American Wrestling Trivia

World Wrestling Federation 2001


Royal Rumble 2001

2001-01-21, New Orleans Arena, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

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  1. Tagteam championship:
    Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray) def. Edge & Christian (ch)
    D-Von pins Edge after the 3-D, to win the championships.
  2. Intercontinental championship, ladder match:
    Chris Jericho def. Chris Benoit (ch)
    After throwing Benoit out of the ring, Jericho climbs the ladder to retrieve the championship belt.
  3. Women's championship:
    Ivory (ch) [w/Steven Richards] def. Chyna
    Chyna does a roll attacking Ivory in the corner, but can't get up and is pinned by Ivory.
  4. WWF championship:
    Kurt Angle (ch) [w/Trish Stratus] def. Triple H [w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley]
    Stratus tries to help Angle, but is attacked by McMahon. Both women are removed by Vince McMahon. While the referee is knocked out, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin comes to the ring attacking Triple H. This allowed Angle to get a pinfall victory.
  5. The Royal Rumble:
    Elim. Ent. #Ent. Name By
    1 2 3Bull BuchananMatt Hardy (3) & Jeff Hardy (1)
    2 4 4FaarooqMatt Hardy (3) & Jeff Hardy (1)
    3 3 5Matt HardyJeff Hardy (1)
    4 1 5Jeff HardyMatt Hardy (3)
    5 5 7Drew Careyhimself (5)
    61111Grandmaster SexayKane (6)
    71011Steve BlackmanKane (6)
    8 811Al SnowKane (6)
    9 711RavenKane (6)
    10 912Perry SaturnKane (6)
    111212Honkey Tonk ManKane (6)
    121414The GoodfatherThe Rock (13)
    131515TazzKane (6)
    142122William RegalTest (22)
    152223TestBig Show (23)
    161923K-KwikBig Show (23)
    172323Big ShowThe Rock (13)
    181625BradshawUndertaker (25)
    192425Crash HollyKane (6)
    201725AlbertKane (6)
    211825Hardcore HollyUndertaker (25)
    222025Val VenisUndertaker (25)
    232626Scotty 2 HottyUndertaker (25) & Kane (6)
    242930Haku"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (27)
    252530UndertakerRikishi (30)
    263030RikishiThe Rock (13)
    272830"The One" Billy Gunn"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (27)
    281330The RockKane (6)
    29 630Kane"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (27)
    27"Stone Cold" Steve Austin

    Winner: "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (27).
    After being eliminated by The Rock, Big Show chokeslams him onto the announcer's table, but he is able to re-enter the ring. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin is attacked by Triple H on his way to the ring, but is eventually able to enter the ring. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin wins, to face the WWF champion at WrestleMania XVII.

No Way Out 2001

2001-02-25, Thomas & Mack Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

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  1. Hardcore championship:
    Big Show def. Raven (ch)
    During the match, a masked Crash Holly, as well as Hardcore Holly, Steve Blackman and Billy Gunn inserted themselves in the match. Billy Gunn pinned Raven to become champion. Raven pinned him to regain. Big Show finally pinned Raven after a chokeslam on a trash can.
  2. Intercontinental championship, Fatal 4-Way:
    Chris Jericho (ch) def. Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, X-Pac
    Jericho pinned X-Pac after a roll-up.
  3. Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley def. Trish Stratus
    McMahon-Helmsley pins Stratus after interference from William Regal.
  4. Two out of three falls:
    Triple H def. Steve Austin
    1. 1st fall: Regular match:
      Steve Austin def. Triple H
      Triple H jumped into the Stone Cold stunner, allowing Austin to win by pinfall.
    2. 2nd fall: Street fight:
      Triple H def. Steve Austin
      Triple H attacked Austin with a sledgehammer, and got a pinfall after the pedigree.
    3. 3rd fall: Steel cage match:
      Triple H def. Steve Austin
      Pinfall. Austin hit Triple H with a barb wire at the same time as Triple H hit Austin with a sledgehammer. Triple H fell on top of Austin for the win.
  5. Kat gets naked/join Right to Censor match:
    Steven Richard def. Jerry Lawler
    Pinfall after Kat accidentally hit Lawler with the women's championship belt.
  6. Tagteam championship, Triple threat tagteam table match:
    Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray) (ch) def. Edge & Christian, Undertaker & Kane
    Rikishi & Haku came out, attacking Undertaker and Kane, allowing the Dudleyz to put Christian through a table.
  7. WWF championship:
    The Rock def. Kurt Angle (ch)
    Big Show came, chokeslamming both competitors. The match continued, and The Rock won by Pinfall after the Rock Bottom.

WrestleMania XVII - X-Seven

2001-04-04, Houston Astrodome, Houston, Texas, USA

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  1. Intercontinental Championship:
    Chris Jericho (ch) def. William Regal
    Pinfall after a lionsault.
  2. Tazz & APA (Farooq & Bradshaw) [w/Jacqueline] def. Right To Censor (Val Venis & Bull Buchanan & Goodfather) [w/Steven Richards]
    Bradshaw pinned Goodfather after the clothesline from hell.
  3. Hardcore championship:
    Kane def. Big Show, Raven (ch)
    Kane won after legdropping Big Show through a table
  4. European championship:
    Eddie Guerrero def. Test (ch)
    Guerrero pinned Test after attacking Test with the championship belt, with help from Perry Saturn.
  5. Kurt Angle def. Chris Benoit
    Angle taps out to Benoit's crippler crossface, but the referee is down. Angle pins Benoit after reversing a takedown.
  6. Women's Championship:
    Chyna (ch) def. Ivory
    Chyna quickly pins Ivory to become the new champion. The rest of Right To Censor was banned from ringside.
  7. Street fight, Special referee: Mick Foley
    Shane McMahon def. Vince McMahon
    Pinfall after doing a missile dropkick on a trash can in Vince's face.
  8. Tagteam championship, Tables, Ladders & Chairs II match:
    Edge & Christian def. Hardy Boyz (Jeff & Matt), Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray) (ch)
    Rhyno interfered, which allowed Edge & Christian to climb a ladder and grab the titles.
  9. 19-man gimmick battle royal:
    Elim. Name By
    1Repo ManHillbilly Jim
    2Gobbledy GookerTugboat
    6Bushwacker LukeBrother Love
    7Jim CornetteHillbilly Jim
    8Duke "The Dumpster" DroeseDoink the Clown
    9The GoonBushwacker Butch
    10Nikolai VolkoffSgt. Slaughter
    11Bushwacker ButchDoink the Clown
    12Doink the ClownKamala
    13Michael "P.S." HayesOne Man Gang
    14One Man GangKamala
    15KamalaSgt. Slaughter
    16Brother LoveSgt. Slaughter
    17Sgt. SlaughterHillbilly Jim
    18Hillbilly JimIron Sheik
    Iron Sheik

    Winner: Iron Sheik
    After the match Sgt. Slaughter attacked the Sheik by putting him in the cobra clutch.

  10. Undertaker def. Triple H
    Pinfall after Last Ride. Undertaker is now 9-0 at WrestleMania.
  11. WWF championship, No DQ:
    "Stone Cold" Steve Austin def. The Rock (ch)
    Austin pinned the Rock to win the title after hitting him with a chair given to him by Vince McMahon several times.

Backlash 2001

2001-04-29, Allstate Arena, Rosemont, Illinois, USA

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  1. Six-man tagteam match:
    X-Factor (X-Pac & Justin Credible & Albert) def. Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray & Spike)
    Justin Credible & X-Pac win when hitting the "X Marks The Spot" double-kick on Bubba Ray.
  2. Hardcore championship:
    Rhyno (ch) def. Raven
    Rhyno retains his title after hitting with a running spear.
  3. Duchess of Queensbury Match:
    William Regal [w/Duchess of Queensbury] def. Chris Jericho
    Jericho pins Regal after a lionsault, but the bell is rung and the "Duchess of Quensbury" proclaims that the timelimit for round one had expired before the referee could count to three. Regal tapped out to the Walls of Jericho, but the duchess ruled that you could not win by submission. When Regal is disqualified, she declares the match no disqualifications. Regal makes the pinfall after hitting Jericho with a chair 3 times.
  4. 30-Minute Ultimate Submission Match:
    Chris Benoit def. Kurt Angle
    Both men went to a tie score of 3 submissions. Chris Benoit then defeated Angle making him submit using his "Crippler Crossface" after they entered Sudden Death.
    1. Angle makes Benoit submit with an armbar (Angle: 1 Benoit: 0)
    2. Benoit makes Angle tap out to an armbar (Angle: 1 Benoit: 1)
    3. Angle makes Benoit tap to an anklelock submission (Angle: 2 Benoit: 1)
    4. Angle makes Benoit submit to Benoit's own "Crippler Crossface" (Angle: 3 Benoit: 1)
    5. Angle submits to Benoit's modified Boston Crap (Angle: 3 Benoit: 2)
    6. Benoit forces Angle to tap out to his own Anklelock Submission Hold (Angle: 3 Benoit: 3)
    7. Sudden Death Final: Angle taps out to Benoit's "Crippler Crossface" (Benoit Wins)
  5. Last Man Standing Match:
    Shane McMahon def. The Big Show
    Shane wins after a huge elbow drop on the Big Show from on top of the Backlash Entrance display putting him through a nearby stage prop. Test helped Shane up and Big Show was counted as knocked out.
  6. European championship, Triple threat match:
    Matt Hardy (ch) def. Eddie Guerrero, Christian
    Matt Hardy retained his title after hitting his "Twist of Fate" on Christian.
  7. WWF Heavyweight championship/Intercontinental championship vs. WWF Tag Team championship:
    Steve Austin (WWF champion) & Triple H (Intercontinental champion) [w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley] def. Undertaker & Kane (WWF Tag Champions)
    Austin & Triple H win the tag titles after Triple H makes the pinfall after nailing Kane with a sledgehammer brought in by Vince McMahon.

Insurrextion 2001

2001-05-05, Earl's Court Exhibition Centre, London, England, UK

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  1. Eddie Guerrero def. Grand Master Sexay
    Guerrero rolls up Grand Master, and pins him with a foot on the ropes.
  2. The Radicals (Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko & Terri) def. Hardcore & Crash & Molly Holly
    Terri claims the match to be a regular tagteam match as she couldn't find a wrestling outfit, but still got involved. Saturn pins Crash Holly after a fisherman's suplex.
  3. Bradshaw def. Big Show
    Originally it was billed Big Show vs. Test, except Test was injured, and after a brief confrontation between Test and Show, Bradshaw came down and started to battle the Big Show, pinning him after hitting a Clothesline from Hell.
  4. Tagteam elimination match:
    Edge & Christian def. Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray), Hardy Boyz (Jeff & Matt), X-Factor (X-Pac & Justin Credible) [w/Albert]
    Eliminations in order:
    1. X-Factor was first eliminated when Jeff Hardy pinned X-Pac following a Swanton Bomb.
    2. Hardys are eliminated second when Christian gives Jeff the Unprettier and makes the pinfall.
    3. Edge & Christian win after Rhyno interferes giving Bubba Ray the spear followed by a pinfall from either Christian.
  5. Two out of three falls:
    Chris Benoit def. Kurt Angle
    Benoit wins the first fall with a pinfall after a headbutt from the top rope. For the second fall, Benoit reverses the ankle lock into a crossface. Angle kicks out, but Benoit rolls up Angle for a pinfall to win in 2 straight falls.
  6. Queen's Cup Match:
    Chris Jericho def. William Regal (subm.)
    Chris Jericho forces Regal into submission with the Walls of Jericho. After the match, Regal attacks Jericho with the cup, destroying it.
  7. WWF championship, Handicap match:
    Undertaker def. Steve Austin (ch) & Triple H (Intercontinental champion) [w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley]
    Stipulation: If Undertaker defeats Austin, he becomes WWF champion. Austin and Triple H were also tagteam champions at the time. Vince McMahon comes to the ring with the intent to attack the Undertaker, but it backfires. Undertaker pins Triple H following a chokeslam, to win the match. Due to the stipulation, he does not win the championship.

Judgment Day 2001

2001-05-20, Arco Arena, Sacramento, California, USA

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  1. William Regal def. Rikishi
    Regal sends Rikishi into the ring post, and gets a pinfall victory.
  2. Two out of three falls:
    Kurt Angle def. Chris Benoit
    1. 1st fall: Pinfalls only:
      Chris Benoit def. Kurt Angle
      Benoit quickly pinned Angle after the Angle Slam.
    2. 2nd fall: Submission only:
      Kurt Angle def. Chris Benoit (subm.)
      Angle made Benoit submit to the ankle lock, after the Angle lock.
    3. 3rd fall: Ladder match:
      Kurt Angle def. Chris Benoit
      Benoit locks Angle in a crippler crossface. Angle taps out, but since it is a ladder match it does not count. Edge and Christian come out to the ring, taking out Benoit, while Angle climbs the ladder to retrieve his medals and win the match.
    The match was for Kurt Angle's gold medals, which Benoit had stolen earlier.
  3. Triple-threat, Hardcore championship:
    Rhyno (ch) def. Big Show, Test
    Rhyno retained the belt when he pinned Show with a Gore.
  4. WWF Women's Championship:
    Chyna (ch) def. Lita
    Chyna powerbombs Lita to get a pinfall, retaining the championship.
  5. Intercontinental championship, Chain match:
    Kane def. Triple H (ch)
    Stone Cold Steve Austin tries to hit Kane with a steel chair, but hits Triple H instead, allowing Kane to win by pinfall to become the new champion.
  6. Tagteam turmoil:
    Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit def. Radicalz (Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko) [w/Terri], Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray) [w/Spike Dudley], APA (Farooq & Bradshaw), Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff), X-Factor (X-Pac & Justin Credible) [w/Albert], Edge & Christian
    1. APA def. Radicalz
      Farooq pins Saturn after a spinebuster.
    2. APA def. Dudley Boyz
      Bradshaw hits the the clothesline from hell on Bubba Ray Dudley.
    3. X-Factor def. The APA
      X-Pac pins Bradshaw, with Albert holding on to his Bradshaw's foot.
    4. X-Factor def. The Hardy Boyz
      X-Pac pins Matt after a superkick from Credible.
    5. Benoit & Jericho def. X-Factor (subm.)
      Chris Benoit was revealed as Jericho's mystery partner. X-Pac taps out to the Walls of Jericho, while Benoit holds Credible in the crippler crossface.
    6. Benoit & Jericho def. Edge & Christian (subm.)
      Christian taps out to Benoit's crippler crossface.
    Two teams started, when one is eliminated, the next enters. The winners become number one contenders for the tagteam championship.
  7. WWF championship, No holds barred match:
    Stone Cold Steve Austin (ch) def. Undertaker
    Both Triple H and Vince McMahon interferes on Austin's behalf, allowing Austin to get a pinfall victory just in time before Kane makes it to the ring to save Undertaker.

King of the Ring 2001

2001-06-24, Continental Airlines Arena, East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA

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First round matches (not on the main event):

  1. Raw 2001-06-04:
    Jeff Hardy [w/Lita] def. Matt Hardy (European ch)
  2. Rhyno (Hardcore ch) def. Tazz
  3. SmackDown 2001-06-07:
    Kurt Angle def. Hardcore Holly
  4. Edge def. Test
  5. Raw 2001-06-11:
    Christian [w/Edge] def. Kane (IC ch)
  6. Perry Saturn def. Steve Blackman
  7. SmackDown 2001-06-14:
    Big Show def. Raven
  8. Tajiri def. Crash Holly

Quarter final matches (not on the main event):

  1. Raw 2001-06-18:
    Kurt Angle def. Jeff Hardy
  2. Rhyno def. Tajiri [w/William Regal]
  3. Edge [w/Christian] def. Perry Saturn
  4. Christian [w/Edge] def. Big Show

Matches on the main event:

  1. King of the Ring Semi-Final Match:
    Kurt Angle def. Christian
    Angle pinned Christian using an Angle Slam after Shane McMahon distracted Christian. Angle advances to the Finals.
  2. King of the Ring Semi-Final Match:
    Edge def. Rhyno
    Edge defeats Rhyno using The Impaler DDT. Edge advances to the Finals to fight Kurt Angle.
  3. WWF Tag Team championship:
    The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von) (ch) def. Kane & Spike Dudley
    The Dudley Boyz retain their Tag Titles after both Dudleys executed the 3D on Spike Dudley and Bubba made the pinfall.
  4. King of the Ring Final Match:
    Edge def. Kurt Angle
    Angle has Edge in the ankle lock, but the referee was out. Edge pins Kurt Angle following his Impaler DDT, after Shane McMahon spears Angle when the referee wasn't looking. Edge becomes the 2001 King of the Ring tournament winner.
  5. WWF Light Heavyweight championship: Jeff Hardy (ch) def. X-Pac
    X-Pac pins Hardy, but Hardy's foot is on the rope, so the match continues. Jeff Hardy makes the pinfall on X-Pac following his Swanton Bomb to retain the championship.
  6. Diamond Dallas Page and Undertaker confront in an unsanctioned match
    The confrontation ended with DDP running out of the arena.
  7. Street Fight: Kurt Angle def. Shane McMahon
    Kurt Angle wins the Street Fight after delivering an Angle Slam to Shane off the top rope.
  8. WWF championship, Triple threat:
    Stone Cold Steve Austin (ch) def. Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho
    Austin taps to a simultaneous submission from Jericho and Benoit, but the referee lets the match continue as there can only be one winner. WCW champion Booker T jumps in from the audience, attacking Austin, as Jericho and Benoit had hinted they would bring the championship to WCW. Steve Austin retains his title by pinning Chris Benoit.
Kurt AngleKurt AngleKurt AngleKurt AngleEdge
Hardcore Holly
Jeff HardyJeff Hardy
Matt Hardy
Big ShowBig ShowChristian
Crash Holly
Perry SaturnPerry Saturn
Steve Blackman

WWF Invasion

2001-07-22, Gund Arena, Cleveland, Ohio, USA

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  1. Edge & Christian (WWF) def. Mike Awesome & Lance Storm (ECW)
    Awesome had Edge for a powerbomb, Christian speared Awesome and Edge pinned him for the win.
  2. Special referee: Mick Foley
    Earl Hebner (WWF) [w/WWF referees] def. Nick Patrick (WCW) [w/WCW referees]
    This was a brawl rather than a wrestling match. Hebner pins Patrick after Foley sends all the other referees back to the locker room.
  3. The APA (Farooq & Bradshaw) (WWF tagteam champions) def. Chuck Palumbo & Sean O'Haire (WCW tagteam champions)
    Bradshaw pins Palumbo after a clothesline from hell.
  4. Billy Kidman (WCW cruiserweight champion) def. X-Pac (WWF light heavyweight champion)
    Kidman hit X-Pac with a shooting star press for the win.
  5. Raven (ECW) def. William Regal (WWF)
    Raven gets a pinfall victory after the Raven effect, after Tazz attacks Regal.
  6. Shawn Stasiak & Hugh Morrus & Chris Kanyon (WCW) def. Big Show & "One" Billy Gunn & Albert (WWF)
    Morris pinned Gunn after a reverse DDT.
  7. Tajiri (WWF) def. Tazz (ECW)
    Tajiri spit green "mist" into the face of Tazz.
  8. WWF hardcore championship:
    Rob Van Dam (ECW) def. Jeff Hardy (WWF) (ch)
    Dam pinned Hardy after the five star frog splash, to win the title.
  9. Bra and panties match, special referee: Mick Foley
    Trish Stratus & Lita (WWF) def. Torrie Wilson & Stacy Keibler (WCW)
    Lita removes Keibler's pants to win the match.
  10. Inaugural Brawl:
    Team WCW/ECW (Booker T (WCW champion, US champion) & Diamond Dallas Page & Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray) & Rhyno) [w/Shawn Mcmahon & Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley & Paul Heyman] def. Team WWF ("Stone Cold" Steve Austin (WWF champion) & Kurt Angle & Chris Jericho & Undertaker & Kane) [w/Vince McMahon]
    Everybody was out except Kurt Angle and Booker T. Angle put the ankle lock on Booker T who was tapping but the ref was out. Stone Cold put the ref in the ring and took Angle off Booker T, stunned him and put Booker T over Angle and the ref counted 1-2-3.
    After that Paul Heyman, Shane McMahon, Stephanie McMahon and Stone Cold drank beers while Vince lay in the ring unconscious before getting hit with the WWF Title belt by Shane.

Summerslam 2001

2001-08-19, Compaq Center, San José, California, USA

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  1. Intercontinental championship:
    Edge def. Lance Storm (ch)
    Edge pins Storm to win the title after a DDT.
  2. Six-man tagteam match:
    Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von) & Test def. APA (Farooq & Bradshaw) & Spike Dudley
    Test pins Bradshaw after Shane McMahon hits him with a chair.
  3. WCW Cruiserweight & WWF light heavyweight championship unification match:
    X-Pac (WCW cruiserweight champion) def. Tajiri (WWF light heavyweight champion)
    Albert interferes, and is sprayed in the face with red mist. X-Pac seizes the opportunity to pin Tajiri to win the light heavyweight championship. X-Pac now holds the unified title.
  4. Chris Jericho def. Rhyno [w/Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley] (subm.)
    Rhyno submits to the Walls of Jericho.
  5. WWF Hardcore championship, ladder match:
    Rob Van Dam (ch) def. Jeff Hardy
    Van Dam pushes Hardy off the ladder down to the ring mat, and climbs the ladder to grab the championship.
  6. WWF & WCW tagteam championship unification match, steel cage match:
    Undertaker & Kane (WCW tagteam champions) [w/Sara] def. Diamond Dallas Page & Kanyon (WWF tagteam champions)
    Kanyon was also WCW US champion at the time. Undertaker attacks DDP with a steel chain, and pins him after a chokeslam and the Last Ride. Undertaker and Kane are now the unified tagteam champions.
  7. WWF championship:
    Kurt Angle def. Steve Austin (ch) (DQ)
    Austin beats up several referees, and is disqualified by Alliance referee Nick Patrick while Angle has Austin set up for a pinfall.
  8. WCW championship:
    The Rock def. Booker T (ch)
    Shane McMahon tries to interfere on Booker T's behalf, bit is stopped by the APA. Booker T hits The Rock with the scissor kick, but The Rock interrupts the spin-a-roonie, delivering a Rock Bottom to win the championship.

Unforgiven 2001

2001-09-23, Mellon Arena, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

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  1. WWF tagteam championship, Fatal four way elimination match:
    Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray) (ch) def. Hardy Boyz (Jeff & Matt), Big Show & Spike Dudley, Lance Storm & Hurricane Helms.
    Order of elimination:
    1. Big Show pinned Lance Storm after a chokeslam.
    2. Matt Hardy pinned Spike after a twist of fate.
    3. D-Von Dudley pinned Matt Hardy for the win.
  2. Perry Saturn def. Raven [w/Terri]
    Saturn pinned Raven after a twisting fisherman's suplex.
  3. Intercontinental championship:
    Christian def. Edge (ch)
    Christian pinned Edge to win the title after a low blow.
  4. WCW tagteam championship:
    Undertaker & Kane (ch) def. Kronik (Brian Adams & Bryan Clark) [w/Steven Richards]
    Undertaker pinned Adams after a chokeslam.
  5. Hardcore championship:
    Rob Van Dam (ch) def. Chris Jericho
    Pinfalls after the Vandaminator and five star frog splash. Stephanie interfered in the match.
  6. WCW championship, handicap match:
    The Rock (ch) def. Booker T & Shane McMahon
    The Rock pinned Shane first after a rock bottom, and later Booker T after another one. Both Bradshaw and Test interfered during the match.
  7. WCW US championship:
    Rhyno def. Tajiri (ch) [w/Torrie Wilson]
    Rhyno pinned Tajiri to win the title after the gore.
  8. WWF championship:
    Kurt Angle def. Stone Cold Steve Austin (ch) (subm.)
    Kurt Angle won the title via submission to the ankle lock after countering the Stone cold stunner.

No Mercy 2001

2001-10-21, Savvis Center, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

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  1. WCW tagteam championship:
    Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff) (ch) [w/Lita] def. Hurricane Helms (WWF European ch) [w/Mighty Molly] & Lance Storm [w/Ivory]
    Jeff pinned Helms after the Swanton bomb.
  2. Test def. Kane
    Test attacked Kane with the ring bell, but Alliance referee Nick Patrick allowed the match to continue. Kane tries to attack Test with a chair, but Patrick stops him, allowing Test to get a pinfall after the big boot.
  3. Lingerie match:
    Torrie Wilson def. Stacy Keibler
    Wilson rolls up Keibler to get a pinfall.
  4. Intercontinental title match, Ladder match:
    Edge def. Christian (ch)
    Christian hits Edge with a con-chair-to on top of two ladders in the ring, to be able to grab the championship belt and become champion.
  5. WWF tagteam championship:
    Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray & D-Von) (ch) def. Tajiri & Big Show
    D-von pinned Tajiri after the 3D.
  6. Undertaker def. Booker T
    Pinfall after the last ride.
  7. WCW championship:
    Chris Jericho def. The Rock (ch)
    Rock has Jericho in a sharpshooter when Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley throws a steel chair into the ring. She receives a Rock Bottom from the Rock, but Jericho takes the opportunity to drop Rock onto the chair while the referee sees to McMahon, getting a pinfall victory.
  8. WWF championship, Triple threat match, No Disqualifications:
    Steve Austin (ch) def. Rob Van Dam, Kurt Angle
    Angle had Austin set for a pin, when Shane McMahon came in and stopped the pin. After taking out Angle, Austin pinned Van Dam following the stunner, to retain the championship.

Rebellion 2001

2001-11-02, Manchester Evening News Arena, Manchester, England, UK

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  1. Intercontinental championship, cage match:
    Edge (ch) def. Christian (European ch)
    Edge tied Christian's boot laces together through the mesh to prevent him from reaching the floor.
  2. Scotty Too Hotty def. The Hurricane
    Pinfall after Scotty hits The Worm.
  3. Big Show def. Diamond Dallas Page
    Big Show pins DDP after a chokeslam.
  4. WCW Tagteam championship, 3 team elimination match:
    Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray) (ch) def. APA (Bradshaw & Farooq), Hardy Boyz (Matt & Jeff)
    Order of elimination:
    1. Matt Hardy pinned Faarooq after a twist of fate.
    2. D-Von Dudley pinned Matt Hardy after a 3D.
  5. William Regal def. Tajiri (subm.)
    Tajiri tapped out to the Regal Stretch after missing a moonsault. After the match, Tajiri sprays Regal with green mist.
  6. WCW Championship:
    Chris Jericho (ch) def. Kurt Angle
    Jericho wins via a schoolboy roll-up. Angle delivers two Olympic Slams after the match.
  7. Special referee: Trish Stratus
    Lita & Torrie Wilson def. Mighty Molly & Stacy Keibler
    Lita pins Mighty Molly after a bulldog. After the match, Stratus attacks Keibler with a bulldog on her own, and leaves with the winning team.
  8. WWF championship:
    Stone Cold Steve Austin (ch) def. The Rock
    Kurt Angle interfered and hit The Rock with a chair while Rock had the sharpshooter locked on Austin. Austin scores the pinfall after hitting the stunner.

Survivor Series 2001

2001-11-18, Greensboro Coliseum, Greensboro, North Carolina, USA

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  1. European Championship:
    Christian (Alliance) (ch) def. Al Snow (WWF)
    Christian pins Snow after the unprettier.
  2. William Regal (Alliance) def. Tajiri (WWF) (WCW cruiserweight ch)
    Non-title match. Regal gets a quick pinfall after a powerbomb. Torrie runs in to help Tajiri after the match, but is also powerbombed by Regal.
  3. WWF Intercontinental & WCW US championship unification match:
    Edge (WWF) (US champion) def. Test (Alliance) (IC champion)
    Test sets up Edge for a DDT, but Edge reverses it into a roll-up to get a pinfall victory and become the unified champion.
  4. Steel Cage Match, WCW & WWF tagteam championship unification match:
    Dudley Boyz (D-Von & Bubba Ray) (Alliance) (WCW tag champions) [w/Stacy Keibler] def. Hardy Boyz (Jeff & Matt) (WWF) (WWF tag champions)
    Bubba Ray pinned Jeff when Jeff attempted to give D-Von a Swanton bomb from the top of the cage through a table. D-Von moved and Jeff went through the table allowing Bubba Ray to get an easy cover.
  5. Immunity invitation battle royal:
    Elim. Name By
    1Shawn StasiakBradshaw & Farooq
    2Hurricane HelmsBradshaw
    3Perry SaturnAlbert
    5Diamond Dallas PageChuck Palumbo
    6Chuck PalumboLance Storm
    7Taka MichinokuChavo Guerrero & Hugh Morris
    8RavenHugh Morris
    9Hugh MorrisAlbert
    10Chavo GuerreroBilly Gunn
    11Billy GunnTazz
    12Tommy DreamerTazz
    13Spike DudleyLance Storm
    14Steven RichardsBradshaw
    15TazzBilly Gunn
    16AlbertTest & Billy Gunn & Billy Kidman
    17Billy KidmanBradshaw
    18Lance StormTest
    20Billy GunnTest

    Winner: Test
    The winner could not be fired no matter which side won the winner-takes-all match.

  6. Six-pack challenge for the vacant Women's championship:
    Trish Stratus (WWF) def. Ivory (WWF), Jacqueline (WWF), Lita (WWF), Ivory (Alliance), Mighty Molly (Alliance), Jazz (Alliance).
    The title was vacant after previous champion Chyna had left the company. Fist women to score a pin or submission wins the championship. Trish pinned Ivory after the stratusfaction to become the undisputed women's champion.
  7. Winner-Take-All elimination match:
    Team WWF (The Rock (WCW ch) &Chris Jericho &Big Show &Undertaker & Kane) def. Team Alliance (Stone Cold Steve Austin (WWF ch) &Booker T &Shane McMahon &Rob Van Dam (hardcore ch) &Kurt Angle)
    Elimination order:
    1. Big Show (WWF) by Shane McMahon after an elbow drop
    2. Shane McMahon (Alliance) by Chris Jericho after lionsault
    3. Kane (WWF) by Rob Van Dam after five star frog splash
    4. Undertaker (WWF) by Kurt Angle after Steve Austin performed a stone cold stunner on him
    5. Booker T (Alliance) by The Rock after the Rock Bottom
    6. Rob Van Dam (Alliance) by Chris Jericho after a roll up
    7. Kurt Angle (Alliance) by The Rock by submission to the sharpshooter
    8. Chris Jericho (WWF) by Steve Austin after a roll up
    9. Stone Cold Steve Austin (Alliance) by The Rock after the Rock Bottom

    Winner and Sole Survivor: The Rock (Team WWF)
    After being eliminated, Chris Jericho attacks The Rock. Angle runs back into the ring attacking Austin with the WWF championship, allowing The Rock to get a three-count to win the match.

Vengeance 2001

2001-12-09, Sports Arena, San Diego, California, USA

Watch on Netflix.

  1. Scotty 2 Hotty & Albert def. Test & Christian
    Albert pins Christian after the Baldo Bomb.
  2. Intercontinental Championship:
    Edge (ch) def. William Regal
    Edge pins Regal to retain his title following a spear.
  3. Special referee: Lita
    Jeff Hardy def. Matt Hardy
    Jeff pins Matt using his Swanton Bomb, gaining the victory.
  4. Tagteam championship:
    The Dudley Boyz [w/Stacy Keibler] (ch) def. Big Show & Kane
    Bubba Ray Dudley pins the Big Show after both man flapjack him on an exposed turnbuckle.
  5. WWF Hardcore championship:
    Undertaker def. Rob Van Dam (ch)
    Undertaker pins RVD to win the title after chokeslamming him from the stage through two tables.
  6. WWF Womens championship:
    Trish Stratus (ch) def. Jacqueline
    Trish Stratus pins Jacqueline using a backslide to retain her title.
  7. WWF championship:
    Stone Cold Steve Austin (ch) def. Kurt Angle
    Steve Austin pins Angle after his Stone Cold Stunner. Steve Austin thus retains his title and moves into the main event to determine the undisputed world champion.
  8. World championship:
    Chris Jericho def. The Rock (ch)
    The Rock is distracted by Vince McMahon, when Jericho hits a low blow and a Rock Bottom on The Rock, to win the championship. Chris Jericho wins the title and moves into the main event to determine the undisputed world champion, a match that started immediately after this one.
  9. Match to determine an undisputed world champion:
    Chris Jericho (World champion) def. Steve Austin (WWF champion)
    Chris Jericho taps to a Boston Crab, but the referee is out. Booker T attacks Austin with the championship belt, allowing Jericho to hook Rock's leg and get a pinfall victory and become the undisputed champion.
Kurt AngleStone Cold Steve AustinChris Jericho
(Undisputed champion)
Stone Cold Steve Austin (WWF champion)
The Rock (World champion)Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho
Peter Krefting / $Date: 2025-02-26 22:53:27 $ /