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN GOTO1530 1540 IFa$="j"THEN 1440 1550 IFa$="n"THEN RETURN 1560 GOTO 1530 1570 REM *** tabulator *** 1580 PRINTTAB(ol+1)"* {left*2}";:GETa$:IFa$=""THEN 1580 1590 a=ASC(a$) 1600 IFa$="/"THEN 1650 1610 IFa$=CHR$(13) THEN PRINTTAB(ol+1)" ";:GOTO1710 1620 IFa>64ANDa<94THEN 1650 1630 IFa>47ANDa<58ORa=32ORa=20 THEN 1650 1640 GOTO 1580 1650 IF a=20 THEN ol=ol-2 1660 ol=ol+1:IFol>kTHENol=ol-1:GOTO 1580 1670 IF ol<0THEN ol=0:GOTO 1580 1680 IFa=20THEN PRINT"{left} {left}";:GOTO 1700 1690 PRINTa$; 1700 GOTO 1580 1710 FORi=0TO ol:PRINT"{left}";:NEXT 1720 OPEN 1,3 1730 INPUT#1,a$ 1740 IFv$="namn$"THENnamn$(ant)=LEFT$(a$,ol) 1750 IFv$="nr$"THENnr$(ant)=LEFT$(a$,ol) 1760 IF ant>500 THEN GOTO 2010 1770 CLOSE 1:RETURN 1780 REM *** f7 : se post *** 1790 IF ant=0 THEN GOTO 190 1800 PRINT"{clear}{black}":POKE53280,5:POKE53281,5 1810 GOSUB 2030 1820 PRINT"vilken bokstav?" 1830 GET b$:IFb$=""THEN GOTO1830 1840 PRINT"{up*2}{right*16}"b$ 1850 IF LEN(b$)>1THEN 1800 1860 FORt=1TOant 1870 IF namn$(t)=""THEN NEXT 1880 IF ASC(LEFT$(namn$(t),1))=ASC(b$)THEN GOSUB 1900 1890 NEXT:GOTO 190 1900 PRINT"{clear}":GOSUB 1140 1910 PRINT"{home}{down*2}{right*10}"namn$(t) 1920 PRINT"{home}{down*4}{right*13}"nr$(t) 1930 PRINT"{down*3}n[sta?" 1940 a$="" 1950 PRINT"{reverse on}j{reverse off}a" 1960 PRINT"{reverse on}n{reverse off}ej" 1970 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN GOTO1970 1980 IFa$="j"THEN RETURN 1990 IFa$="n"THEN GOTO 190 2000 GOTO 1970 2010 PRINT"{home}{down*14}f{pound}r m]nga namn!" 2020 RETURN 2030 REM *** om ej spec. bokstav *** 2040 PRINT"vill du s{pound}ka p] en speciell bokstav" 2050 PRINT"{reverse on}j{reverse off}a" 2060 PRINT"{reverse on}n{reverse off}ej" 2070 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN GOTO 2070 2080 IFa$="j"THEN RETURN 2090 IFa$<>"n"THEN 2070 2100 FORi=65TO93 2110 FORt=1TOant 2120 IFnamn$(t)=""THEN NEXT t,i:GOTO190 2130 IFASC(LEFT$(namn$(t),1))=i THEN GOSUB 1900 2140 NEXTt:IFi<93THEN NEXT i 2150 GOTO 190 2160 REM *** f8 : skriv ut senaste *** 2170 OPEN 1,4:PRINT#1,CHR$(31) 2180 PRINT#1,namn$(i) 2190 PRINT#1,nr$(i) 2200 PRINT#1 2210 CLOSE 1:GOTO 190 2220 REM *** f2 : h[mta nummer&sl] *** 2230 POKE53280,8:POKE53281,8 2240 PRINT"{clear}{black}" 2250 INPUT"namn";skt$ 2260 FORt=1TOant 2270 IF namn$(t)=""THEN NEXTt 2280 IF namn$(t)=skt$ THEN 2300 2290 NEXTt:GOTO 190 2300 b$=nr$(t) 2310 @b$ 2320 GOTO 190 2330 REM *** tonsystem *** 2340 FORbymp=49152TO49392:READduo 2350 POKE bymp,duo:NEXTbymp:RETURN 2360 REM *** end of ml-part *** 2370 DATA 169,40,141,8,3,169,192 2380 DATA 141,9,3,169,15,141,24 2390 DATA 212,169,0,141,5,212 2400 DATA 141,12,212,169,224,141 2410 DATA 6,212,141,13,212,169,17 2420 DATA 141,4,212,141,11,212 2430 DATA 96,32,115,0,201,64,240 2440 DATA 11,165,122,208,2,198,123 2450 DATA 198,122,76,228,167,32 2460 DATA 115,0,32,158,173,32,43 2470 DATA 175,32,133,186,160,0 2480 DATA 177,71,170,200,177 2490 DATA 71,133,251,200,177,71 2500 DATA 133,252,134,253,160,0 2510 DATA 177,251,201,48,144,91 2520 DATA 201,58,176,87,56,233,48 2530 DATA 170,152,72,160,0,200 2540 DATA 200,200,200,202,208 2550 DATA 249,152,170,234,234,189 2560 DATA 202,192,141,8,212,189 2570 DATA 201,192,141,7,212,189 2580 DATA 204,192,141,1,212,189 2590 DATA 203,192,141,0,212,160 2600 DATA 255,162,112,202,208,253 2610 DATA 136,208,248,169,0,141 2620 DATA 8,212,141,7,212,141,1 2630 DATA 212,141,0,212,160,255 2640 DATA 162,112,202,208,253,136 2650 DATA 208,248,104,168,200,196 2660 DATA 253,208,162,76,47,192 2670 DATA 152,72,160,255,162,255 2680 DATA 202,208,253,136,208,248 2690 DATA 76,176,192 2700 REM *** sounds *** 2710 DATA 171,61,142,87 : REM * 0 * 2720 DATA 173,45,59,80 : REM * 1 * 2730 DATA 173,45,142,87 : REM * 2 * 2740 DATA 173,45,203,96 : REM * 3 * 2750 DATA 118,50,59,80 : REM * 4 * 2760 DATA 118,50,142,88 : REM * 5 * 2770 DATA 118,50,203,96 : REM * 6 * 2780 DATA 214,55,59,79 : REM * 7 * 2790 DATA 214,55,142,88 : REM * 8 * 2800 DATA 214,55,203,96 : REM * 9 * stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)