start tok64 d64-oNk2Mm 0 REM********************************** 1 REM* * 2 REM* restore-blocker (c) 1990 soft- * 3 REM* wolves software and mr.p. * 4 REM* * 5 REM* start program and then try to * 6 REM* press the restore-button... * 7 REM* * 8 REM* * 9 REM********************************** 10 PRINT"{clear}";:FORi=.TO34:READs:ck=ck+s*(i+1):POKE49152+i,s:PRINT"{home}{space*3}{home}"34-i:NEXT 20 IFck-44729THENPRINT"data error!":END 30 SYS49152:POKE650,128 40 PRINT"{home}restore-blocker is active!":END 100 DATA169,11,162,192,141,24,3,142,25,3,96,169,19,160,192,32,30 101 DATA171,64,147,5,68,79,78,39,84,32,84,82,89,33,33,154,13,0 200 REM -- the mc listing: -- 210 REM -- $c000 lda #$0b -- set the 220 REM -- $c002 ldx #$c0 -- nmi- 230 REM -- $c004 sta $0318 -- vector 240 REM -- $c007 sta $0319 -- (restore) 250 REM"-- $c00a rts{space*7}--{cm t}return{cm t*3} 260 REM"-- $c00b lda #$13{space*2}--{cm t}start of{cm t} 270 REM -- $c00d ldy #$c0 -- message 280 REM"-- $c00f jsr $ab1e --{cm t}print it{cm t} 290 REM"-- $c012 rti{space*7}--{cm t}return{cm t*3} 300 REM ------------------------------- 310 REM -- $c013: "{clear}{white}don't try!!{light blue}" -- 1000 "restore blocker",8 :REM skriv save over "1{0*3}". byt attan om nodvandigt stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)