analog igen

From: Christian Rose (
Date: 2001-04-30 05:26:52

Här är en uppdatering av webbserverstatistikprogrammet analog

Formatet är fortfarande det värsta tänkbara (jag har bönat och bett
författaren om en gettext-baserad lösning men han hänvisar till
licensproblem eftersom hans program inte är GPL), men jag hoppas att
någon vågar sig på att granska. Jag skickar med de engelska filerna


## Language file for analog 4.91beta1. May not work with any other version.
## This is a language file for analog. Lines beginning with ## are comments.
## Each language should have one language file in its own character set,
## and can have an additional one for ASCII (7 bit) output.
## If your language doesn't seem to fit into this pattern, explain the problem
## to me, and I can adjust the source code if necessary.
## The character set of this language file. Prefix with a * to indicate a
## multibyte character set: e.g. *ISO-2022-JP
## Abbreviations for the day and month names.
## Next some standard common words.
## Abbreviation for "week beginning"
## Quarter of a year
## ?bytes represents kbytes, Mbytes etc.
## This has the right spacing for a column like 23/Mar/98 15:00-15:05
datum         tid
virtuell värd
virtuella värdar
## (= operating system, operating systems)
Webbserverstatistik för
## Now the names of reports
## The time reports, plus "busiest" strings (at the bottom of each report)
Intensivaste året:
Intensivaste kvartalet:
Intensivaste månaden:
Intensivaste veckan: veckan som började
Intensivaste dygnet:
Sammanfattning för intensivaste timmen i veckan
Intensivaste timmen:
Intensivaste kvarten:
Intensivaste fem minuterna:
## The non-time reports. In each case, we have the name of the report,
## followed by the type of item in the report, once in the singular and once
## in the plural. These are used in phrases like "listing ??? with at
## least 200 requests". (The words higher up are used for column headings and
## for the "not listed" lines at the bottom of the reports.)
## Finally we have the gender of this type of object, which can be m, f or n.
## So for example, in German a directory is Verzeichnis (neuter gender), which
## was given above. But "listing the top directory" is "Ausgabe des ersten
## Verzeichnisses" and "listing the top two directories" is "Ausgabe der
## ersten zwei Verzeichnisse". So here, we would have for the directory report:
## Verzeichnis-Bericht
## Verzeichnisses
## Verzeichnisse
## n
## I hope that makes sense!
hänvisande URL
hänvisande URL:erna
Rapport över hänvisande webbplatser
hänvisande webbplats
hänvisande webbplatserna
Rapport över omdirigerade hänvisningar
hänvisande URL
hänvisande URL:erna
Rapport över misslyckade hänvisningar
hänvisande URL
hänvisande URL:erna
Rapport över interna sökuttryck
Rapport över interna sökord
Rapport över virtuella domäner
virtuell domän
virtuella domänerna
Rapport över fel i virtuella domäner
virtuell värd
virtuella värdarna
## Used at the bottom of the report
Denna analys gjordes av
Mindre än 1
## Used in the time reports
Varje enhet
eller del av
begäran av en sida
begäran av sidor
## Used at the bottom of each non-time report: need m, f & n genders
inte listade
## Used on the pie charts: again need m, f & n genders
## Used at the top of the report
Programmet startade
Analyserade begäran från
## Used in the General Summary
Lyckade begäran
Medelantal lyckade begäran per dygn
Lyckade begäran av sidor
Medelantal lyckade begäran av sidor per dygn
Loggfilsrader utan statuskod
Misslyckade begäran
Omdirigerade begäran
Begäran med informativ statuskod
Distinkta begärda filer
Distinkta betjänade värdar
Felaktiga loggfilsrader
Oönskade loggfilsrader
Skickad data
Medeltal skickad data per dygn
Data inom parantes är de
7 dygnen innan
senaste 7 dygnen
Gå till
## Some special phrases for particular reports.
[oupplösta numeriska adresser]
[domän inte angiven]
[okänd domän]
[ingen katalog]
[ingen filändelse]
Okänt Windows
Okänd Macintosh
Annat Unix
Okänt operativsystem
## Column headings for requests, pages, bytes and number (ie position in list)
## and percentages and last-7-day versions of these.
## Should be as short as possible -- abbreviate if necessary.
## (The ?bytes represents kbytes, Mbytes etc.)
7-dygns beg
%7-dygns beg
7-dygns sidor
%7-dygns sidor
7-dygns byte
7-dygns ?byte
%7-dygns byte
## Now we need to know how to say "listing the top <whatever>", "listing
## the top <n> <whatevers>", and "listing <whatevers>". The %s and %d
## will be replaced by the appropriate things. There may be three of each of
## these statements, for the genders m, f and n. Any genders that aren't used,
## you can just put a * there instead. So, for example, French starts
## Affichage du premier %s
## Affichage de la premi&egrave;re %s
## *
## with entries for m & f, but not n
Listar de &ouml;versta %s
Listar de &ouml;versta %d %s
Listar %s
## "by" in the phrase "listing the top 3 files BY number of requests"
## All requests WITH AT LEAST 10 requests
med minst
## Different ways of doing floors
beg&auml;ran de senaste 7 dygnen
beg&auml;ran de senaste 7 dygnen
beg&auml;ran av en sida de senaste 7 dygnen
beg&auml;ran av sidor de senaste 7 dygnen
omdirigerad beg&auml;ran
omdirigerade beg&auml;ran
omdirigerad beg&auml;ran de senaste 7 dygnen
omdirigerade beg&auml;ran de senaste 7 dygnen
misslyckad beg&auml;ran
misslyckade beg&auml;ran
misslyckad beg&auml;ran de senaste 7 dygnen
misslyckade beg&auml;ran de senaste 7 dygnen
%% av trafiken
%% av trafiken de senaste 7 dygnen
%% av den st&ouml;rsta m&auml;ngden trafik
%% av den st&ouml;rsta m&auml;ngden trafik de senaste 7 dygnen
byte trafik
byte trafik
## ?bytes represents kbytes, Mbytes etc.
?byte trafik
byte trafik de senaste 7 dygnen
byte trafik de senaste 7 dygnen
?byte trafik de senaste 7 dygnen
med en beg&auml;ran sedan
med en omdirigerad beg&auml;ran sedan
med en misslyckad beg&auml;ran sedan
med f&ouml;rsta beg&auml;ran sedan
med f&ouml;rsta omdirigerade beg&auml;ran sedan
med f&ouml;rsta misslyckade beg&auml;ran sedan
## Now "sorted by": again, in m, f & n (only needed in plural though)
sorterade efter
## Used at the top of each report
Denna rapport inneh&aring;ller data fr&aring;n
## Used in pie charts
T&aring;rtbitarna ritas efter
## different ways of sorting
m&auml;ngden trafik
m&auml;ngden trafik de senaste 7 dygnen
%% av antalet beg&auml;ran
%% av antalet beg&auml;ran de senaste 7 dygnen
%% av det st&ouml;rsta antalet beg&auml;ran
%% av det st&ouml;rsta antalet beg&auml;ran de senaste 7 dygnen
antalet beg&auml;ran
antalet beg&auml;ran de senaste 7 dygnen
%% av antalet beg&auml;ran av sidor
%% av antalet beg&auml;ran av sidor de senaste 7 dygnen
%% av det st&ouml;rsta antalet beg&auml;ran av sidor
%% av det st&ouml;rsta antalet beg&auml;ran av sidor de senaste 7 dygnen
antalet beg&auml;ran av sidor
antalet beg&auml;ran av sidor de senaste 7 dygnen
%% av antalet omdirigerade beg&auml;ran
%% av antalet omdirigerade beg&auml;ran de senaste 7 dygnen
%% av det st&ouml;rsta antalet omdirigerade beg&auml;ran
%% av det st&ouml;rsta antalet omdirigerade beg&auml;ran de senaste 7 dygnen
antalet omdirigerade beg&auml;ran
antalet omdirigerade beg&auml;ran de senaste 7 dygnen
%% av misslyckade beg&auml;ran
%% av misslyckade beg&auml;ran de senaste 7 dygnen
%% av st&ouml;rsta antalet misslyckade beg&auml;ran
%% av st&ouml;rsta antalet misslyckade beg&auml;ran de senaste 7 dygnen
antalet misslyckade beg&auml;ran
antalet misslyckade beg&auml;ran de senaste 7 dygnen
tiden f&ouml;r senaste beg&auml;ran
tiden f&ouml;r senaste omdirigerade beg&auml;ran
tiden f&ouml;r senaste misslyckade beg&auml;ran
tiden f&ouml;r f&ouml;rsta beg&auml;ran
tiden f&ouml;r f&ouml;rsta omdirigerade beg&auml;ran
tiden f&ouml;r f&ouml;rsta misslyckade beg&auml;ran
## 3 other ways of sorting in m, f, & n
sorterat alfabetiskt
sorterat numeriskt
inte sorterat
## The separators to use between thousands, and as a decimal point. For
## example, English generally uses "3,000.25" so has , and . here. French uses
## "3 000,25", so has space and , instead.
## There's a colon here, because the French like to put a space before a colon,
## so they have space-colon instead here.
## am and pm in the sense of morning and afternoon.
## Some date formats. E.g. for 9am on 1st January 1997 use
## %d for date          " 1"
## %D for 0-padded date "01"
## %m for month         "Jan"
## %l for month at end of time interval (where this makes sense)
## %y for short year    "97"
## %q for quarter of the year    "1"
## %Y for long year     "1997"
## %h for hour in 24-hour clock " 9"
## %H for 0-padded hour         "09"
## %j for hour in 12-hour clock " 9"
## %n for minute        "00"
## %a for am or pm      "am"
## %i for hour at end of time interval (where this makes sense)
## %I for 0-padded hour at end of time interval
## %k for 12-hour hour at end of time interval
## %o for minute at end of time interval
## %b for am or pm at end of time interval
## %w for weekday       "Wed"
## %x for a dash in a range e.g. in 14:00-14:15. This is necessary because in
##    proper typesetting, this should be an en-dash not a regular dash.
## So for a date, English might have %d/%m/%y for 1/Jan/97, whereas German
## would have %d.%m %y for 1.Jan 97). Note: the month number is not available
## because it can produce ambiguous dates.
## The different date formats are as follows
## "refer to the 7 days to [date]"
%d %m %Y %H.%n
## "Program started at" and "Analysed requests from"
%w %d %m %Y %H.%n
## In Daily Report
## In Daily Summary
## In Hourly Report
%Y-%m-%D %H.%n%x%I.%o
## In Hourly Summary
## In Hour of the Week Summary
%w %H.%n%x%I.%o
## In Quarter-Hour and Five-Minute Reports
%Y-%m-%D %H.%n%x%I.%o
## In Quarter-Hour and Five-Minute Summaries
## In Weekly Report
## In Monthly Report
%m %Y
## In Quarterly Report
%m%x%l %Y
## An alternative for Quarterly Report: %Y Q%q
## In Yearly Report
## The date (d) column in non-time reports
## The date & time (D) column in non-time reports
%Y-%m-%d %H.%n
## In non-time reports: "listing files with requests since [date]"
%Y-%m-%D kl. %H.%n
## Finally, definitions of the HTTP status codes (see
## You're welcome to leave these in
## English if you think they look better that way.
100 Forts&auml;tt med beg&auml;ran
101 Byter protokoll
1xx [Diverse informativa]
200 OK
201 Skapad
202 Accepterad f&ouml;r fortsatt behandling
203 Ickeauktorativ information
204 OK, men ingenting att skicka
205 Nollst&auml;ll dokument
206 Endast del av dokument
2xx [Diverse lyckade]
300 Flera dokument finns tillg&auml;ngliga
301 Dokumentet har flyttat permanent
302 Dokumentet hittat p&aring; annan plats
303 Se annat dokument
304 Inte &auml;ndrat sedan senaste h&auml;mtningen
305 Anv&auml;nd proxy
306 Byt proxy
307 Dokumentet har flyttats tempor&auml;rt
3xx [Diverse omdirigeringar]
400 Felaktig beg&auml;ran
401 Autentisering kr&auml;vs
402 Betalning kr&auml;vs
403 Tilltr&auml;de f&ouml;rbjudet
404 Dokumentet kunde inte hittas
405 Metoden inte till&aring;ten
406 Dokumentet inte godtagbart av klienten
407 Proxyautentisering kr&auml;vs
408 Time-out av beg&auml;ran
409 Beg&auml;ran &auml;r i konflikt med resursens tillst&aring;nd
410 Dokumentet &auml;r borta permanent
411 L&auml;ngd kr&auml;vs
412 F&ouml;ruts&auml;ttning kr&auml;vs
413 Beg&auml;ran &auml;r f&ouml;r l&aring;ng
414 Beg&auml;rt filnamn &auml;r f&ouml;r l&aring;ngt
415 Mediatypen st&ouml;ds inte
416 Beg&auml;rt intervall &auml;r ogiltigt
417 F&ouml;rv&auml;ntan misslyckades
4xx [Diverse klient- och anv&auml;ndarfel]
500 Internt serverfel
501 Typen av beg&auml;ran st&ouml;ds inte
502 Fel vid servern uppstr&ouml;ms
503 Tj&auml;nsten &auml;r tillf&auml;lligt otillg&auml;nglig
504 Gateway-timeout
505 HTTP-versionen st&ouml;ds inte
506 Omdirigering misslyckades
5xx [Diverse serverfel]
xxx [Ok&auml;nda]

# This file contains descriptions of each report. Lines starting with a
# hash (#) are comments. Otherwise, each report must take EXACTLY ONE LINE.
# Yearly Report
Denna rapport visar aktiviteten under varje &aring;r.
# Quarterly Report
Denna rapport visar aktiviteten under varje kvartal.
# Monthly Report
Denna rapport visar aktiviteten under varje m&aring;nad.
# Weekly Report
Denna rapport visar aktiviteten under varje vecka.
# Daily Report
Denna rapport visar aktiviteten under varje dygn.
# Daily Summary
Denna rapport visar totala aktiviteten f&ouml;r varje dygn i veckan, summerat ouml;ver alla veckorna i rapporten.
# Hourly Report
Denna rapport visar aktiviteten under varje timme.
# Hourly Summary
Denna rapport visar totala aktiviteten f&ouml;r varje timme p&aring; dygnet, summerat &ouml;ver alla dygnen i rapporten.
# Hour of the Week Summary
Denna rapport visar totala aktiviteten f&ouml;r varje dag i veckan, summerat &ouml;ver alla veckor i rapporten.
# Quarter-Hour Report
Denna rapport visar aktiviteten under varje kvart.
# Quarter-Hour Summary
Denna rapport visar totala aktiviteten f&ouml;r varje kvart under dygnet, summerat &ouml;ver alla dygn i rapporten.
# Five-Minute Report
Denna rapport visar aktiviteten under varje femminutersperiod.
# Five-Minute Summary
Denna rapport visar totala aktiviten f&ouml;r varje femminutersperiod under dygnet, summerat &ouml;ver alla dygn i rapporten.
# General Summary
Denna rapport inneh&aring;ller &ouml;vergripande statistik.
# Request Report
Denna rapport visar filerna p&aring; webbplatsen.
# Redirection Report
Denna rapport visar filerna som orsakade att beg&auml;ran omdirigerades till en annan fil (normalt kataloger som saknade ett snedstreck p&aring; slutet, eller CGI-skript som tvingade omdirigeringar).
# Failure Report
Denna rapport visar de filer som orsakade misslyckanden, till exempel filer som inte kunde hittas.
# File Type Report
Denna rapport visar fil&auml;ndelserna p&aring; beg&auml;rda filer.
# Directory Report
Denna rapport visar katalogerna som filer beg&auml;rdes ifr&aring;n (siffrorna f&ouml;r varje katalog inkluderar alla dess underkataloger).
# Host Report
This report lists the computers which requested files. 
# Host Redirection Report
This report lists the computers which were redirected to another file.
# Host Failure Report
Denna rapport visar datorerna som r&aring;kade ut f&ouml;r misslyckade beg&auml;ran.
# Domain Report
Denna rapport visar l&auml;nderna f&ouml;r de datorer som beg&auml;rde filer.
# Referrer Report
Denna rapport visar h&auml;nvisarna (de platser som folk f&ouml;ljde l&auml;nkar ifr&aring;n, eller sidor som inkluderade den h&auml;r webbplatsens bilder).
# Referring Site Report
Denna rapport visar de servrar som folk f&ouml;lt l&auml;nkar ifr&aring:n.
# Redirected Referrer Report
Denna rapport visar de h&auml;nvisare som orsakade omdirigerade beg&auml;ran.
# Failed Referrer Report
Denna rapport visar de h&auml;nvisare som inneh&aring;ller trasiga l&auml;nkar till webbplatsen.
# Browser Report
Denna rapport visar webbl&auml;sarna som bes&ouml;kare anv&auml;nder.
# Virtual Host Report
Denna rapport visar aktiviteten f&ouml;r varje virtuell dom&auml;n p&auml; servern.
# Virtual Host Redirection Report
Denna rapport visar omdirigerade beg&auml;ran till varje virtuell dom&auml;n.
# Virtual Host Failure Report
Denna rapport visar misslyckade beg&auml;ran f&ouml;r varje virtuell dom&auml;n.
# User Report
Denna rapport visar de anv&auml;ndare som beg&auml;rde filer, om anv&auml;ndare kan autentiseras eller identifieras av kakor.
# User Redirection Report
Denna rapport visar de anv&auml;ndare som omdirigerades till en annan fil.
# User Failure Report
Denna rapport visar de anv&auml;ndare som r&aring;kade ut f&ouml;r misslyckade beg&auml;ran.
# Organisation Report
Denna rapport visar de organisationer som de datorer som beg&auml;rde filer tillh&ouml;r.
# Search Query Report
Denna rapport visar de s&ouml;kuttryck som folk anv&auml;nt i s&ouml;kmotorer f&ouml;r att hitta webbplatsen.
# Search Word Report
Denna rapport visar de s&ouml;kord som folk anv&auml;nt i s&ouml;kmotorer f&ouml;r att hitta webbplatsen.
# Internal Search Query Report
Denna rapport visar de s&ouml;kuttryck som folk anv&auml;nt i skript p&aring; webbplatsen.
# Internal Search Word Report
Denna rapport visar de s&ouml;kord som folk anv&auml;nt i skript p&aring; webbplatsen.
# Browser Summary
Denna rapport visar vilka webbl&auml;sare bes&ouml;karna har anv&auml;nt.
# Operating System Report
Denna rapport visar de operativsystem som bes&ouml;karna har anv&auml;nt.
# File Size Report
Denna rapport visar storlekarna p&aring; filer.
# Status Code Report
Denna rapport visar HTTP-statuskoderna f&ouml;r alla beg&auml;ran.
# Processing Time Report
Denna rapport visar tiden det har tagit f&ouml;r att bearbeta lyckade beg&auml;ran.

ad  2   Andorra
ae  3   F&ouml;renade Arabemiraten
af  1   Afghanistan
ag  2   Antigua och Barbuda
ai  1   Anguilla
al  1   Albanien
am  2   Armenien
an  1   Nederl&auml;ndska Antillerna
ao  1   Angola
aq  1   Antarktis
ar  3   Argentina
arpa  1   Arpanet
as  1   Amerikanska Samoa
at  3   &Ouml;sterrike
au  3   Australien
aw  1   Aruba
az  1   Azerbadjan
ba  3   Bosnien-Hercegovina
bb  2   Barbados
bd  1   Bangladesh
be  2   Belgien
bf  1   Burkina Faso
bg  2   Bulgarien
bh  1   Bahrain
bi  1   Burundi
bj  1   Benin
bm  1   Bermuda
bn  1   Brunei
bo  3   Bolivia
br  3   Brasilien
bs  1   Bahamas
bt  1   Bhutan
bv  1   Bouvet&ouml;n
bw  1   Botswana
by  1   Vitryssland
bz  1   Belize
ca  3   Kanada
cc  1   Kokos&ouml;arna
cd  1   Demokratiska republiken Kongo
cf  1   Centralafrikanska republiken
cg  1   Kongo
ch  2   Schweiz
ci  1   Elfenbenskusten
ck  1   Cook&ouml;arna
cl  2   Chile
cm  1   Kamerun
cn  3   Kina
co  3   Colombia
com  2   Kommersiellt
cr  3   Costa Rica
cs  1   Tjeckien och Slovakien
cu  2   Kuba
cv  1   Kap Verde&ouml;arna
cx  2   Jul&ouml;n
cy  3   Cypern
cz  2   Tjeckien
de  2   Tyskland
dj  1   Djibouti
dk  2   Danmark
dm  2   Dominica
do  3   Dominikanska republiken
dz  1   Algeriet
ec  3   Ecuador
edu  2   Utbildningsv&auml;sendet i USA
ee  2   Estland
eg  3   Egypten
eh  1   V&auml;stsahara
er  1   Eritrea
es  2   Spanien
et  1   Etiopien
fi  2   Finland
fj  3   Fidji
fk  1   Falklands&ouml;arna
fm  1   Mikronesien
fo  1   F&auml;r&ouml;arna
fr  2   Frankrike
fx  1   Frankrike (Europeiskt territorium)
ga  1   Gabon
gb  1   Storbritannien
gd  1   Grenada
ge  1   Georgien
gf  1   Franska Guyana
gg  1   Guernsey
gh  3   Ghana
gi  1   Gibraltar
gl  1   Gr&ouml;nland
gm  1   Gambia
gn  1   Guinea
gov  2   Myndigheter i USA
gp  1   Guadeloupe
gq  1   Ekvatorialguinea
gr  2   Grekland
gs  1   Sydgeorgien och S&ouml;dra Sandwich&ouml;arna
gt  3   Guatemala
gu  1   Guam
gw  1   Guinea Bissau
gy  1   Guyana
hk  3   Hong Kong
hm  1   Heard&ouml;n and McDonald&ouml;arna
hn  2   Honduras
hr  2   Kroatien
ht  1   Haiti
hu  2   Ungern
id  3   Indonesien
ie  2   Irland
il  3   Israel
im  1   Isle of Man
in  3   Indien
int  1   Internationellt
io  1   Brittiskt territorium i Indiska Oceanen
iq  1   Irak
ir  1   Iran
is  2   Island
it  2   Italien
je  1   Jersey
jm  3   Jamaica
jo  3   Jordanien
jp  3   Japan
ke  3   Kenya
kg  1   Kirgistan
kh  1   Kambodja
ki  1   Kiribati
km  1   Komorerna
kn  1   Sankt Kitts och Nevis
kp  1   Nordkorea
kr  3   Sydkorea
kw  3   Kuwait
ky  1   Cayman&ouml;arna
kz  1   Kazakstan
la  1   Laos
lb  3   Libanon
lc  1   Saint Lucia
li  2   Liechtenstein
lk  1   Sri Lanka
lr  1   Liberia
ls  1   Lesotho
lt  2   Litauen
lu  2   Luxemburg
lv  2   Lettland
ly  1   Libyen
ma  1   Marocko
mc  2   Monaco
md  1   Moldavien
mg  1   Madagaskar
mh  1   Marshall&ouml;arna
mil  2   Milit&auml;r i USA
mk  3   Makedonien (f&ouml;re detta Jugoslavien)
ml  1   Mali
mm  1   Burma
mn  1   Mongoliet
mo  1   Macau
mp  1   Norra Mariana&ouml;arna
mq  1   Martinique
mr  1   Mauretanien
ms  1   Montserrat
mt  3   Malta
mu  1   Mauritius
mv  1   Maldiverna
mw  1   Malawi
mx  3   Mexiko
my  3   Malaysia
mz  1   Mocambique
na  1   Namibia
nc  1   Nya Kaledonien
ne  1   Niger
net  2   N&auml;tverk
nf  1   Norfolk&ouml;n
ng  1   Nigeria
ni  3   Nicaragua
nl  2   Nederl&auml;nderna
no  2   Norge
np  1   Nepal
nr  1   Nauru
nu  1   Niue
nz  3   Nya Zeeland
om  1   Oman
org  2   Ideella organisationer
pa  3   Panama
pe  3   Peru
pf  1   Franska Polynesien
pg  3   Papua Nya Guinea
ph  3   Filippinerna
pk  3   Pakistan
pl  3   Polen
pm  1   Sankt Pierre och Miquelon
pn  1   Pitcairn&ouml;n
pr  1   Puerto Rico
ps  3   Palestinska territoriet
pt  2   Portugal
pw  1   Palau
py  3   Paraguay
qa  1   Qatar
re  1   Reunion
ro  2   Rum&auml;nien
ru  2   Ryssland
rw  1   Rwanda
sa  3   Saudiarabien
sb  1   Solomon&ouml;arna
sc  1   Seychellerna
sd  1   Sudan
se  2   Sverige
sg  3   Singapore
sh  1   Sankt Helena
si  2   Slovenien
sj  1   Svalbard och Jan Mayen
sk  2   Slovakien
sl  1   Sierra Leone
sm  1   San Marino
sn  1   Senegal
so  1   Somalia
sr  1   Surinam
st  1   Sankt Tome och Principe
su  2   F.d. Sovjetunionen
sv  3   El Salvador
sy  1   Syrien
sz  1   Swaziland
tc  1   Turks- och Caicos&ouml;arna
td  1   Tchad
tf  1   Franska s&ouml;dra territorierna
tg  1   Togo
th  3   Thailand
tj  1   Tadjikistan
tk  1   Tokelau
tm  1   Turkmenistan
tn  1   Tunisien
to  1   Tonga
tp  1   &Ouml;sttimor
tr  3   Turkiet
tt  3   Trinidad och Tobago
tv  1   Tuvalu
tw  3   Taiwan
tz  1   Tanzania
ua  3   Ukraina
ug  3   Uganda
uk  3   Storbritannien
um  1   USAs yttre &ouml;ar
us  4   USA
uy  3   Uruguay
uz  1   Uzbekistan
va  1   Vatikanstaten
vc  1   Sankt Vincent och Grenadinerna
ve  3   Venezuela
vg  1   Brittiska Jungfru&ouml;arna
vi  1   Jungfru&ouml;arna
vn  1   Vietnam
vu  1   Vanuatu
wf  1   Wallis- och Futuna&ouml;arna
ws  1   Samoa
ye  1   Jemen
yt  1   Mayotte
yu  3   Jugoslavien
za  3   Sydafrika
zm  1   Zambia
zr  1   Demokratiska republiken Kongo
zw  3   Zimbabwe

## Language file for analog 4.91beta1. May not work with any other version.
## This is a language file for analog. Lines beginning with ## are comments.
## Each language should have one language file in its own character set,
## and can have an additional one for ASCII (7 bit) output.
## If your language doesn't seem to fit into this pattern, explain the problem
## to me, and I can adjust the source code if necessary.
## The character set of this language file. Prefix with a * to indicate a
## multibyte character set: e.g. *ISO-2022-JP
## Abbreviations for the day and month names.
## Next some standard common words.
## Abbreviation for "week beginning"
week beg.
## Quarter of a year
## ?bytes represents kbytes, Mbytes etc.
## This has the right spacing for a column like 23/Mar/98 15:00-15:05
date        time
first date
first time
last date
last time
virtual host
virtual hosts
## (= operating system, operating systems)
search term
search terms
status code
status codes
Web Server Statistics for
## Now the names of reports
General Summary
## The time reports, plus "busiest" strings (at the bottom of each report)
Yearly Report
Busiest year:
Quarterly Report
Busiest quarter:
Monthly Report
Busiest month:
Weekly Report
Busiest week: week beginning
Daily Summary
Daily Report
Busiest day:
Hourly Report
Hourly Summary
Hour of the Week Summary
Busiest hour:
Quarter-Hour Report
Quarter-Hour Summary
Busiest quarter of an hour:
Five-Minute Report
Five-Minute Summary
Busiest five minutes:
## The non-time reports. In each case, we have the name of the report,
## followed by the type of item in the report, once in the singular and once
## in the plural. These are used in phrases like "listing ??? with at
## least 200 requests". (The words higher up are used for column headings and
## for the "not listed" lines at the bottom of the reports.)
## Finally we have the gender of this type of object, which can be m, f or n.
## So for example, in German a directory is Verzeichnis (neuter gender), which
## was given above. But "listing the top directory" is "Ausgabe des ersten
## Verzeichnisses" and "listing the top two directories" is "Ausgabe der
## ersten zwei Verzeichnisse". So here, we would have for the directory report:
## Verzeichnis-Bericht
## Verzeichnisses
## Verzeichnisse
## n
## I hope that makes sense!
Host Report
Host Redirection Report
Host Failure Report
Directory Report
File Type Report
Request Report
Redirection Report
Failure Report
Referrer Report
referring URL
referring URLs
Referring Site Report
referring site
referring sites
Redirected Referrer Report
referring URL
referring URLs
Failed Referrer Report
referring URL
referring URLs
Search Query Report
Search Word Report
query word
query words
Internal Search Query Report
Internal Search Word Report
query word
query words
Virtual Host Report
virtual host
virtual hosts
Virtual Host Redirection Report
virtual host
virtual hosts
Virtual Host Failure Report
virtual host
virtual hosts
User Report
User Redirection Report
User Failure Report
Browser Summary
Browser Report
Operating System Report
operating system
operating systems
Domain Report
Organisation Report
Status Code Report
status code
status codes
Processing Time Report
File Size Report
## Used at the bottom of the report
This analysis was produced by
Running time
Less than 1
## Used in the time reports
Each unit
or part thereof
request for a page
requests for pages
## Used at the bottom of each non-time report: need m, f & n genders
not listed
## Used on the pie charts: again need m, f & n genders
## Used at the top of the report
Program started at
Analysed requests from
## Used in the General Summary
Successful requests
Average successful requests per day
Successful requests for pages
Average successful requests for pages per day
Logfile lines without status code
Failed requests
Redirected requests
Requests with informational status code
Distinct files requested
Distinct hosts served
Corrupt logfile lines
Unwanted logfile entries
Data transferred
Average data transferred per day
Figures in parentheses refer to the
7-day period ending
last 7 days
Go To
## Some special phrases for particular reports.
[unresolved numerical addresses]
[domain not given]
[unknown domain]
[root directory]
[no directory]
[no extension]
Unknown Windows
Unknown Macintosh
Other Unix
OS unknown
## Column headings for requests, pages, bytes and number (ie position in list)
## and percentages and last-7-day versions of these.
## Should be as short as possible -- abbreviate if necessary.
## (The ?bytes represents kbytes, Mbytes etc.)
7-day reqs
%7-day reqs
7-day pages
%7-day pages
7-day bytes
7-day ?bytes
%7-day bytes
## Now we need to know how to say "listing the top <whatever>", "listing
## the top <n> <whatevers>", and "listing <whatevers>". The %s and %d
## will be replaced by the appropriate things. There may be three of each of
## these statements, for the genders m, f and n. Any genders that aren't used,
## you can just put a * there instead. So, for example, French starts
## Affichage du premier %s
## Affichage de la premi&egrave;re %s
## *
## with entries for m & f, but not n
Listing the top %s
Listing the top %d %s
Listing %s
## "by" in the phrase "listing the top 3 files BY number of requests"
## All requests WITH AT LEAST 10 requests
with at least
## Different ways of doing floors
request in the last 7 days
requests in the last 7 days
request for a page in the last 7 days
requests for pages in the last 7 days
redirected request
redirected requests
redirected request in the last 7 days
redirected requests in the last 7 days
failed request
failed requests
failed request in the last 7 days
failed requests in the last 7 days
%% of the traffic
%% of the traffic in the last 7 days
%% of the maximum amount of traffic
%% of the maximum amount of traffic in the last 7 days
byte of traffic
bytes of traffic
## ?bytes represents kbytes, Mbytes etc.
?bytes of traffic
byte of traffic in the last 7 days
bytes of traffic in the last 7 days
?bytes of traffic in the last 7 days
with a request since
with a redirected request since
with a failed request since
with first request since
with first redirected request since
with first failed request since
## Now "sorted by": again, in m, f & n (only needed in plural though)
sorted by
## Used at the top of each report
This report contains data from
## Used in pie charts
The wedges are plotted by
## different ways of sorting
the amount of traffic
the amount of traffic in the last 7 days
%% of the requests
%% of the requests in the last 7 days
%% of the maximum number of requests
%% of the maximum number of requests in the last 7 days
the number of requests
the number of requests in the last 7 days
%% of the requests for pages
%% of the requests for pages in the last 7 days
%% of the maximum number of requests for pages
%% of the maximum number of requests for pages in the last 7 days
the number of requests for pages
the number of requests for pages in the last 7 days
%% of the redirected requests
%% of the redirected requests in the last 7 days
%% of the maximum number of redirected requests
%% of the maximum number of redirected requests in the last 7 days
the number of redirected requests
the number of redirected requests in the last 7 days
%% of the failed requests
%% of the failed requests in the last 7 days
%% of the maximum number of failed requests
%% of the maximum number of failed requests in the last 7 days
the number of failed requests
the number of failed requests in the last 7 days
the time of the last request
the time of the last redirected request
the time of the last failed request
the time of the first request
the time of the first redirected request
the time of the first failed request
## 3 other ways of sorting in m, f, & n
sorted alphabetically
sorted numerically
## The separators to use between thousands, and as a decimal point. For
## example, English generally uses "3,000.25" so has , and . here. French uses
## "3 000,25", so has space and , instead.
## There's a colon here, because the French like to put a space before a colon,
## so they have space-colon instead here.
## am and pm in the sense of morning and afternoon.
## Some date formats. E.g. for 9am on 1st January 1997 use
## %d for date          " 1"
## %D for 0-padded date "01"
## %m for month         "Jan"
## %l for month at end of time interval (where this makes sense)
## %y for short year    "97"
## %q for quarter of the year    "1"
## %Y for long year     "1997"
## %h for hour in 24-hour clock " 9"
## %H for 0-padded hour         "09"
## %j for hour in 12-hour clock " 9"
## %n for minute        "00"
## %a for am or pm      "am"
## %i for hour at end of time interval (where this makes sense)
## %I for 0-padded hour at end of time interval
## %k for 12-hour hour at end of time interval
## %o for minute at end of time interval
## %b for am or pm at end of time interval
## %w for weekday       "Wed"
## %x for a dash in a range e.g. in 14:00-14:15. This is necessary because in
##    proper typesetting, this should be an en-dash not a regular dash.
## So for a date, English might have %d/%m/%y for 1/Jan/97, whereas German
## would have %d.%m %y for 1.Jan 97). Note: the month number is not available
## because it can produce ambiguous dates.
## The different date formats are as follows
## "refer to the 7 days to [date]"
%D-%m-%Y %H:%n
## "Program started at" and "Analysed requests from"
%w-%D-%m-%Y %H:%n
## In Daily Report
## In Daily Summary
## In Hourly Report
%d/%m/%y %H:%n%x%I:%o
## In Hourly Summary
## In Hour of the Week Summary
%w %H:%n%x%I:%o
## In Quarter-Hour and Five-Minute Reports
%d/%m/%y %H:%n%x%I:%o
## In Quarter-Hour and Five-Minute Summaries
## In Weekly Report
## In Monthly Report
%m %Y
## In Quarterly Report
%m%x%l %Y
## An alternative for Quarterly Report: %Y Q%q
## In Yearly Report
## The date (d) column in non-time reports
## The date & time (D) column in non-time reports
%d/%m/%y %H:%n
## In non-time reports: "listing files with requests since [date]"
%d/%m/%y at %H:%n
## Finally, definitions of the HTTP status codes (see
## You're welcome to leave these in
## English if you think they look better that way.
100 Continue with request
101 Switching protocols
1xx [Miscellaneous informational]
200 OK
201 Created
202 Accepted for future processing
203 Non-authoritative information
204 OK, but nothing to send
205 Reset document
206 Partial content
2xx [Miscellaneous successes]
300 Multiple documents available
301 Document moved permanently
302 Document found elsewhere
303 See other document
304 Not modified since last retrieval
305 Use proxy
306 Switch proxy
307 Document moved temporarily
3xx [Miscellaneous redirections]
400 Bad request
401 Authentication required
402 Payment required
403 Access forbidden
404 Document not found
405 Method not allowed
406 Document not acceptable to client
407 Proxy authentication required
408 Request timeout
409 Request conflicts with state of resource
410 Document gone permanently
411 Length required
412 Precondition failed
413 Request too long
414 Requested filename too long
415 Unsupported media type
416 Requested range not valid
417 Expectation failed
4xx [Miscellaneous client/user errors]
500 Internal server error
501 Request type not supported
502 Error at upstream server
503 Service temporarily unavailable
504 Gateway timeout
505 HTTP version not supported
506 Redirection failed
5xx [Miscellaneous server errors]
xxx [Unknown]

# This file contains descriptions of each report. Lines starting with a
# hash (#) are comments. Otherwise, each report must take EXACTLY ONE LINE.
# Yearly Report
This report lists the activity in each year.
# Quarterly Report
This report lists the activity in each quarter.
# Monthly Report
This report lists the activity in each month.
# Weekly Report
This report lists the activity in each week.
# Daily Report
This report lists the activity in each day.
# Daily Summary
This report lists the total activity for each day of the week, summed over all the weeks in the report.
# Hourly Report
This report lists the activity in each hour.
# Hourly Summary
This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.
# Hour of the Week Summary
This report lists the total activity for each hour of the week, summed over all the weeks in the report.
# Quarter-Hour Report
This report lists the activity in each quarter-hour period.
# Quarter-Hour Summary
This report lists the total activity for each quarter-hour period of the day, summed over all the days in the report.
# Five-Minute Report
This report lists the activity in each five-minute period.
# Five-Minute Summary
This report lists the total activity for each five-minute period of the day, summed over all the days in the report.
# General Summary
This report contains overall statistics.
# Request Report
This report lists the files on the site.
# Redirection Report
This report lists the files that caused requests to be redirected to another file. (Usually directories with the final slash missing, or CGI scripts that forced redirections.)
# Failure Report
This report lists the files that caused failures, for example files not found.
# File Type Report
This report lists the extensions of requested files.
# Directory Report
This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)
# Host Report
This report lists the computers which requested files. 
# Host Redirection Report
This report lists the computers which were redirected to another file.
# Host Failure Report
This report lists the computers which encountered failed requests.
# Domain Report
This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.
# Referrer Report
This report lists the referrers (where people followed links from, or pages which included this site's images).
# Referring Site Report
This report lists which servers people followed links from.
# Redirected Referrer Report
This report lists the referrers that caused redirected requests.
# Failed Referrer Report
This report lists the referrers containing broken links to the site.
# Browser Report
This report lists the browsers used by visitors.
# Virtual Host Report
This report lists the activity on each of the virtual domains at the site.
# Virtual Host Redirection Report
This report lists the redirected requests to each of the virtual domains.
# Virtual Host Failure Report
This report lists the failed requests to each of the virtual domains.
# User Report
This report lists the users who requested files, if users have been authenticated or can be identified by cookies.
# User Redirection Report
This report lists the users who were redirected to another file.
# User Failure Report
This report lists the users who encountered failed requests.
# Organisation Report
This report lists the organisations of the computers which requested files.
# Search Query Report
This report lists which queries people used in search engines to find the site.
# Search Word Report
This report lists which words people used in search engines to find the site.
# Internal Search Query Report
This report lists which queries people used on scripts within the site.
# Internal Search Word Report
This report lists which words people used on scripts within the site.
# Browser Summary
This report lists the vendors of visitors' browsers.
# Operating System Report
This report lists the operating systems used by visitors.
# File Size Report
This report lists the sizes of files.
# Status Code Report
This report lists the HTTP status codes of all requests.
# Processing Time Report
This report lists the times taken to process successful requests.

ad  2   Andorra
ae  3   United Arab Emirates
af  1   Afghanistan
ag  2   Antigua and Barbuda
ai  1   Anguilla
al  1   Albania
am  2   Armenia
an  1   Netherlands Antilles
ao  1   Angola
aq  1   Antarctica
ar  3   Argentina
arpa  1   Old style Arpanet
as  1   American Samoa
at  3   Austria
au  3   Australia
aw  1   Aruba
az  1   Azerbaijan
ba  3   Bosnia-Herzegovina
bb  2   Barbados
bd  1   Bangladesh
be  2   Belgium
bf  1   Burkina Faso
bg  2   Bulgaria
bh  1   Bahrain
bi  1   Burundi
bj  1   Benin
bm  1   Bermuda
bn  1   Brunei Darussalam
bo  3   Bolivia
br  3   Brazil
bs  1   Bahamas
bt  1   Bhutan
bv  1   Bouvet Island
bw  1   Botswana
by  1   Belarus
bz  1   Belize
ca  3   Canada
cc  1   Cocos (Keeling) Islands
cd  1   Democratic Republic of the Congo
cf  1   Central African Republic
cg  1   Congo
ch  2   Switzerland
ci  1   Ivory Coast
ck  1   Cook Islands
cl  2   Chile
cm  1   Cameroon
cn  3   China
co  3   Colombia
com  2   Commercial
cr  3   Costa Rica
cs  1   Czech Republic and Slovakia
cu  2   Cuba
cv  1   Cape Verde
cx  2   Christmas Island
cy  3   Cyprus
cz  2   Czech Republic
de  2   Germany
dj  1   Djibouti
dk  2   Denmark
dm  2   Dominica
do  3   Dominican Republic
dz  1   Algeria
ec  3   Ecuador
edu  2   USA Educational
ee  2   Estonia
eg  3   Egypt
eh  1   Western Sahara
er  1   Eritrea
es  2   Spain
et  1   Ethiopia
fi  2   Finland
fj  3   Fiji
fk  1   Falkland Islands
fm  1   Micronesia
fo  1   Faroe Islands
fr  2   France
fx  1   France (European Territory)
ga  1   Gabon
gb  1   United Kingdom
gd  1   Grenada
ge  1   Georgia
gf  1   French Guiana
gg  1   Guernsey
gh  3   Ghana
gi  1   Gibraltar
gl  1   Greenland
gm  1   Gambia
gn  1   Guinea
gov  2   USA Government
gp  1   Guadeloupe
gq  1   Equatorial Guinea
gr  2   Greece
gs  1   South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
gt  3   Guatemala
gu  1   Guam
gw  1   Guinea-Bissau
gy  1   Guyana
hk  3   Hong Kong
hm  1   Heard and McDonald Islands
hn  2   Honduras
hr  2   Croatia
ht  1   Haiti
hu  2   Hungary
id  3   Indonesia
ie  2   Ireland
il  3   Israel
im  1   Isle of Man
in  3   India
int  1   International
io  1   British Indian Ocean Territory
iq  1   Iraq
ir  1   Iran
is  2   Iceland
it  2   Italy
je  1   Jersey
jm  3   Jamaica
jo  3   Jordan
jp  3   Japan
ke  3   Kenya
kg  1   Kyrgyzstan
kh  1   Cambodia
ki  1   Kiribati
km  1   Comoros
kn  1   Saint Kitts and Nevis
kp  1   North Korea
kr  3   South Korea
kw  3   Kuwait
ky  1   Cayman Islands
kz  1   Kazakhstan
la  1   Laos
lb  3   Lebanon
lc  1   Saint Lucia
li  2   Liechtenstein
lk  1   Sri Lanka
lr  1   Liberia
ls  1   Lesotho
lt  2   Lithuania
lu  2   Luxembourg
lv  2   Latvia
ly  1   Libya
ma  1   Morocco
mc  2   Monaco
md  1   Moldova
mg  1   Madagascar
mh  1   Marshall Islands
mil  2   USA Military
mk  3   Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic)
ml  1   Mali
mm  1   Myanmar
mn  1   Mongolia
mo  1   Macau
mp  1   Northern Mariana Islands
mq  1   Martinique
mr  1   Mauritania
ms  1   Montserrat
mt  3   Malta
mu  1   Mauritius
mv  1   Maldives
mw  1   Malawi
mx  3   Mexico
my  3   Malaysia
mz  1   Mozambique
na  1   Namibia
nc  1   New Caledonia
ne  1   Niger
net  2   Network
nf  1   Norfolk Island
ng  1   Nigeria
ni  3   Nicaragua
nl  2   Netherlands
no  2   Norway
np  1   Nepal
nr  1   Nauru
nu  1   Niue
nz  3   New Zealand
om  1   Oman
org  2   Non-Profit Making Organisations
pa  3   Panama
pe  3   Peru
pf  1   French Polynesia
pg  3   Papua New Guinea
ph  3   Philippines
pk  3   Pakistan
pl  3   Poland
pm  1   Saint Pierre and Miquelon
pn  1   Pitcairn Island
pr  1   Puerto Rico
ps  3   Occupied Palestinian Territory
pt  2   Portugal
pw  1   Palau
py  3   Paraguay
qa  1   Qatar
re  1   Reunion
ro  2   Romania
ru  2   Russia
rw  1   Rwanda
sa  3   Saudi Arabia
sb  1   Solomon Islands
sc  1   Seychelles
sd  1   Sudan
se  2   Sweden
sg  3   Singapore
sh  1   Saint Helena
si  2   Slovenia
sj  1   Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands
sk  2   Slovakia
sl  1   Sierra Leone
sm  1   San Marino
sn  1   Senegal
so  1   Somalia
sr  1   Suriname
st  1   Saint Tome and Principe
su  2   Former USSR
sv  3   El Salvador
sy  1   Syria
sz  1   Swaziland
tc  1   Turks and Caicos Islands
td  1   Chad
tf  1   French Southern Territories
tg  1   Togo
th  3   Thailand
tj  1   Tajikistan
tk  1   Tokelau
tm  1   Turkmenistan
tn  1   Tunisia
to  1   Tonga
tp  1   East Timor
tr  3   Turkey
tt  3   Trinidad and Tobago
tv  1   Tuvalu
tw  3   Taiwan
tz  1   Tanzania
ua  3   Ukraine
ug  3   Uganda
uk  3   United Kingdom
um  1   USA Minor Outlying Islands
us  4   United States
uy  3   Uruguay
uz  1   Uzbekistan
va  1   Vatican City State
vc  1   Saint Vincent and Grenadines
ve  3   Venezuela
vg  1   Virgin Islands (British)
vi  1   Virgin Islands (USA)
vn  1   Vietnam
vu  1   Vanuatu
wf  1   Wallis and Futuna Islands
ws  1   Samoa
ye  1   Yemen
yt  1   Mayotte
yu  3   Yugoslavia
za  3   South Africa
zm  1   Zambia
zr  1   Democratic Republic of the Congo
zw  3   Zimbabwe

Arkiv genererat av hypermail 2.1.1.