start tok64 d64-nhT3X5 65280 REM{delete}{delete}{delete}{delete}{delete}{delete}{delete}{delete}{delete}OFF 1 POKE808,225:POKE818,116:POKE819,164:POKE774,116:POKE775,164:POKEPEEK(43)+256*PEEK(44)+3,0 4 POKE53280,0:POKE53281,0 5 PRINT"{142}{clear}{space*2}{orange}{reverse on}{space*36}" 6 PRINT"{space*2}{reverse on} a f r i c a n{space*4}a d v e n t u r e " 7 PRINT"{space*2}{reverse on}{space*36}" 8 PRINT"{space*2}{reverse on}{space*4}in search of dr. livingston{space*5}" 9 PRINT"{space*2}{reverse on}{space*36}" 15 PRINT,"{down*3}{light blue}written for the pet 16 PRINTTAB(17)"{down}by 18 PRINT"{orange}{down}{space*5}fullerton, russell & malmberg 30 PRINT,"{down*5}{light blue}adapted for the 64 31 PRINTTAB(16)"{down}by 33 PRINT,"{down}{orange}steven darnold 34 PRINT,"p.o. box 201 35 PRINT,"alexandra, new zealand"; 49 DEF FNr(n)=INT(n*RND(1)+.99) 50 x=RND(0):y=1:xg=1:g6$="you don't have it!":g7$="nothing unusual." 51 g8$="with your puny spear ?" 100 g3$="don't be silly!":g2$="you're on your own." 101 g1$="you already have it.":r$=" 'tis done." 102 pm=37:vm=36:nm=60:im=35:DIMv$(vm),n$(nm),i$(im),il(im),ip(im),in(im) 103 DIMp$(pm),p(pm,5),d(22) 104 GOSUB50001 106 IFPEEK(653)<>1THENFORi=1TO2000:NEXT:GOSUB58000 107 GOTO1000 200 GOSUB490:GOTO1000 490 PRINT"{cyan}{down}what next? {gray}"; 495 a$="":b$=a$:c$=a$:gv$=a$:gn$=a$:GOSUB60000:a$=in$:PRINT"{156}"; 500 z=LEN(a$):IFz=0THEN490 501 IFz-1THEN510 502 IFa$="i"THENv=3:n=0:RETURN 503 v=0:c$=a$:GOTO580 510 GOSUB600:b$=d$:gv$=g$:IFz1=1THENc$=b$:v=0:GOTO580 511 v=0:FORi=1TOvm:IFb$=v$(i)THENv=i:i=vm 512 NEXT:IFv<>0THEN550 520 v=0:c$=b$:GOTO580 550 IF(z-z1)<1THEN590 551 a$=RIGHT$(a$,z-z1):z=LEN(a$):c$=a$ 560 IFLEFT$(c$,1)<>" "THEN570 561 c$=RIGHT$(c$,z-1):z=LEN(c$):IFz=0THEN590 562 GOTO560 570 a$=c$:GOSUB600:c$=d$ 580 gn$=g$:n=0:FORi=1TOnm:IFc$=n$(i)THENn=i:i=nm 581 NEXT:IFn=60THENn=40 582 RETURN 590 n=0:RETURN 600 i=0:FORii=1TOz:IFMID$(a$,ii,1)=" "THENi=ii:ii=z 601 NEXT:IFi=0THENi=ii 610 d$=LEFT$(a$,i-1):g$=d$:d$=LEFT$(d$,5):z1=LEN(g$):RETURN 1000 PRINT"{clear}{cyan}":j=FRE(0):ga$="{.*5}neither is seen again." 1001 gb$="the native takes your ":gc$="{down}{light blue}you are lying in a soft warm bed" 1002 gd$="you are at the closet.":ge$="{gray}several natives wave hello." 1003 g4$="that's not possible right now.":g5$="it's nowhere in sight." 1004 g9$="{yellow}{down}you had better leave, fast!" 1005 PRINTp$(y):PRINT:d$="{pink}you can see " 1006 z=12:z1=y:IFy<>1ORk<>0THEN1020 1008 IFil(1)=1THENPRINTd$;i$(1):GOTO1080 1009 PRINTd$;g7$:GOTO1080 1010 d$="you have ":z=8:z1=-1 1020 a$=d$:j=1 1030 FORi=1TOim:IFil(i)<>z1ANDil(i)<>-2THEN1070 1035 b$=i$(i):IFi=5ANDil(i)=-2THENIFz1=yORil(2)>2THEN1070 1040 IFj=0THEN1050 1041 j=0:d$=d$+b$:z=LEN(d$):PRINTd$;:GOTO1070 1050 PRINT", ";:IFz+LEN(b$)>37THENPRINT:z=0 1060 d$=b$:z=z+LEN(d$)+2:PRINTd$; 1070 NEXT:IFa$<>d$THENPRINT".":GOTO1077 1071 PRINTd$;:IFz1=yTHENPRINTg7$:GOTO1077 1072 PRINT"nothing." 1077 IFv=3ORv=13THEN1250 1080 IFxb=1THENPRINTgc$ 1081 kk=0:FORi=0TO5:IFp(y,i)<>0THENkk=1 1082 NEXT:IFkk=0THEN1090 1083 PRINT"{light blue}{down}obvious directions are:{space*2}";:kk=0 1084 FORi=0TO5:IFp(y,i)=0THEN1088 1085 IFkk<>0THENPRINT" "; 1086 PRINTn$(i+1);:kk=kk+1 1088 NEXT:PRINT:PRINT 1090 IFv=3ORv=13THEN1250 1200 xd=xd+1:IFy=il(8)THEN5000 1201 IFy=17THEN5100 1202 IFy=34THEN5200 1203 IFy=22ORy=27THEN5300 1204 IFy=12THEN5400 1210 IFy1=18ORy=18THEN1250 1211 x7=0 1220 xd=0 1250 zz$="{orange}a native throws a spear at you. it just misses. the native runs off." 1251 IFts=1ORt<30ORy>34ORy<15THEN1260 1255 PRINT:PRINTzz$:il(6)=y:ts=1 1260 IFn4<>0THEN1270 1261 IFil(13)=-1THENn5=n5+1:a$="a charming little flute" 1262 IFn5>16THENPRINT"{down}{orange}after many hours of whittling, the sugar"; 1263 IFn5>16THENPRINT"cane is now "a$".":n4=1:il(20)=-1:il(13)=0 1270 IFxe=0ANDy=8THEN1280 1271 GOTO1300 1280 PRINT"{down}{156}oh no . . . your feet are bare . . .{up}":GOTO7000 1300 PRINT:GOSUB490:GOTO1500 1450 IFy=9ORy=10THENPRINT"a fierce black leopard bars the way.":GOTO1200 1452 IFy<>15THEN1460 1454 IFil(17)=-1THENil(17)=35:PRINT"livingstone is captured by natives.":GOTO1200 1456 z=8:GOTO1540 1460 IFy<>32THEN1470 1461 IFFNr(5)<3THENy=34:GOTO1000 1462 y=31:GOTO1000 1470 PRINT"that leads to quicksand.":GOTO1200 1500 t=t+1:IFvTHEN1600 1501 IFnTHEN1520 1510 i=FNr(3):IFi=1THENPRINT"what?" 1511 IFi=2THENPRINT"huh?" 1512 IFi=3THENPRINT"what in the world are you talking about?" 1515 GOTO1200 1520 IFn>12THEN1550 1521 IFn<7THEN1525 1522 n=n-6 1525 z=p(y,n-1) 1530 IFz<0THEN1560 1531 IFz=98THEN1450 1532 IFz<>0THEN1540 1533 i=FNr(3):IFi=1THENPRINT"that direction is sealed off." 1534 IFi=2THENPRINT"you won't get anywhere going there." 1535 IFi=3THENPRINT"you can't go that way." 1536 GOTO1200 1540 y1=y:y=z:GOTO1000 1550 PRINT"what do you want to do with{space*13}the ";gn$;"?":GOTO1200 1560 IFRND(1)<.5THENz=0:GOTO1530 1561 y=-z:GOTO1585 1570 IFy=12THENIFRND(1)<.25THENy=11 1571 GOTO1000 1580 IFy=22THENIFRND(1)<.5THENy=21:GOTO1000 1581 y=19:GOTO1000 1585 IFy=26AND(RND(1)>.8)THENi$(14)="a hungry alligator" 1586 GOTO1000 1600 ONvGOTO1614,1800,1010,1900,1900,2100,2200,1000,2900,2500 1601 zz=v-10 1602 ONzzGOTO2600,2700,1010,2400,3000,3100,3200,3300,3400,3500 1603 zz=v-20 1604 ONzzGOTO2700,3600,3760,3800,3900,3700,3400,4000,4000,4100 1611 zz=v-30 1612 ONzzGOTO1614,3600,4500,4500,4600,4700 1614 IFn=0THENPRINT"who knows what a "gn$" is?":GOTO1300 1615 IFmi>4THENPRINT"your load's too heavy.":GOTO1300 1617 IFn=16ANDv5=1ANDil(18)=yTHENi=18:GOTO1690 1620 IFv5ANDn=16THEN1630 1621 GOSUB5900:IFx1>0THEN3710 1625 IFn=11THENn=22:GOTO2740 1627 IFn<>34THEN1630 1628 IFy=33THEN3720 1629 GOTO5960 1630 IFn=24THEN1700 1631 ii=0:FORi=1TOim:IFn=in(i)THENii=i:i=im 1632 NEXTi:IFii=0THEN1510 1633 i=ii 1635 IFNOT(il(i)=-1OR(il(2)=-1ANDil(i)=-2))THEN1640 1636 IFi=7THENPRINTLEFT$(g1$,17)+"him.":GOTO1200 1637 PRINTg1$:GOTO1200 1640 IFil(i)<>yOR(y=1ANDk=0ANDi<>1)THEN5960 1642 IFxbTHENIFi<>1THENPRINT"from bed?":GOTO1220 1645 IFn=18THEN3600 1646 IFi=2ANDil(5)=-2THENmi=mi+1 1650 IFn<>37THEN1660 1651 IFxf=1THEN1690 1652 PRINT"it's not free.":GOTO1200 1660 IFn<>38THEN1665 1661 IFi$(14)="a hungry alligator"THENPRINT"the alligator is in the way!":GOTO1200 1664 PRINT"dr.livingston?{down}";:GOSUB60000:IFin$<>"i presume"THENGOSUB500:GOTO1500 1665 IFn<>48THEN1670 1666 IFil(29)<>-1THEN7000 1667 IFy=4THENPRINT"a deadly spider jumps out of the wood{space*3}and crawls away.{down}{yellow}" 1670 IFn=49THENPRINT"it's too hot.":GOTO1200 1671 IFn<>47THEN1690 1672 IFil(23)=yTHENi=23:GOTO1690 1673 IFil(26)<>-1THENPRINT"you need a cage.":GOTO1200 1674 il(26)=0:il(22)=0:il(23)=y:in(22)=0:mi=mi-1:GOTO1000 1690 PRINTr$ 1695 il(i)=-1:mi=mi+1:GOTO1200 1700 IFxeTHENPRINT"you're wearing them.":GOTO1200 1710 IFk<>1THEN1720 1711 PRINT"your feet are now snug in a pair of{space*5}hiking boots.":xe=1 1712 il(7)=0:GOTO1300 1720 PRINT"what boots?":GOTO1300 1800 IFn=0THEN1510 1810 IFn=24THENPRINT"they're stuck.":GOTO1200 1811 ii=0:FORi=1TOim:IFin(i)=nTHENii=i:i=im 1812 NEXTi:IFii=0THEN1510 1813 i=ii 1820 IFil(i)>-1THEN3100 1821 IFy=1ANDk=0ANDi>1THENPRINT"there's no room.":GOTO1300 1830 IFil(i)<>-2THEN1840 1831 IFil(2)=-1THEN3100 1832 GOTO5950 1840 IFn=16THEN3110 1841 IFi=2ANDil(5)=-2THENmi=mi-1 1890 il(i)=y:PRINTr$:GOSUB3480 1895 mi=mi-1:GOTO1200 1900 b$="it's already ":c$=b$+"closed.":a$=b$+"open.":d$="from bed?" 1901 IFn=0THEN1510 1902 IFv=5THEN2000 1905 IFy-1THEN1930 1906 IFn-22THEN1920 1910 IFxb=1THENPRINTd$:GOTO1200 1915 IFk=0THENk=1:GOTO1000 1916 PRINTa$:GOTO1200 1920 IFn<>20THEN1930 1921 IFil(1)<>-1THEN5950 1922 IFxc=0THENPRINT"the book falls open to an underlined{space*4}passage.":xc=1:GOTO1200 1923 PRINTa$:GOTO1200 1930 IFn<>13THEN1940 1931 IFil(2)<>-1THEN5950 1932 IFil(2)=-1THENPRINTa$ 1933 IFxx<>2THENPRINT"something fell out." 1934 IFxx=1THENxx=2:il(31)=y 1935 IFxx=0THENxx=1:il(28)=y 1936 GOTO1200 1940 IFn<>55THEN1960 1942 IFil(34)<>0THENPRINT"it's already open.":GOTO1200 1944 IFil(32)<>0THENPRINT"it's locked.":GOTO1200 1946 IFil(33)=-1THENPRINT"put it down first.":GOTO1200 1948 IFil(33)<>yTHENPRINT"it's not here.":GOTO1200 1950 PRINT"ok, it's open.":il(34)=y:in(34)=55:il(33)=0:in(33)=0:il(35)=y 1952 GOTO1200 1960 IFn<>50THEN1510 1962 IFil(23)=yORil(23)=-1THEN3131 1965 IFil(26)=yORil(26)=-1THENPRINT"ok, it's open.":GOTO1200 1966 PRINT"it's not here.":GOTO1200 2000 IFy-1THEN2020 2001 IFn-22THEN2010 2005 IFxb=1THENPRINTd$:GOTO1200 2007 IFk=1THENk=0:GOTO1000 2008 PRINTc$:GOTO1200 2010 IFn<>20THEN2020 2011 IFil(1)<>-1THEN5950 2012 IFxc=1THENPRINTr$:xc=0:GOTO1200 2013 PRINTc$:GOTO1200 2020 IFn<>13THEN2030 2021 IFil(2)<>-1THEN5950 2022 IFil(5)=-2THENPRINT"the mouse won't escape!":GOTO1200 2023 PRINT"it'll just fall open again.":GOTO1200 2030 IFn<>55THEN2050 2031 tt$="ok, it's closed." 2032 IFil(32)<>0ORil(33)<>0THENPRINT"it's already closed.":GOTO1200 2034 IFil(34)=-1THENPRINT"put it down first.":GOTO1200 2036 IFil(34)<>yTHENPRINT"it's not here.":GOt1200 2040 IFil(34)=yTHENPRINTtt$:il(33)=y:in(33)=55:il(34)=0:in(34)=0 2045 GOTO1200 2050 IFn<>50THEN1510 2055 IFil(26)=yORil(26)=-1THENPRINT"ok, it's closed.":GOTO1200 2056 PRINT"it's not here.":GOTO1200 2100 IFy=2THEN2210 2101 IFil(1)=-1AND xb=1THENil(1)=1:mi=mi-1:y=2:xb=0:GOTO1000 2102 GOTO1510 2200 IFn>0THEN1510 2201 IFy<>1THEN2205 2202 y=12:xb=0:IFil(1)=-1THENmi=mi-1:il(1)=1 2203 GOTO1000 2205 IFy<>12THEN1510 2206 IFil(17)=-1THENil(17)=35:PRINT,,"{light blue}{>*3} {pink}help! {light blue}{<*3}":mi=mi-1:FORj=1TO5e3:NEXT 2210 y=1:GOTO1000 2400 IFy<>29THEN2410 2401 IFn<>40THEN2420 2402 IFil(4)<>-1THEN5950 2403 PRINTgb$"groundnuts.":xf=1:il(4)=0:mi=mi-1:GOTO1200 2410 IFy<>17THEN2420 2411 IFn<>42THEN2420 2412 IFil(10)<>-1THEN5950 2413 PRINTgb$"beans, gives you a trinket, then runs away.";: 2414 xg=0:n$(26)="ring":il(10)=0:il(19)=-1:GOTO1200 2420 PRINT"no way, jose!":GOTO1200 2500 IFy=1THENPRINT"this may seem absurd but in the book is a magical word":GOTO1250 2505 IFy=4THENPRINT"latin-speaking spiders say 'olfacere'":GOTO1250 2507 IFy=10THENPRINT"squeek!":GOTO1250 2510 IFy=23ORy=24THENPRINT"you won't make it with a 'hop' or 'skip'":GOTO1250 2520 IFy=25ORy=22ORy=27THENPRINT"be persistent.":GOTO1250 2530 IF(y=34ORy=17)ANDil(6)=-1THENPRINT"you look hostile.":GOTO1250 2535 IFy=37THENPRINT"explore.":GOTO1250 2540 IFy=34THENPRINT"lion traps circle the village.":GOTO1250 2545 IFy=36THENPRINT"there's a big row of roms over there.":GOTO1250 2560 PRINTg2$:GOTO1250 2600 a$="africa - land of the unknown{space*18}by r.u. redde" 2601 b$="{.*3}plorer nodded off to sleep, his{space*6}thoughts began to drift{.*3}" 2602 b$=b$+"drift{.*3}drift" 2605 IFn<>36THEN2610 2606 IFil(11)=-1THENPRINT"it says: {yellow}vip flip dog bog":GOTO1200 2607 GOTO5950 2610 IFn<>19THEN2620 2611 IFy=29ORy=33THENPRINT"trading post":GOTO1200 2612 IFy<>31THEN5950 2613 PRINT"ujiji country {-*3} keep out!!" 2614 PRINT"no heed 'em {-*3} we eat 'em":GOTO1200 2620 IFNOT(n=20ORn=25)THEN1510 2621 IFil(1)<>-1THEN5950 2622 IFxb<>1THENPRINT"try reading in bed.":GOTO1200 2623 IFn<>20THEN2630 2624 PRINTa$:GOTO1200 2630 IFxc=1THENPRINTb$:GOTO1200 2631 GOTO5960 2700 IFn=0THEN1510 2701 IFn<13THEN1520 2702 IFn=17THEN3800 2703 IFn=21ANDy=3THENy=2:GOTO1000 2704 IFn=46ANDy=17THENy=18:GOTO1000 2705 IFn=56ORn=57ORn=59THEN4500 2740 IFn=22ANDy=1THENPRINTgd$:xb=0:GOTO1200 2741 IFn<>23THEN2760 2742 IFy=1THENPRINTgc$:xb=1:GOTO1300 2743 PRINT"in darkest africa?":GOTO1200 2760 IFn=41ANDy=34THENy=35:GOTO1000 2761 IFn<>29THEN2770 2762 IFy<>16THEN2765 2763 y=17:GOTO1000 2765 IFy=32THENn=3:GOTO1525 2770 GOTO1510 2900 IFn<>35THEN2910 2901 IFil(16)=-1THEN2920 2902 GOTO5950 2910 IFn<>14THENPRINTg3$:GOTO1200 2911 IFil(6)<>-1THEN5950 2920 PRINT"it sails through the air{.*7}and hits the "; 2921 IFy=2THENPRINT"water, quickly sinking.":j=0:GOTO2940 2930 j=y:IFy=1THENPRINT"floor":GOTO2935 2931 PRINT"ground" 2935 IFy=7THENj=6 2940 IFn=14THENil(6)=j 2941 IFn<>14THENil(16)=j 2945 IFil(14)<>il(16)THEN2950 2946 FORi=1TO2000:NEXT 2947 PRINT"{down}{white}wait!{space*2}that's not ground.{156}" 2948 FORi=1TO2000:NEXT 2949 PRINT"{down}it's alligator!":i$(14)="a dead alligator" 2950 GOTO1895 3000 IF(y=17ORy=34ORy=29)ANDn=44ANDil(6)=-1THENPRINTg8$:GOTO1200 3001 GOTO3710 3100 IFn<>18THEN3110 3101 IFNOT(il(5)=-2ANDil(2)=-1)THEN5950 3102 IFy=9ORy=10THEN3105 3103 PRINT"the mouse jumps out and scampers off.":il(5)=2:GOTO1895 3105 PRINT"the mouse jumps out and startles the{space*4}leopard into flight.";ga$ 3106 p(9,4)=10:p(10,5)=9:il(5)=0:GOTO1895 3110 IFn<>16THEN3130 3111 IFil(18)<>-1THEN5950 3112 IFy=22THEN3116 3113 PRINT"the viper slowly slithers away.":il(18)=7:GOTO1895 3116 PRINT"the viper wakes up and attacks the dog{space*2}and both fall into the"; 3117 PRINT" quicksand.":PRINTga$:il(15)=0:il(18)=0 3120 il(21)=y:PRINT 3121 PRINT"something sparkles in the grass.":GOTO1895 3130 IFn<>47THEN5950 3131 PRINT"the lion is free.":il(23)=0:il(22)=y:il(26)=-1:in(22)=47:GOTO1200 3200 IFn<>16THEN3710 3201 IFv5<>0THENPRINT"again?":GOTO1200 3202 IFy<>il(8)THENPRINTg5$:GOTO1200 3203 IFil(20)<>-1THENPRINT"you may have good looks,but{.*4}":GOTO1200 3204 v5=1:PRINTr$:il(18)=y:il(8)=0:GOTO1210 3300 IFn=43THEN3310 3301 PRINT"jump what?":GOTO1200 3310 IFy<23ORy>24THENPRINT"there isn't any quicksand here.":GOTO1200 3320 PRINT"do you really expect to jump over 30 ft?" 3321 GETa$:IFa$=""THEN3321 3322 IFa$<>"y"THENGOSUB500:GOTO1500 3330 PRINT"ok - here goes{.*4}j u m p {!*3}":FORi=1TO1000:NEXT 3360 PRINT"ta da{!*3}":FORi=1TO1000:NEXT:IFy=23THENy=24:GOTO1000 3361 y=23:GOTO1000 3400 GOSUB3480 3410 PRINT"{down*2}{cyan}your score is"ss"points out of 300." 3411 PRINT"{down}{space*3}you've taken"t"turns.{down}":IFv<>27THEN1250 3420 IFd$="quit"THENEND 3425 GOSUB4300:IFreOR(t<150)THENPRINT"are dead.{reverse off}{up}{left*9}{cm @*9}{down*2}":END 3430 PRINT"{reverse on}have recovered.{reverse off}{up}{left*15}{cm @*15}{down}":mi=0 3431 FORi=2TOim:IFil(i)=-1THENil(i)=FNr(25)+10 3432 NEXT 3435 FORi=1TO5000:NEXT:GOSUB61000 3440 y=2:re=1:GOTO1000 3480 ss=0:FORi=1TOim:IFil(i)=1THENss=ss+ip(i) 3485 NEXTi:IFss<300THENRETURN 3490 GOSUB4300:PRINT"{reverse on}win.{reverse off}{up}{left*4}{cm @*4}{down}":GOTO3490 3500 IFn=0THEN1510 3501 IFy=1ORy>3THEN3530 3505 IFn=21THENPRINT"where?":GOTO1200 3520 IFy=2OR(y=3AND(n=10ORn=4))THEN2700 3530 IFy=23ORy=24THENPRINT"on quicksand?":GOTO1200 3540 PRINT"on land?":GOTO1200 3600 IFn=47THEN1670 3601 IFn<>18THEN3710 3602 IFy<>il(5)THEN5960 3603 IFil(2)=-1THEN3606 3604 PRINT"you don't have anything to put it in.":GOTO1200 3606 PRINT"the mouse is now lost in the folds of{space*3}your knapsack." 3607 i=0:il(5)=-2:GOTO1695 3700 IFn=18ORn=34THENPRINT"it just ate.":GOTO1200 3710 IFn=0THEN1510 3711 GOSUB5900:IFx1=1THENPRINTg4$:GOTO1200 3712 IFx1=2THEN5960 3720 IFNOT(n=18ORn=34)THEN3730 3721 IFv=17THENPRINT"rodents are charming enough!":GOTO1200 3722 PRINT"it's too quick.":GOTO1200 3730 PRINTg3$:GOTO1200 3760 IFy<>18THEN1510 3761 y=17:GOTO1000 3800 IFy=6ORy=7THENy=7:GOTO1000 3801 GOTO1510 3900 a$="{.*4}u{m*5} g{o*4}d!" 3901 IFn=18ANDil(5)=-2ANDil(2)=-1THENPRINT"y u k{!*3}":il(5)=0:GOTO1895 3920 ii=0:FORi=1TOim:IFin(i)=nTHENii=i:i=im 3921 NEXTi:IFii=0THEN3960 3922 IFil(ii)<>-1THEN5950 3923 IFn=42ORn=53ORn=40ORn=39THENPRINTr$;a$:il(ii)=0:GOTO1895 3945 IFn=0THEN1510 3950 GOSUB5900:IFx1=1THENPRINTg4$:GOTO1200 3960 PRINTg3$:GOTO1200 4000 IFn<>49THEN4010 4001 IFil(28)<>-1THENPRINT"you have no matches.":GOTO1200 4002 IFil(24)=-1THENPRINT"prepare the wood.":GOTO1200 4003 IFil(24)<>yTHENPRINT"you need wood.":GOTO1200 4004 PRINT"the fire is blazing.":il(24)=0:il(25)=y:GOTO1200 4010 IFn<>50THEN1510 4011 IFil(27)<>-1THENPRINT"you have no tools.":GOTO1200 4012 IFil(24)<>-1THENPRINT"you have no wood.":GOTO1200 4013 il(26)=y:il(24)=0:GOTO1000 4100 IFn=49ORn=48THEN4001 4101 IFn<>52THEN4104 4102 PRINT"the matches are blazing brightly.":il(28)=0:il(30)=-1:in(28)=0 4103 GOTO1200 4104 IFn=50ANDil(28)=-1THENil(26)=0:GOTO4004 4105 PRINT"be careful with fire, stupid!":GOTO1200 4300 FORi=1TO1500:NEXT:FORi=1TO50:PRINTCHR$(14);:FORj=1TO40:NEXT 4305 PRINTCHR$(142);:FORj=1TO40:NEXT:NEXT 4310 FORs=1TO400:NEXT:FORi=1TO15:PRINT"{pink}{cm s}{left}{down}{cm z}";:FORs=1TO99:NEXT:NEXT 4320 PRINT"{reverse on} you {reverse off}{up}{left*5}{cm @*5}{down}{reverse on}";:RETURN 4500 IFy=36ORy=37THEN4502 4501 GOTO1510 4502 IFn=56ORn=57THENy=37:GOTO1000 4503 IFn=59ANDil(32)=0THENil(32)=37:PRINT"look!{space*2}a chest!":GOTO1200 4504 GOTO1510 4600 IFn<>55THEN1510 4601 tt$="ok, it's unlocked." 4610 IFil(33)<>0ORil(34)<>0THENPRINT"it's already unlocked.":GOTO1200 4615 IFil(31)<>-1THENPRINT"you don't have the key.":GOTO1200 4620 IFil(32)=-1THENPRINT"put it down first.":GOTO1200 4630 IFil(32)<>yTHENPRINT"it's not here.":GOTO1200 4640 IFil(32)=yTHENPRINTtt$:il(32)=0:in(32)=0:il(33)=y:in(33)=55 4650 GOTO1200 4700 IFn<>55THEN1510 4701 tt$="ok, it's locked." 4710 IFil(32)<>0THENPRINT"it's already locked.":GOTO1200 4715 IFil(31)<>-1THENPRINT"you don't have the key.":GOTO1200 4720 IFil(33)=-1ORil(34)=-1THENPRINT"put it down first.":GOTO1200 4730 IFil(33)=yTHENPRINTtt$:il(33)=0:in(33)=0:il(32)=y:in(32)=55 4740 IFil(34)=yTHENPRINTtt$:il(34)=0:in(34)=0:il(32)=y:in(32)=55 4750 GOTO1200 5000 IFv5<>0THEN1210 5001 IFxd=2THEN5140 5002 IFxd>2THEN7000 5003 GOTO1250 5100 IFx7THEN5110 5101 x7=1:IFil(6)=-1THEN5130 5102 GOTO5120 5110 IFil(6)<>-1THEN5150 5111 IFxd>3THEN7000 5112 GOTO5140 5120 IFxg=0THEN1210 5121 PRINT"{yellow}a friendly native approaches with some" 5122 PRINT"trinkets.{space*2}it appears he wants make a{space*3}trade.":GOTO1220 5130 PRINT"suddenly a volley of spears flies over" 5131 PRINT"your head.{space*2}an obvious warning!" 5140 PRINTg9$:GOTO1250 5150 PRINT:PRINTge$:GOTO1220 5200 IFx7THEN5110 5201 x7=1:IFil(6)=-1THEN5130 5202 GOTO5150 5300 IFy=il(15)ANDi$(15)="a wild dog"THEN5303 5301 IFy=il(14)ANDi$(14)="a hungry alligator"THEN5303 5302 GOTO1210 5303 IFxd>5THEN7000 5304 IFxd>1THENPRINTg9$ 5310 GOTO1250 5400 IFRND(1)>.9THENPRINT"{156}a voice echoes high above you . . .{space*5}p l u g h !" 5401 IFt>200ANDss<40THEN7000 5402 GOTO1210 5900 x1=0:IFn=16ORn=27ORn=32ORn=33ORn=47THEN5907 5901 RETURN 5907 tt$="badly wounded, it crawls away.":IFn=47ANDil(23)THENRETURN 5908 x1=1:IFil(6)=-1ORil(16)=-1THEN5910 5909 RETURN 5910 qq=0 5912 IFn=16ANDv=15ANDil(8)=yTHENx1=2 5913 IFn=47ANDv=15ANDil(22)=yTHENx1=2 5914 IFx1=2THENPRINTtt$:qq=1:xd=0 5915 IFqq=0THENx1=1:RETURN 5916 ii=0:FORi=1TOim:IFin(i)=nTHENii=i:i=im 5917 NEXT:IFy>3THENil(ii)=y-1 5920 RETURN 5950 IFn=38THENPRINTLEFT$(g6$,15)+"him.":GOTO1200 5951 PRINTg6$:GOTO1200 5960 IFn=38THENPRINT"he"+RIGHT$(g5$,20):GOTO1200 5970 PRINTg5$:GOTO1200 7000 PRINT"{down}" 7001 IFy=8THENPRINT"a scorpion bites you on the toe.":GOTO7011 7002 IFy=7THENPRINT"the viper sinks its fangs into you.":GOTO7011 7003 IFy=27THENPRINT"the alligator bites off your leg.":GOTO7011 7004 IFy=4THENPRINT"a deadly spider hidden in the wood bitesyour hand.":GOTO7011 7005 IFy=34THENPRINT"the ujiji capture you and start cooking you.":GOTO7011 7007 IFy=22THENPRINT"the wild dog tears out your throat.":GOTO7011 7009 IFy=17THENPRINT"a poison-tipped spear hits you in the{space*3}back.":GOTO7011 7010 PRINT:PRINT"you are stricken by a horrible fever." 7011 v=27:GOTO3400 50001 p$(1)="you are in a bedroom, wearing pyjamas.{space*2}" 50002 p$(1)=p$(1)+"a nightstand is between the closet and{space*2}the bed." 50003 p$(1)=p$(1)+"{space*2}the bedcovers are turned down." 50004 p$(2)="you are drifting in a row boat on a big lake." 50005 p$(2)=p$(2)+" there is a beach on the eastern{space*3}shoreline." 50020 p$(3)="you are on the eastern shoreline.{space*2}a{space*4}boat is tied to the dock." 50021 p$(4)="you are on a grassy plain." 50022 p$(5)="" 50023 p$(6)="a trail begins here.{space*2}off to one side{space*3}is a tree." 50060 p$(7)="you are precariously balanced in a{space*6}moss-covered tree." 50061 p$(8)="you are on a north-south trail.{space*2}cliffs to the east " 50062 p$(8)=p$(8)+"reach up to a plateau." 50063 p$(9)="you are at the foot of a cliff.{space*2}a path leads up to an opening." 50110 p$(10)="you are at the mouth of a cave. a trail leads downward." 50111 p$(11)="you are in a tunnel.{space*2}a faint glow is tothe west of you." 50112 p$(11)=p$(11)+" a sign on the wall says{orange}{space*2}caverns ahead" 50113 p$(11)=p$(11)+"--enter at your own risk" 50130 p$(12)="you are in an immense cavern.{space*2}the wallsare covered with" 50131 p$(12)=p$(12)+" an iridescent glow." 50132 p$(13)="you are in a long east-west tunnel.{space*5}" 50133 p$(13)=p$(13)+"there is a hole in the north wall." 50134 p$(15)="the trail here is overgrown with grass." 50135 p$(16)="the trail widens out to a nearby{space*8}village." 50140 p$(17)="you are in a native village.{space*2}there are several campfires about." 50141 p$(18)="you are in a grass hut." 50142 p$(19)="you are at the edge of the jungle.{space*6}a trail leads north." 50143 p$(20)="you are at the edge of the jungle. grasslands extend to" 50144 p$(20)=p$(20)+" the east and south." 50145 p$(17)=p$(17)+" the witch{space*6}doctor's hut is to the south." 50160 p$(21)="you are in a jungle.{space*2}trails lead off inseveral directions." 50161 p$(22)="" 50162 p$(23)="there is a large body of quicksand here with a trail just beyond. 50163 p$(24)="" 50164 p$(25)="" 50165 p$(26)="you are on a grassy plains. the terrain is becoming marshy." 50170 p$(27)="you are in the marshes.{space*2}something is{space*3}moving in the grass." 50171 p$(28)="you are in a valley. a small opening{space*4}marks the hill beside" 50172 p$(28)=p$(28)+" you. rolling hillsflow southward." 50180 p$(29)="you are at a trading post.{space*2}an eager{space*4}native smiles at you as" 50181 p$(29)=p$(29)+" he points to hissign." 50182 p$(30)="you are in a field of corn.{space*2}the ground drops off to the north." 50183 p$(31)="you are on a grassy plains. two shrunkenheads decorate a sign." 50190 p$(32)="you are on the plains.{space*2}a village lies{space*2}to the east." 50191 p$(33)="you are behind a hut.{space*2}there is a sign{space*2}in the ground. a" 50192 p$(33)=p$(33)+" squirrel just ran by." 50200 p$(34)="you are in a ujiji village.{space*2}a native{space*3}stands near holding a" 50201 p$(34)=p$(34)+" spear.{space*2}he looks{space*2}excitied." 50202 p$(35)="you are in a pit.{space*2}light streams in fromabove." 50210 p$(36)="you are lost inside the computer, some- where under the keyboard." 50211 p$(36)=p$(36)+"{space*2}strange and{space*3}wonderous components are all around." 50220 p$(37)="you are inside an obsolete set of roms. undocumented pointers" 50221 p$(37)=p$(37)+" are all around." 50900 p$(5)=p$(4):p$(14)=p$(10):p$(22)=p$(21):p$(25)=p$(21):p$(24)=p$(23) 50901 FORi=1TOpm:FORj=0TO5:READ p(i,j):NEXTj,i 52001 DATA0,0,0,0,0,0 52002 DATA0,0,3,0,0,0 52003 DATA0,5,4,2,0,0 52004 DATA5,6,4,3,0,0 52005 DATA3,0,6,4,0,0 52006 DATA5,8,4,5,7,0 52007 DATA0,0,0,0,7,6 52008 DATA6,15,9,0,0,0 52009 DATA0,0,0,8,98,0 52010 DATA0,0,11,0,0,98 52011 DATA0,0,12,10,0,13 52012 DATA11,14,14,13,36,14 52013 DATA11,0,14,10,0 52014 DATA0,0,0,0,13,0 52015 DATA28,0,0,16,98,0 52016 DATA0,15,19,17,19,0 52017 DATA0,16,18,0,0,0 52018 DATA0,17,0,0,0,0 52019 DATA0,16,22,20,21,0 52020 DATA0,0,26,26,19,0 52021 DATA0,21,23,22,21,21 52022 DATA21,21,22,19,23,22 52023 DATA22,98,22,98,21,23 52024 DATA23,24,98,25,98,24 52025 DATA24,-20,25,-20,24,25 52026 DATA25,20,27,30,20,0 52027 DATA0,27,27,-26,27,27 52028 DATA27,0,30,29,0,14 52029 DATA0,0,0,0,28,0 52030 DATA0,28,26,0,31,0 52031 DATA0,30,32,33,31,0 52032 DATA0,31,0,98,31,0 52033 DATA0,0,0,0,31,0 52034 DATA0,34,34,34,32,0 52035 DATA35,0,0,36,13,34,0 52036 DATA0,12,0,35,0,12 52037 DATA0,0,36,0,0,0 53000 FORi=1TOvm:READv$(i):NEXT 53001 DATAget,drop,i,open,close,drift,plugh,look,throw,help 53002 DATAread,go,inven,trade,kill,free,charm,jump,score,row 53003 DATAenter,catch,exit,climb,eat,feed,quit,build,make,light 53004 DATAtake,captu,check,exami,unloc,lock 54000 FORi=1TOnm:READn$(i):NEXT 54001 DATAn,s,e,w,u,d,north,south,east,west 54002 DATAup,down,knaps,spear,flute,viper,tree,mouse,sign,book 54003 DATAboat,close,bed,boots,passa,"",leopa,diamo,villa,trink 54004 DATAcane,dog,allig,squir,dagge,note,chain,livin,corn,groun 54005 DATApit,beans,quick,nativ,sapph,hut,lion,wood,fire,cage 54006 DATAtoolk,match,stuff,keys,chest,rom,roms,gold,point,nuts 55000 FORi=1TOim:READi$(i):NEXT 55001 DATAa timeworn book,a faded red knapsack,ears of corn 55002 DATAa batch of groundnuts,a tiny grey mouse,a poison-tipped spear 55003 DATAa pair of hiking boots,a vicious viper,a sparkling diamond 55004 DATAa sack of coffee beans,a crumpled note,a solid silver chain 55005 DATAseveral stalks of sugar cane,a hungry alligator,a wild dog 55006 DATAa pearl-handled dagger,dr. livingston,a lethargic viper 55007 DATAa golden nose ring,a charming little flute,a deep-blue sapphire 55008 DATAa rare albino lion,a caged albino lion,a pile of wood 55009 DATAa blazing fire,a strong wooden cage,a toolkit cartridge 55010 DATAa book of matches,some foul-smelling stuff,a book of burnt matches 55011 DATAa ring of rusty keys,a locked chest,an unlocked chest 55012 DATAan empty chest,king soloman's gold 56000 FORi=1TOim:READil(i),ip(i),in(i):NEXT 56001 DATA1,0,20 56002 DATA1,0,13 56003 DATA30,0,39 56004 DATA33,0,40 56005 DATA2,0,18 56006 DATA0,0,14 56007 DATA1,0,24 56008 DATA7,0,16 56009 DATA25,10,28 56010 DATA15,0,42 56011 DATA18,0,36 56012 DATA29,20,37 56013 DATA24,0,31 56014 DATA27,0,33 56015 DATA22,0,32 56016 DATA18,10,35 56017 DATA27,100,38 56018 DATA0,0,16 56019 DATA0,20,26 56020 DATA0,0,15 56021 DATA0,50,45 56022 DATA26,0,47 56023 DATA0,70,47 56024 DATA4,0,48 56025 DATA0,0,49 56026 DATA0,0,50 56027 DATA36,0,51 56028 DATA0,0,52 56029 DATA18,0,53 56030 DATA0,0,52 56031 DATA0,0,54 56032 DATA0,0,55 56033 DATA0,0,0 56034 DATA0,0,0 56035 DATA0,20,58 56100 RETURN 58000 PRINT"{clear}{white} a f r i c a n{space*5}a d v e n t u r e" 58010 PRINT"{pink}{down}dr. livingston is again lost in the" 58020 PRINT"darkest out-reaches of africa.{space*2}his" 58030 PRINT"rescue is your main objective. 58040 PRINT"{light blue}{down}to explore the terrain and rescue" 58050 PRINT"dr. livingston, enter two-word commands 58060 PRINT"like {cyan}go east{light blue}, {cyan}catch lion{light blue} or {cyan}get book{light blue}. 58070 PRINT"movements may be entered by typing in 58080 PRINT"just the first letter of the direction 58090 PRINT"in which you wish to move." 58100 PRINT"{pink}{down}the computer's vocabulary is limited," 58110 PRINT"so if a word doesn't seem to work, try" 58120 PRINT"a new word or another approach." 58130 PRINT"{light blue}{down}in addition to livingston, you will" 58140 PRINT"earn points for each valuable you return"; 58150 PRINT"to your bedroom.{space*2}note, however, that 58160 PRINT"some valuables may be useful in other" 58170 PRINT"ways.{space*2}so, be creative.{down}{white} 58180 GOSUB61000 58190 PRINT"{clear}{light blue}there are several helpful commands to" 58200 PRINT"use during your adventure:" 58210 PRINT"{down}{cyan}help{pink}--sometimes will give you a hint" 58220 PRINT"{down}{cyan}look{pink}--describes your surroundings" 58230 PRINT"{down}{cyan}i{light blue} or {cyan}inventory{pink}--lists the items in" 58240 PRINT"{space*16}your possession" 58250 PRINT"{down}{cyan}score{pink}--shows total points earned" 58260 PRINT"{down}{cyan}quit{pink}--ends game and gives final score" 58270 PRINT"{light blue}{down*2}in your adventure you will encounter 58280 PRINT"danger and excitement, beasts and gems," 58290 PRINT"puzzles and quicksand.{space*2}you will lose 58300 PRINT"your way in the ever-changing jungle. 58310 PRINT"be careful!{space*2}be persistent!{space*2}but most 58320 PRINT"of all, be adventurous!{white}{down*2}" 58330 GOSUB61000 58340 RETURN 60000 PRINT"{space*40}{up}"; 60001 in$="":POKE198,0:POKE204,0 60010 WAIT198,15:GETz$:z=ASC(z$):IFz>95THEN60010 60080 zl=LEN(in$):IFzl>27THEN60110 60100 IFz>31THENin$=in$+z$:PRINTz$;:GOTO60010 60110 IFz=13ANDzlTHENPOKE204,1:PRINT" ":RETURN 60120 IFz=20ANDzlTHENin$=LEFT$(in$,zl-1):PRINT" {left*2} {left}"; 60140 GOTO60010 61000 FORi=1TO500:NEXT:PRINT"{down}press{cm m}{reverse on}shift{reverse off}{up}{left*5}{cm @*5}{down}{cm g}to continue";:WAIT653,1 61001 RETURN stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)