start tok64 d64-KYrzDh 0 POKE53280,14:POKE53281,14 1 PRINT"{white}{clear}{down}{right}{142}{ct h}hexnumbers. $cf00-$cf2e. 2 PRINT"{down} prints an hexadecimal # on the screen. 3 PRINT" load .a with the high byte and .y with 4 PRINT" the lowbyte and use a jsr $cf00. 5 PRINT" from basic, do like this: poke 780 6 PRINT" with highbyte and 782 with lowbyte and 7 PRINT" use sys52992. 8 PRINT"{down}{blue} (c) 1991 mr.p. and softwolves software 9 PRINT,,"public domain 10 OPEN1,8,1,",p,r":POKE780,.:SYS65493:CLOSE1 11 PRINT"{down} example:{down} 12 FORi=.TO1024STEP64 13 PRINT"$";:POKE780,INT(i/256):POKE782,iAND255:SYS52992 14 PRINT"=#"MID$(STR$(i+10000),3),:NEXT stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)