start tok64 d64-DOihIm 10 REM mplay by craig chamberlain 10/85 20 REM DLOADright 1985 alliance software 30 REM type run 100 for instructions 40 REM please do not modify this file 50 SYS 3760 100 PRINT"{clear}{ct n}{ct h}{black}":POKE53280,15:POKE53281,15 110 FORk=1TO3:PRINT"{clear}":READl:FORj=1TOl:READs$:PRINT" "s$:NEXT 120 PRINT:PRINT" (press any key)":WAIT 198,15:GETk$:NEXT:RUN 800 DATA21,"SIDPLAYER MULTIPLAY","by Craig Chamberlain", 801 DATA"This is an autoplayer for","the Sidplayer music system.", 802 DATA"The program plays all songs created" 803 DATA "using the Sidplayer Editor found in 804 DATA"the book All About the Commodore 64, 805 DATA"Volume Two, published and sold on","disk by Compute! Books.", 806 DATA"USE CURSOR KEYS TO POSITION ARROW", 807 DATA"F1 SELECT OR{sh space}CANCEL A SONG","F3 SELECT ALL REMAINING SONGS 808 DATA"F4 CANCEL ALL SONGS","F5 NEW DISK DIRECTORY" 809 DATA"F7 PLAY SONGS IN ORDER SELECTED",,"SEE SIDNEWS#2 FOR MORE INFORMATION" 810 DATA20,"In addition to Sidplayer,","Volume Two contains sections on{.*3}", 811 DATA"* Advanced BASIC","{space*2}(DEF, OPEN, CLOSE, WAIT, SYS, etc.)", 812 DATA"* Bitmapped Graphics Extensions","{space*2}(with new statements added to 813 DATA"{space*2}BASIC, including fast FILL and","{space*2}SHAPE drawing statements)", 814 DATA"* Sprite Control System","{space*2}(with continuous sprite motion, 815 DATA"{space*2}joystick control, automatic shape" 816 DATA"{space*2}changing, an editor, and more -","{space*2}sprite animation without a 817 DATA"{space*2}single POKE statement!)",,"ALL THE UTILITIES RUN ON A C128 818 DATA"IN COMMODORE 64 EMULATION MODE. 820 DATA20,"ALL ABOUT THE COMMODORE 64: VOLUME TWO","by Craig Chamberlain", 821 DATA"From COMPUTE! Books",,"$16.95{space*2}(DISK $12.95)", 822 DATA"ISBN 0-942386-45-0",,"At your local bookstore", 823 DATA"Or call toll free 1-800-334-0868",, 824 DATA"You don't have to buy","a whole new computer{.*3}", 825 DATA"All you need is Volume Two!",, stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)