Archived copy of A Swedish wolf in Norway

Miscellaneous technobabble from a Swede in Norway.

Opera 9.5 coming very soon

Published: 2008-06-11 11:06:52

So, the desktop team is producing release candidates and CEO Jon von Tetzchner is addressing the community. This can only mean one thing, that the release of Opera 9.50 final is, finally, drawing near. Two years have passed since Opera 9 was released, almost one year since the first public alpha, and too many weekly builds and betas to count have passed review through the desktop team’s blog, so it is about time…

I wonder if this is the right time to panic about not quite having finished off the Swedish translation of the help files? Probably. But I do hope they will be finished in time for the release. The actual program translation is the only part that is embedded in the installation archive, and that is already complete, the help files are stored on a remote server, so they do not have to be finished immediately. But the sooner, the better…

Tags: browsers opera


An UI option to load/update language files would be nice. Near Preferences > General > Language.

Well, I can speak for the Brazilian Portuguese translation of Opera 9.5 RC. There are lots of mistakes, and I've already submitted them with the bug report. Nobody seems to fix them. It'll be negative for Opera to release a final, translated like that. :(

I wonder if this is the right time to panic about not quite having finished off the Swedish translation of the help files?

Don't worry. Same with Polish...

@Cyro: Have you tried the latest versions? This is supposed to be fixed in the final release.

This was originally posted on My Opera at
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