start tok64 d64-8Y6p35 10 REM the metric system by jeff koester 20 POKE53280,0:POKE53281,0 30 PRINT"{clear}{white}" 40 PRINT"{down*2}**the metric converter**{reverse off}" 50 PRINT"{down*2}1 temperature conversion" 60 PRINT"{down}2 mass conversion" 70 PRINT"{down}3 length conversion" 80 PRINT"{down}4 volume conversion" 90 INPUT"{down}choose type of conversion";a 100 ONaGOTO150,310,600,910 120 IFa=3THENGOTO600 140 GOTO90 150 PRINT"{clear}":PRINT"temperature conversion" 160 PRINT"{down*2}1 fahrenheit to celsius" 170 PRINT"{down}2 celsius to fahrenheit" 180 INPUT"{down}choose one";a 190 ONaGOTO210,260:GOTO180 210 PRINT"{down}f to c" 220 INPUT"{down}input temperature";t 230 PRINT"{down}the corresponding temperature is " 240 PRINTINT((((t-32)*5/9)+.05)*10)/10"c" 250 GOTO1220 260 PRINT"{down}c to f" 270 INPUT"{down}input temperature";t 280 PRINT"{down}the corresponding temperature is " 290 PRINTINT((((t*9/5)+32)+.05)*10)/10"f" 300 GOTO1220 310 PRINT"{clear}":PRINT"mass conversion" 320 PRINT"{down*2}1 pound to kilograms" 330 PRINT"{down}2 kilogram to pounds" 340 PRINT"{down}3 ounce to grams" 350 PRINT"{down}4 gram to ounces" 360 INPUT"{down}choose one";a 370 ONaGOTO420,480,520,560:GOTO360 420 PRINT"{down}pound to kilograms" 430 GOSUB440:GOSUB470:GOTO450 440 INPUT"{down}input mass";m:RETURN 450 PRINTINT((m*.454+.05)*10)/10" kg" 460 GOTO1220 470 PRINT"{down}the corresponding mass is ":RETURN 480 PRINT"{down}kilogram to pounds" 490 GOSUB440:GOSUB470 500 PRINTINT((m/.454+.05)*10)/10" lbs" 510 GOTO1220 520 PRINT"{down}ounce to grams" 530 GOSUB440:GOSUB470 540 PRINTINT((m*28.4+.05)*10)/10" g" 550 GOTO1220 560 PRINT"{down}gram to ounces" 570 GOSUB440:GOSUB470 580 PRINTINT((m/28.4+.05)*10)/10" oz" 590 GOTO1220 600 PRINT"{clear}" 610 PRINT"length conversion" 620 PRINT"{down}1 mile to kilometers" 630 PRINT"{down}2 kilometer to miles" 640 PRINT"{down}3 inch to centimeters" 650 PRINT"{down}4 centimeter to inches" 660 INPUT"{down}choose one";a 670 ONaGOTO720,790,830,870:GOTO660 720 PRINT"{down}mile to kilometers 730 GOSUB740:GOSUB780:GOTO760 740 INPUT"{down}input distance";l:RETURN 750 GOSUB780 760 PRINTINT((l*1.61+.005)*100)/100" km" 770 GOTO1220 780 PRINT"{down}the corresponding length is ";:RETURN 790 PRINT"{down}kilometer to miles" 800 GOSUB740:GOSUB780 810 PRINTINT((l/1.61+.005)*100)/100" miles" 820 GOTO1220 830 PRINT"{down}inch to centimeters" 840 GOSUB740:GOSUB780 850 PRINTINT((l*2.54+.005)*100)/100" cm" 860 GOTO1220 870 PRINT"{down}centimeter to inches" 880 GOSUB740:GOSUB780 890 PRINTINT((l/2.54+.005)*100)/100" inches" 900 GOTO1220 910 PRINT"{clear}" 920 PRINT"{down}volume conversion" 930 PRINT"{down}1 gallon to liters" 940 PRINT"{down}2 liter to gallons" 950 PRINT"{down}3 fluid ounce to milliliters" 960 PRINT"{down}4 milliliter to fluid ounces" 970 INPUT"{down}choose one";a 980 ONaGOTO1030,1100,1140,1180:GOTO970 1030 PRINT"{down}gallon to liters" 1040 GOSUB1050:GOTO1060 1050 INPUT"{down}input volume";v:RETURN 1060 GOSUB1090 1070 PRINTINT((v*3.78+.005)*100)/100" l" 1080 GOTO1220 1090 PRINT"{down}the corresponding volume is ";:RETURN 1100 PRINT"{down}liter to gallons" 1110 GOSUB1050:GOSUB1090 1120 PRINTINT((v/3.78+.005)*100)/100" gal." 1130 GOTO1220 1140 PRINT"{down}fluid ounce to milliliters" 1150 GOSUB1050:GOSUB1090 1160 PRINTINT((v*29.6+.05)*10)/10" ml" 1170 GOTO1220 1180 PRINT"{down}milliliter to fluid ounces" 1190 GOSUB1050:GOSUB1090 1200 PRINTINT((v/29.6+.05)*10)/10"fl oz" 1220 INPUT"{down}return to main menu(y/n)";a$ 1230 IFa$="y"THENGOTO10 stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)