start tok64 d64-9KMiQn 10 POKE53280,0:POKE53281,0 20 GOTO100 60 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN60 70 RETURN 100 PRINT"{clear}{down}{light green}{space*8}star trek instructions 110 PRINT"{space*8}{cm t*22} 500 PRINT"{down}{yellow}welcome to the united federation of 510 PRINT"planets. your mission will be to seek 520 PRINT"out and destroy all of the {pink}klingons{yellow} 530 PRINT"before the time limit runs out. 540 PRINT"{down}you will see command come up as well 550 PRINT"as hear the tone indicating that 560 PRINT"you must input a response. 570 PRINT"{down}the commands are: 580 PRINT"{down}{space*2}1{space*2}{light green} navigate{yellow} (set course) 590 PRINT"{space*2}2{space*3}{light green}short range scan{yellow} 600 PRINT"{space*2}3{space*2}{light green} long range scan{yellow} 610 PRINT"{space*2}4{space*3}fire{light green} phasers{yellow} 620 PRINT"{space*2}5{space*3}fire{light green} photon torpedos {yellow} 630 PRINT"{space*2}6{space*3}raise/lower {light green}shield strength{yellow} 640 PRINT"{space*2}7{space*2}{light green} damage control{yellow} report 650 PRINT"{space*2}8{space*3}enable {light green}library computer{yellow} 660 PRINT"{space*2}9{space*3}enable {light green}tractor beam{yellow} 670 GOSUB60 700 PRINT"{clear}to activate any of the devices all you 710 PRINT"need do is press the appropiate number 720 PRINT"key. for {light green}phasers{yellow} type a 4. 730 PRINT"{down}if you make an error you'll get a list 735 PRINT"of correct input procedures. 740 PRINT"{down}the galaxy is divided into a 9 by 9 750 PRINT"quadrant grid and each quadrant is 760 PRINT"further divided into an 8 by 8 grid 770 PRINT"{down}after you have been assigned a starting 780 PRINT"position you will see a {light green}short range 790 PRINT"scan{yellow} of your present position, at this 800 PRINT"point the simulation has begun. 810 PRINT"{down}to {light green}navigate{yellow} you will be asked to input 820 PRINT"a direction. the 830 PRINT"course is in a{space*13}{green}4{space*2}3{space*2}2{yellow} 840 PRINT"circular numerical{space*10}M B N 850 PRINT"vector arrangement{space*7}{green} 5{yellow}{cm p*2}MBN{cm p*2}{green}1{yellow} 860 PRINT"as shown. integer or{space*9}NBM 870 PRINT"real values may be used.{space*4}N B M 880 PRINT"ie 1.5 is between 1 and 2 {green} 6{space*2}7{space*2}8{yellow} 900 GOSUB60 1000 PRINT"{clear}for distance you will be asked for warp 1010 PRINT"factor. you can input any value up to 1020 PRINT"and including 8. warp 1 will move you 1030 PRINT"a one quadrant distance as 5.5 will move"; 1040 PRINT"you 5 and a half quadrants. 1050 PRINT"{down}a bit of practice will help with things. 1060 PRINT"{down}the rest of the devices are straight 1070 PRINT"forward and will be explained in the 1080 PRINT"simulation its self. you will note the 1090 PRINT"{light green}photon torpedos{yellow} are aimed in the same 1100 PRINT"way {light green}navigate{yellow} is set. 1110 PRINT"{down}there is also a {light green}tractor beam{yellow} which 1120 PRINT"can be used to pull in a {pink}klingon{yellow} if his 1130 PRINT"power levels are very low. 1140 PRINT"{down}the {light green}computer{yellow} has 5 functions and if 1150 PRINT"you play with them you'll pick up their 1160 PRINT"uses faster than i can explain them. 1170 GOSUB60 2000 PRINT"{clear}the {light green}computer library{yellow} and {light green}long range 2005 PRINT"scan{yellow} are colour coded depending on 2010 PRINT"what or who is in which quadrant. 2030 PRINT"{down}the colours in order of priority are: 2035 PRINT"{down}{space*2}{cyan}blue{space*4}218{space*2}{green}enterprise{yellow} loaction 2040 PRINT"{space*2}{pink}red{space*5}316{space*2}klingons{yellow} present 2050 PRINT"{space*2}{gray}grey{space*4}014{space*2}starbase{yellow} present 2060 PRINT"{space*2}{light green}green{space*3}002{space*2}{yellow}safe quadrant 2070 PRINT"{space*2}{yellow}yellow{space*2}***{space*2}unknown area 2080 PRINT"{down}what the numbers means is simple 2090 PRINT"for example the {cyan}218{yellow} above indicates:{down} 2100 PRINT"{space*2}total {pink}klingons{yellow}:{cyan} 2 {yellow}- two {pink}klingons{yellow} 2110 PRINT" total {gray}starbases{yellow}:{cyan} 1 {yellow}- one {gray}starbase{yellow} 2120 PRINT"{space*5}total stars:{cyan} 8 {yellow}- eight stars 2130 PRINT"{down}if a quadrant shows no stars then it 2140 PRINT"indicates a {pink}nebula{yellow}. scans can't 2150 PRINT"penitrate the gas cloud of a {pink}nebula{yellow}. 2800 GOSUB60 3000 PRINT"{clear}the {light green}short range scan{yellow} may contain several"; 3010 PRINT"different objects. first there will 3020 PRINT"always be an {green}enterprise{yellow} (unless you blow"; 3030 PRINT"up). if your not in a {pink}nebula{yellow},you will 3040 PRINT"will see distant and close stars. the 3050 PRINT"stars are for show only but the close 3060 PRINT"ones will block torpedo fire and 3070 PRINT"starship movement. 3080 PRINT"{down}there may also be a very tiny object 3090 PRINT"which looks like a bright (distant) star"; 3100 PRINT". don't go near this, it's a {pink}spacemine{yellow} 3110 PRINT"which can ruin you simulation. 3120 PRINT"{down}the other objects are just the {pink}klingons{yellow} 3130 PRINT"and a {gray}starbase{yellow}, both of which are easy 3140 PRINT"to indentify. 3150 PRINT"{down}future versions may have other ships 3160 PRINT"of unknown origin. {light green}tactical sensers{yellow} will"; 3170 PRINT"probe the ship or object. 3500 GOSUB60 4000 PRINT"{clear}if you are in a {pink}nebula{yellow} you will just 4010 PRINT"see the {green}enterprise{yellow} surrounded by a gas 4020 PRINT"cloud. the {light green}long range scan{yellow},{light green} library 4030 PRINT"computer{yellow},{light green} phasers{yellow},{light green}tractor beam{yellow} and{light green} 4040 PRINT"shields{yellow} will not function in this 4045 PRINT"condition. 4050 PRINT"{down}the object will be to find the {pink}klingon{yellow}, 4060 PRINT"if he's there at all. to see him you 4070 PRINT"have to move the {green}enterprise{yellow} along side 4080 PRINT"of him. he will fire randomly with his 4090 PRINT"topedoes so watch out, remember your 4100 PRINT"{light green}shields{yellow} are out. 4110 PRINT"{down}leave all {pink}nebulas{yellow} to the end because 4120 PRINT"it really cuts into to stardate time. 4130 PRINT"{down}for every decimal (warp) move, your 4140 PRINT"stardate is increased by the same amount"; 4150 PRINT"to a maximum of 1. 4800 GOSUB60 5000 PRINT"{clear}in this version of {light green}star trek{yellow} the 5010 PRINT"{pink}klingons {yellow}will move from quadrant to 5020 PRINT"quadrant as the {green}enterprise{yellow} moves to 5030 PRINT"the next quadrant. however the {pink}klingon{yellow} 5040 PRINT"won't move if the following is true: 5050 PRINT"{down}1. the {pink}klingon{yellow} is guarding a {gray}starbase{yellow} 5060 PRINT"2. within 1 quadrant of the {green}enterprise{yellow} 5070 PRINT"3. no {pink}klingon{yellow} can be found (to move) 5080 PRINT"4. lost in a {pink}nebula{yellow}{down} 5090 PRINT"only one {pink}klingon{yellow} will move at a time 5100 PRINT"(this can be increased if needed).{down} 5110 PRINT"also included is a feature that requires"; 5120 PRINT"the use of a joystick. if the{light green} library 5130 PRINT"computer{yellow} malfunctions before a docking 5140 PRINT"procedure then you will be required to 5150 PRINT"fly the {green}enterprise {yellow}into the docking 5160 PRINT"bay. please be careful as you can only 5170 PRINT"touch the docking bay for 2 seconds, any"; 5180 PRINT"longer and the simulation is over 5190 PRINT"(there may be more work done in this 5200 PRINT"area). 5800 GOSUB60 6000 PRINT"{clear}you will note that the {light green}phasers{yellow} will 6010 PRINT"pass through (or around) all the 6020 PRINT"objects on the {light green}short range scan{yellow}. this 6030 PRINT"will be changed later. 6040 PRINT"{down}when a{pink} klingon{yellow} fires he can't hit any 6050 PRINT"of the{pink} spacemines{yellow} or other {pink}klingons{yellow} 6060 PRINT"so don't be confident that his shot 6070 PRINT"will miss you. 6080 PRINT"{down}the rest of the information can be 6090 PRINT"picked up as you play the game. but 6100 PRINT"because of the detail put into most of 6110 PRINT"the systems, it may take a while to pick"; 6120 PRINT"up how they work or interact with each 6130 PRINT"other. i must point out that major 6140 PRINT"changes were made from the original 6150 PRINT"version. 6160 PRINT"{down}please watch for realism in how the 6170 PRINT"systems operate. 6800 GOSUB60 9000 PRINT"{clear}please drop me a line if you have any 9040 PRINT"questions or ideas. i'll be happy to 9050 PRINT"supply a more detailed description of 9060 PRINT"the systems if you write. 9090 PRINT"{down*2}{green}{space*9}good luck captain{.*3}{yellow} 9100 PRINT"{down*2}{space*3}adapted by dave neale 9110 PRINT"{space*14}p.o. box 1324 9120 PRINT"{space*14}meaford, ontario 9130 PRINT"{space*14}n0h-1y0 9140 PRINT"{space*14}(519) 538-1758 9800 PRINT"{down*4}load";CHR$(34);"star trek boo*";CHR$(34);",8{up*3}" stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)