start tok64 d64-B2l4Wa 10 s=54272 20 FOR l=s TO s+24 25 POKE l,0:NEXT 30 POKE s+24,15 40 POKE s+5,8 50 POKE s+6,255 60 POKE s+4,23 70 lf=10 80 FOR a=1 TO 24 90 hf=30 100 POKE s+1,lf 110 REM for b=1 to 10 120 REM poke s+15,hf 130 REM hf=hf*1.01 140 REM next b 150 lf=lf+8 160 NEXT a 170 POKE s+4,0 180 GOTO30 stop tok64 (bastext 1.0)