Archived copy of A Swedish wolf in Norway

Miscellaneous technobabble from a Swede in Norway.

Stock price

Published: 2005-09-01 22:09:44

Wow, the stock price has been rising quite a bit lately, it's up from the 10 kr per share at the IPO to 16 kr now. If this keeps at it, I am going to have to pay a lot of wealth taxes this year... Not that I own enough stock for it to make a big impact, like it does for the major shareholders, but still, the wealth tax kicks in a lot earlier here in Norway than it did back in Sweden.

Tags: sports tennis


This is interesting to follow up, only in the last month:

Now it's 19.0, pretty fast growth.

And this is the main stock index of the Oslo Børs in the same period:

This was originally posted on My Opera at
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