Christian Rose writes: > #. "Transaction was an auto deposit" > msgid "action: autoDep" > msgstr "händelse: autoDep" Är det kanske "stående överföring"? Jag vet inte, jag gissar. Någon som vet? > #. "When people can automatically deduct money straight from your account. The reverse of Direct Deposit." > msgid "action: direct debit" > msgstr "händelse: direktdebitering" Beskrivningen låter snarast som "autogiro". > #. "-" > msgid "action: Teller" > msgstr "händelse: Kassör" Eller "kassa"? > #. "-" > msgid "business (adjective)" > msgstr "företag (adjektiv)" "Företag" kan väl inte vara adjektiv? Det får väl bli "företags-" eller "affärs-"? > #. "Profits made from the sale of investments or property" > msgid "capital gains" > msgstr "kapitalvinster" "Realisationsvinster" > #. "To repair unbalanced transactions and orphan splits in an account tree. Any transactions that have debits != credits will get a balancing split added (pointing to a special new account called 'Imbalance'). Any splits that do not have accounts are put into another special account called 'Orphan'. Formerly known as 'to scrub'." > msgid "check and repair, to" > msgstr "kontrollera och reparera, att" Det verkar som ett kontonamn följer, om jag tyder kommentaren rätt. Då borde det väl vara "till" istället för "att"? > #. "To end an application's relationship with an open file so that the application will no longer be able to access the file without opening it again. " > msgid "close, to" > msgstr "stänga, att" Undrar om det skall vara "till" här också ... > #. "The process of something becoming less valuable" > msgid "depreciation" > msgstr "värdeminskning" "Avskrivning" kanske? > #. "Important Buzzword :)" > msgid "double entry" > msgstr "dubbla poster" "Dubbel bokföring" har jag hört, men "dubbla poster" har jag aldrig hört. Om det nu skall vara buzzword-format. :-) > #. "The relation in value between the money used in different countries" > msgid "exchange rate" > msgstr "växlingskurs" "Växelkurs" brukar jag höra. > #. "The total income minus the total expenses of a given time period." > msgid "net profit" > msgstr "nettovinst" "Nettoresultat" eller kanske bara "resultat" möjligen följt av "efter skatt". > #. "Abbreviation for: number; Field in a transaction. If this transaction was done by check, then the check number should be noted in this field." > msgid "Num (column in register)" > msgstr "Nummer (kolumn i register)" Om de nu vill ha en förkortning kan du ju ta "Nr". > #. "An ask is an offer to sell, and the price you want to sell at." > msgid "price type: ask" > msgstr "pristyp: krävt" I bland annat aktiesammanhang brukar man på svenska tala om "säljkurs" ... > #. "A bid is an offer to buy, and the price you want to buy at." > msgid "price type: bid" > msgstr "pristyp: bud" ... och "köpkurs". > msgid "rebalance, to (a transaction)" > msgstr "ombalansera, att (en transaktion)" > > #. "reconcile an account, a reconciled split. To find a way to make the bank's account statement agree with the user's recorded transactions in an account." > msgid "reconcile, to" > msgstr "stämma av, att" Humm, jag undrar vad alla dessa "to" används till egentligen. Vet du? > #. "-" > msgid "record keeping" > msgstr "bokhållning" "Bokföring"? > #. "name of an equity account (?); to be distinguished from the opening balance." > msgid "Retained Earnings" > msgstr "Bibehållna intänkter" Jag tror det brukar heta "Balanserade vinstmedel" eller så. > #. "A document or certificate showing who owns shares" > msgid "security" > msgstr "säkerhet" "Värdepapper". > #. "One of the two or several parts a transaction is divided into" > msgid "split" > msgstr "delning" Jag visste inte att det heter så på engelska, men det kommentaren beskriver skulle jag nog helt enkelt kallat "del".
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