start tok64 d64-0SsjZf 0 REM multicolor info 1 PRINT"{clear}{down}{right}select your computer. press return. 2 PRINT"{down}{right*2}c64{right*2}c128 3 PRINT"{up}{right*2}{reverse on}c64{right*2}{reverse off}c128 4 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN4 5 IFa$=CHR$(13)THENc=64:bo=251:bk=252:SYS49152:GOTO10 6 PRINT"{up}{right*2}c64{right*2}{reverse on}c128 7 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN7 8 IFa$=CHR$(13)THENc=128:bo=166:bk=167:SYS5120:GOTO10 9 GOTO3 10 POKEbo,7:POKEbk,7 11 PRINT"{light blue}{clear}{down}{right}multicolor (c): c128: computer 12 PRINT"{right*17}c64:{space*2}softwolves/sys 13 PRINT"{down}{right}multicolor info 14 PRINT"{right}{cm y*15} 15 PRINT"{right*2}the {white}multicolor{light blue} program gives your 16 PRINT"{right}commodore 15 new colors. they can be 17 PRINT"{right}used in the border and as background 18 PRINT"{right}color only. to use these new colors, 19 PRINT"{right}you must address them in another way 20 PRINT"{right}than you normally does: 21 PRINT"{right}press any key for examples:":FORi=.TO1STEP.:GETa$:IFa$<>""THENi=1 22 NEXT:PRINT"{right*2}to change the border color to 23 PRINT"{right*2}grey-red : poke"bo"{left},30":POKEbo,30 24 GOSUB1000:PRINT"{right*2}to change the border color to 25 PRINT"{right*2}yellow-green : poke"bo"{left},23":POKEbo,23 26 GOSUB1000:PRINT"{right*2}to change the border color to 27 PRINT"{right*2}light blue : poke"bo"{left},15":POKEbo,15:GOSUB1000 28 POKEbo,1:POKEbk,1 29 PRINT"{gray}{clear}{down}{right}use these color codes: 30 PRINT"poke"bo"{left}/"bk"{left},: color 31 FORi=1TO31:READa$:PRINTiTAB(16)a$:POKEbo,i:GOSUB1000:NEXT:POKEbo,. 32 PRINT"poke into"bo"for the border color 33 PRINT"{space*6}and"bk"for the background color. 34 GOSUB1000 35 POKEbk,1:POKEbo,14:PRINT"{light green}{clear}";:END 50 DATAblack,white,red,cyan,purple,green,blue,yellow,orange,brown,lt red 51 DATAdk grey,md grey,lt green,lt blue,lt grey 52 DATAred-brown,lt cyan,lt purple,pale green,pale blue,blue-grey 53 DATAyellow-green,lt blue-grey,dk blue,dk purple,pale purple 54 DATAdk cyan,pale brown,grey-red,pale red 1000 PRINT"{right}{reverse on}any key 1001 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN1001 1002 PRINT"{right}{up}{space*7}{up}":RETURN stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)