Proprietary software

From: peter karlsson (
Date: 2001-03-31 20:47:32


Är det någon som har en bra översättning av "proprietary software" (som
i motsatsen till fri programvara)? Jag råkade just på termen i en
updatering av Debians vävplats, där ett lite tanklöst användande av
"commercial use" ersätts med "proprietary use".

Här är ändringen:

-<LI>Not allowing use of their code in commercial software. Since they are releasing the code
-    for others to use without any profit to themselves, they don't want someone else to be
-    able to come along and make commercial software out of it.
+<LI>Not allowing use of their code in proprietary software. Since they are releasing
+    their code for all to use, they don't want to see others steal it.
+    In this case, use of the code is seen as a trust: you may use it, as
+    long as you play by the same rules.

peter -

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