4. Åtta bitar De läsare som varit med sedan
MikroDatorn startade bör definitivt göra ett besök på
hemsidan för tidsskriften Åtta bitar. Tidningen
påminner en hel del om MikroDatorn i dess barndom, med bland annat
programmeringstips för C64.
o http://www.mds.mdh.se/~dat95pkn/8bitar/
Atta Bitar (8 Bitter) magazine. Full indexes for the past 3 years, as well
as information on how to subscribe. We'd tell you more, but none of us
read German (At least we THINK it's German [ÅBs not:
Heh]), and the English transmation page isn't done yet. Anyway,
if you would like to subscribe or need to search the index of the magazine,
here's the place to go.
C=H gripe: Yes, we know this is English-centric, but we just wish we could
actually read all the great info on this site.